
In our first issue we spoke confidently of the future prospects of this journal, as to its filling a want in Pharmaceutical journalism in Canada, of a certain recognition by druggists as THE organ of the profession and of encouraging words from Pharmaceutical friends. We are glad to say that we have not been mistaken in our expectations. From the Provinces of Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Manitoba and British Columbia we have already received congratulatory letters as well as subscriptions, one and all virtually agreeing in the verdict, “Just what we needed.” Appended are extracts from a few of the letters received:

“Allow me to congratulate you on its make up, which I consider good.”

“Congratulate you on your first number and do not doubt your success.”

“Very complete and well calculated to find favour with every Canadian chemist.”

“Congratulate you on the make up and contents of the Canadian Druggist, and wish you success in your enterprise.”

“Was pleased with the first issue of your journal and found a number of items that would be of interest and use to the druggists of this Province; trust that you may have the success that your enterprise most assuredly entitles you to.”

“Find the Canadian Druggist the most interesting paper for druggists in the Dominion. I wish you success.”

One of our advertisers says that within two weeks after the publication of the first number, he had business enquiries from two druggists in Prince Edward Island and one in British Columbia, the extreme easterly and westerly Provinces of our Dominion, mentioning the advertisement which appeared in the Canadian Druggist leading to the transaction of business with them.


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