
& CO.



71 & 73 Front St. East
Chemical Works and Mills:

147 & 149 Front St. E.
A full assortment of Drugs, Chemicals and every requisite for the retail trade.


Clarke & Co., of Kamloops, B.C., contemplate going more extensively into manufacturing specialties.

Prof. Shuttleworth, of the Ontario College of Pharmacy, is enjoying a well earned holiday in the North-West.

Mr. North, representative of the Recamier Manufacturing Co., New York, has been in Montreal relative to the establishment of an agency in Canada.

At a recent meeting of the New Brunswick Pharmaceutical Society, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: C. P. Clarke, President; R. W. McCarty, Vice-President; R. E. Coupe, Secretary; I. C. Cochrane, Treasurer; M. V. Paddock, A. C. Smith, W. Mowat, S. McDiarmid, H. J. Dick, C. W. Parker, I. W. Racine, C. H. Fairweather, Council.

D. Taylor & Co. have purchased the drug business of J. B. Meacham, Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto.

The stock of Lowden, Paton A Co., wholesale druggist’s sundries men, was sold by auction at their warehouse, Front St., Toronto, on July 24 and 25. Fair prices were realized.

J. W. James, formerly with Dr. C. Clark, of Ridgetown, has been engaged by J. W. Meek as manager of his branch drug store at Glencoe, Ont.

W. A. Lavel & Co., Smith’s Falls, have dissolved partnership. The business is continued by W. A. Lavell.

J. W. Yeomans, formerly in business in Hamilton, is on the road for the Davis & Lawrence Co.

Mr. Harry Warwick, of Warwick Freres, Grasse, France, was in the city this week.

Mr. Houston, formerly with the Davis & Lawrence Co., is on the road for Messrs. Thos. Leeming & Co., Montreal.

R. T. Shaw, the Almonte druggist, assigned for creditors’ benefit on the 24th July.

Dr. C. J. Edgar, of Inverness, P.Q., has just sold out his drug business.

Tyrrell H. Duncombe, who has been clerking in his cousin Dr. Duncombe’s drug store in St. Thomas, has just bought out the business.

Among the many losses by death that we have heard of lately we regret exceedingly to have to announce that of Thomas B. Barker, who has for years been doing business as a wholesale druggist in St. John. His son, who of late years has been a partner in the firm, will continue the business.

W. B. Thompson, the Cornwall druggist, is advertising his business for sale by tender.

G. W. Henderson, who has for years had a well established drug business in Liverpool, N.S., died early in the month.

R. O. Snider & Co., Toronto, were fined for breach of the Weight and Measures Act.

Stuart W. Johnston’s store at the Island makes a bright spot. Mr. Unsworth, his assistant, reports business good.

Lowden, Paton & Co.’s sale was largely attended by retail men and some good bargains were picked up.

Mr. Lowden is now the selling agent of the Burlington Glass Company, a line in which he is thoroughly versed.

J. F. Holland, the druggist and stationer in the town bearing his own name, was burned on 30th July.

Mellin’s food has advanced 5% owing to the duty being raised to 35% and 1¼c. lb.

R. Weir, Toronto, has removed from Yonge St. to corner of Isabella and Jarvis.

C. H. Cowen, corner Wilton Ave. and Parliament, has removed to corner Carlton and Parliament Sts., Toronto.

Auction sales are very unsatisfactory affairs at all times, and we fear that there was no exception to the rule in the case of Lowden, Paton & Co., who got rid of most of their stock the last week in July through the assistance of Suckling, Cassidy & Co., the Toronto trade auctioneers. When people buy at auctions, if they are well posted in values, they rarely bid above half the value of the goods and if the quantities are large they are not content unless they obtain decided bargains. At the Lowden-Paton sale plush goods were sold in large quantities at prices that would scarcely pay for the fittings, while rubber goods and extracts simply brought no value at all. This sale is but another reminder of the fact that a stock and business are not in themselves of any more value than they will bring under the hammer, but are merely means to an end—an annual income. When taking stock this fact should not be forgotten and a liberal discount should always be made on fixtures and such goods as are considered poor or dead stock.

The wise druggist: “Well, sonny, what is it?” asked the drug clerk, peering over the counter at the 3-feet mite of humanity. “Mamma sent me to get a piece of soap—cast-iron, I think she said.” “We don’t keep any summer hotel soap here,” returned the clerk; “you must have mistaken the metal. Wasn’t it Castile?”—[Life.



Dr. Austin Flint gives (N. Y. Med. Jour.) the formula of a saline and chalybeate tonic which is now prepared by several leading drug houses in New York city in the form of tablets. It is used with success in loss of appetite, etc., and is also said to be an excellent remedy in Bright’s disease. The following is the formula:—

Sodii chloridi 3 ij
Potassii chloridi gr. ix.
sulph gr. vj.
carb gr. iij.
Sodii carb gr. xxxvj.
Magnes. carb gr. iij.
Calc. phos. prÆcip Zss.
carb gr. iij.
Ferri redacti gr. xxvij.
carb gr. iij.

Mix and divide into 60 tablets, two of which may be taken three times a day after eating.


Hydrochlorate of ammonium 4 parts.
Dilute hydrochloric acid 5 parts.
Lait virginal 50 parts.
Glycerin 30 parts.

Mix, with strong and continued agitation. The freckles are to be touched morning and evening with a camel’s hair pencil wet with this solution. “Lait virginal” is a mixture of 2 parts tincture of benzoin with 62 parts orange flower water.—L’ Union Medicale.


To make a benzine jelly for removing grease spots from textiles Meyer Bros.’ Druggist recommends the following:


Infusion of soap bark, 20 per cent. 4 fl. dra.
Benzine 2 fl. ozs.

Mix and shake for half an hour and then let stand for 12 hours to gelatinize.


A translucent, gelatinized benzine can be made as follows:

Tincture of soap bark 12 fl. drs.
Benzine to make 8 fl. ozs.

Mix as in first formula.


The following formulÆ for sachet powders are given in the Chemist and Druggist:

Lavender. Parts.
Lavender flowers 128
Thyme 8
Mint 4
Oil of lavender 1
Cloves 4
Tincture of ambergris 2
New Mown Hay. Parts.
Orris root 2 200
Tonka beans 300
Vanilla 300
Oil of bitter almonds 1
Oil of rose geranium 12
Oil of rose 3
Oil of bergamot 6
Extract of musk 64
Jockey Club. Parts.
Orris root 600
Sandal wood 100
Oil of bergamot 16
Oil of rose 1
Extract of musk 32
Extract of civet 16
Violet. Parts.
Orris root 400
Rhodium wood 100
Rose leaves 100
Black currant leaves 100
Benzoin 4
Musk pods 8
Oil of bitter almonds

The solids should be in a coarse powder, freshly ground.


Morphine acetate gr. j.
Oil peppermint gtts. v.
Phenol gtts. xx.
Collodion fZi.

M. Apply with cotton. Jour. de Med.


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