There can be no doubt of the fact, that two of the most rapidly increasing demands upon the ability of the pharmacist of to-day, are analytical chemistry and microscopy. The former includes that class of demands that so frequently apply to the druggist for analysis of some special compound or even more often for an analysis of urine. These are not limited to the “ignorant (?) laity,” but are decidedly common requests from physicians themselves. It has only been a few years since these subjects became so important in the diagnosis of disease, and therefore only the decidedly studious or recent graduate appreciates or investigates the utility of their possibilities. Referring especially to the matter of urine analysis, for every druggist should be posted on analytical chemistry, we know that very few of our best pharmacists have made any special study of this specialty and the following is an ordinary result. The doctor, often for lack of time, quite as often for lack of information, applies to the pharmacist for an analysis of urine—presuming, the pharmacist cannot do it, naturally enough the doctor goes elsewhere, but does he ever return for any more such work? Does he ever refer anyone else to that store for it? No—all references in this line are to that pharmacist who is capable thereof. How many prescriptions, how much trade is thereby lost, transferred? Just because the first pharmacist could not do a little chemical analysis that would not have required more than twenty We know a pharmacist who, as a result of this one department of analytical chemistry, took in two hundred dollars for the work itself in one year, to say nothing of the increase of trade thus induced. In other words, we believe that a pharmacist should not only be a druggist, but a chemist. He need not delve in the minute depths of the subject, but there are many of its minor branches like the one referred to—that require but little study or time, that not only add to his business, but give a scientific touch to his reputation that the public decidedly admire. As regards the microscope in pharmacy, the many and increasing articles in our different journals commending its value and use are but growing proofs of the fact that the pharmacist of the future will and must be a microscopist. Here we have another of the many minor studies, that are not only easily learned but quite as easily applied. The value of a microscope is illustrated readily by the fact that while every crystal, root, rhizome, leaf, powder, starch, etc., have distinctive and individual peculiarities, yet very few of these are distinguishable by the naked eye, while all are easily resolved and can be identified by aid of a microscope and a little experience. When we think of the fact that England, France, Germany and other foreign countries make a business of manufacturing especial “adulterants for the American trade” we can comprehend the necessity of individual analysis. Of course the microscope can only apply to a part of these things, and many pharmacists have but few occasions to use its powers. Nevertheless if one possesses the knowledge to detect anise in conium, or vice versa, starch, sugar, etc., in quinine and antipyrine or powdered ipeac, to say nothing of coffee, pepper and many more drugs that are so commonly adulterated, he could save the price of his instrument in a comparatively short time, and while enjoying the pleasure of this delightful and instructive work would also know that he is conscientious in supplying pure articles to his customers. It is encouraging to know that microscopy has been gaining in importance in many of our pharmacy schools. Usually starting with small proportions and inefficient supplies—it, as a study, gradually works its way and proves its utility until to-day a number of the leading colleges require the work as one of the necessities for graduation. In many medical schools of the United States and Europe not only is microscopy applied temporarily but much stress is being laid on photomicrography, by which means its valuable investigations are easily preserved. It is evident that microscopy is one of the pharmaceutical advancements of the day. It has rapidly pressed its needs upon the scientific part of the profession. It is growing in demand. It is a comparatively new field and presents grand opportunities for observation, investigation and original work. As the time must surely come when a part of the pharmacist’s armament will be a microscope and microscopy, we wish to direct attention to the subject in the belief that those who would be progressive may be led to investigate its value.—[N. E. Druggist. |