INTRODUCTORY NARRATIVE | | Page | hamburg.—on tramp to berlin | i | berlin and leipsic.—on tramp to vienna | vii | vienna | xv | on tramp to paris | xxiii | paris | xxix | Chapter | | | I. | hamburg | 1 | II. | altona.—a poet’s grave.—a danish harvest-home | 6 | III. | “magnificence.”—at church.—the last headsman | 9 | IV. | workmen in hamburg | 15 | V. | plays and piccadilloes.—“hamlet” in german | 19 | VI. | the german workman | 24 | VII. | hamburg to lÜbeck | 36 | VIII. | lÜbeck to berlin | 41 | IX. | berlin.—our herberge | 51 | X. | a street in berlin | 56 | XI. | police and people | 62 | XII. | the kreutzberg.—a prussian supper and carouse | 65 | XIII. | fair-time at leipsic | 70 | XIV. | down in a silver mine | 76 | XV. | a lift in a cart | 85 | XVI. | the turks’ cellar | 94 | XVII. | a taste of austrian jails | 99 | XVIII. | what my landlord believed | 108 | XIX. | an execution in vienna | 113 | XX. | a jail episode | 116 | XXI. | a walk through a mountain | 121 | XXII. | cause and effect | 130 | XXIII. | greece and her deliverer | 137 | XXIV. | the french workman | 139 | XXV. | licensed to juggle | 149 | XXVI. | pÈre panpan | 152 | XXVII. | some german sundays | 162 | XXVIII. | more sundays abroad | 173 |