
Editor Canadian Druggist:

Dear Sir.—What is meant when a druggist says I am selling at cost. Does he mean that he sells at invoice price or does he add rent, taxes, insurance, printing, freight, breakage, waste, tickets to shows, public subscriptions, required by being in business, (not charity) salaries, including a fair salary for himself, a small amount for sundries, also interest on capital invested, making in all from 18 to 25 per cent. on the invoice price of all goods. That is, an article costs in the wholesale house $1. Its cost price when handed to customer is $1.20. Would like to hear how others figure this up and if my cost is too high, and if I must reduce expenses. Yours very truly,


A correspondent, writing from Herrington, Kansas, sends the following prescription recently filled by him. We are assured by a local connoisseur that the mixture is considered as “powerful good for snakes,” when spiritus frumenti can be obtained:

One ounce of hors horn,
one Ounce Alker Hall one
onse sweate Owl A smale
Lump Of cam For Gum.—[Nat. Druggist.


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