

Biscuits, Beaten, No. 1 13
Biscuits, Beaten, No. 2 13
Biscuits, Baking Powder 13
Biscuits, Cream 13
Rolls, French 14
Rolls, Windsor 14
Rolls, Elizabetti's 15
Rolls, Rye Flour 15
Rolls, Gluten 15
Rolls, Parker House 15
Boston Brown Bread 16
Boston Brown Bread with Raisins 16
Boston Brown Bread Stewed 16
Graham Bread 17
Rye Bread 17
Quick White Bread 17
Date Bread 17
Coffee Bread, No. 1 18
Coffee Bread, No. 2 18
Norwegian Rolls and Zwieback 18
Rice Muffins 19
Laplands 19
English Muffins 19
Graham Popovers 20
Graham Gems 20
Gems of Kernel (Middlings) and White Flour 20
Gems of Rye Meal 20
Corn Batter Bread 21
Corn Bread 21
Corn Griddle Cakes 21
White Bread Griddle Cakes 22
Boston Brown Bread Griddle Cakes 22
Waffles 22
Rolls, Epicurean 22
Bread from Rummer Flour 23
Biscuits of Kernel or Graham Flour 23


Eggs, to soft boil 24
Eggs, to hard boil 24
Eggs À la CrÊme 24
Eggs au Gratin 24
Eggs, Nun's Toast 25
Eggs À la MaÎtre d'HÔtel 25
Eggs, Timbales of 25
Eggs Stuffed with Mushrooms 26
Eggs with Cream 26
Eggs, Curried 26
Eggs, Stuffed nberg@html@files@26209@26209-h@26209-h-3.htm.html#FRENCH_CARROTS_AND_PEAS" class="pginternal">73
Spinach Pudding 74
Spinach Balls 74
Tomatoes and Mushrooms 75
Rice, to Boil Plain 75
Cauliflower with Drawn Butter 75
Escalloped Cauliflower 76
Escalloped Spaghettina 76
Chestnuts, PurÉe of 76
Beans, Dried White, PurÉe of 77
Squash Pudding 77
Squash Fritters 77
Summer Squash 77
Rice Croquettes 78
Celeriac, Fricassee of 78
Turnip, Yellow, Ragout of 78
Tomatoes Stuffed with Cheese 79
Artichokes, Jerusalem 79
Asparagus 79
Pointes d'Asperges 79
Cabbage, Purple, with Chestnuts 80
Parsnips, Croquettes, with Walnuts 80
Parsnips Fried 81
Parsnip Fritters 81
Beans, String, to cook 81
Onions, Spanish, Stuffed 81
Celeriac Stuffed with Spanish Sauce 82
Cabbage, Spring, Stewed 83
Cabbage, Spring, in Cream Sauce 83
Turnips, Spring, in Cream Sauce 83
White Bread Balls 84
Noodles 84
Noodles À la Ferrari 84
Gnocchi À la Romaine 85
Lemon Pie 139
Mince Meat 140


Chocolate Caramels, No. 1 141
Chocolate Caramels, No. 2 141
Chocolate Caramels, No. 3 141
Chocolate Cream Peppermints 141
Candy, To Pull 142
Chestnuts, GlacÉ 142
Cocoanut Cakes 143
Hoarhound Candy 143
Marshmallows 143
Nougat 144
Panoche (a Spanish recipe) 144
Peppermint Drops 144
Pralines 144
Vassar Fudge 145


Mixed Fruits 146
Red Currant Jam 146
Red Currant Jelly 146
Red Currant Syrup 147
Black Currant Syrup 147
Cranberry Jam 147
Gooseberry Jelly 147
Gooseberry Jam 148
Grape Jam 148
Pineapple Jam 148
Raspberry or Strawberry Jam 148
Orange Marmalade 148
Pumpkin Chips 149


Ripe Cucumber Pickle 150
Sweet Pickled Peaches 150
Sweet Pickled Plums 150
Spiced Currants 150
Chili Sauce 151
Chili Pepper Sauce 151
Mustard Pickles 151
Ripe Tomato Pickle 152
Green Tomato Pickle 152
Gooseberry Catsup 153
Raspberry Vinegar 153


Fruit Sauce 154
Fresh Fruit Sauce 154
Orange Sauce 154
Banana Sauce [1] Imputed to Pythagoras.

[2] We have as yet in this country no substitute for animal gelatine. I have experimented with carrageen or Irish moss and the Sea-moss Farine preparation, and find them unsatisfactory. It is impossible to make a clear jelly with them, and by soaking in water to destroy the sea flavor, the solidifying property is lost. In England they have a vegetable gelatine (Agar Agar) which makes, I am told, a clear, sparkling jelly, and is said not to be expensive. I trust that before many months it may be obtainable here. I have ventured, therefore, to give a few recipes where gelatine is used, knowing that there will be something to replace it. Groult's tapioca and potato flour are said to be unadulterated, and with fresh fruit juices make nice and wholesome desserts, especially for children. These preparations are made in France, and put up in half-pound packages, and sold by all of our leading grocers.

[3] This jelly may be colored a delicate green by using extract of spinach (see recipe, page 164). Its appearance is much improved thereby.


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