Timely and valuable publications of the United States Department of Agriculture, state departments of agriculture and state agricultural colleges and experiment stations are available to country residents. Copies of them may be obtained by writing to the agencies mentioned. To supplement them and also to supplement advice received from county agricultural agents, a number of useful books are listed below. Those interested in them may, in many cases, obtain them from local libraries, or may find it useful to own certain of them themselves. Author | Title | Year | | Publisher | Agee, Alva | “First Steps in Farming” | 1923 | | Harper | Arnold, Schuyler | “Wayside Marketing” | 1929 | | De La Mare | Auchter, E. C., and Knapp, H. B. | “Orchard and Small Fruit Culture” | 1929 | | Wiley | Ayres, Q. C., and Scoates, D. | “Land Drainage and Reclamation” | 1928 | | McGraw-Hill | Bailey, L. H. | “Manual of Gardening,” Rev. ed. | 1925 | | Macmillan | Bear, E. | “Soil Management” | 1927 | | Wiley | | “Theory and Practice in the Use of Fertilizers” | 1929 | | Wiley | Bottomley, M. E. | “Design of Small Properties; a Book for the Home-Owner in City and Country.” | 1926 | | Macmillan | Bush-Brown, Mrs. Louise (Carter) | “Flowers for Every Garden” | 1927 | | Little | Chenoweth, W. W. | “Food Preservation; a Textbook for Student, Teacher, Homemaker and Home Factory Operator” | 1930 | | Wiley | Chupp, C. | “Manual of Vegetable Garden Diseases” | 1925 | | Macmillan | | “Manual of Vegetable Garden Insects” | 1925 | | Macmillan | Cline, L. E. | “Turkey Production” | 1933 | | Orange Judd | Cox, J. F. | “Crop Production and Management” | 1930 | | Wiley | Crosby, C. R., and Leonard, M. D. | “Manual of Vegetable Garden Insects” | 1918 | | Macmillan | Davenport, Eugene | “The Farm” | 1927 | | Macmillan | Foster, W. H., and Carter, D. G. | “Farm Buildings” | 1928 | | Wiley | Fraser, Samuel | “American Fruits; Their Propagation, Cultivation, Harvesting and Distribution” | 1927 | | Judd | Fraser, W. J. | “Dairy Farming” | 1930 | | Wiley | Galpin, C. J. | “Rural Social Problems” | 1924 | | Century | Gustafson, A. F. | “Handbook of Fertilizers” | 1932 | | Orange Judd | Hottes, A. C. | “1001 Garden Questions Answered” | 1930 | | De La Mare | Hurd, L. M. | “Practical Poultry Farming” | 1931 | | Macmillan | Jull, M. A. | “Poultry Husbandry” | 1930 | | McGraw-Hill | Knott, J. E. | “Vegetable Growing” | 1930 | | Lea | Langstroth, L. L., and Dadant, Charles | “Honey Bee,” Rev. by C. P. Dadant, Ed. 23 | 1927 | | American Bee Journal | Larson, C. W., and Putney, F. S. | “Dairy Cattle Feeding and Management” | 1928 | | Wiley | Lewis, H. R. | “Productive Poultry Husbandry” | 1928 | | Lippincott | Lippincott, W. A. | “Poultry Production” | 1927 | | Lea & Febiger | Millar, C. E. | “Soils and Soil Management” | 1929 | | Webb Pub. Co. | Murray, P. | “Planning and Planting the Home Garden” | 1932 | | Orange Judd | Pellett, F. C. | “Productive Bee-Keeping” | 1923 | | Lippincott | Phillips, E. F. | “Bee Keeping; a Discussion of the Honey Bee and of the Production of Honey,” Rev. ed. | 1928 | | Macmillan | Powers, W. L., and Teeter, T. A. H. | “Land Drainage for Farmers” | 1922 | | Wiley | Rice, J. E. | “Practical Poultry Management” | 1930 | | Wiley | Rice, J. E., and Botsford, H. E. | “Practical Poultry Management” | 1925 | | Wiley | Root, A. I., and Root, E. R. | “ABC and XYZ of Bee Culture” | 1923 | | Root | Rose, M. S. | “Feeding the Family” | 1928 | | Macmillan | Rowe, H. G. | “Starting Right With Bees” | 1922 | | A. I. Root Co. | Sanderson, E. D. | “Insects Pests of Farm, Garden and Orchard,” Ed. 2, rev. and enl. by L. M. Peairs | 1921 | | Wiley | Sears, F. C. | “Productive Orcharding; Modern Methods of Growing and Marketing Fruit” | 1927 | | Lippincott | | “Productive Small Fruit Culture” | 1925 | | Lippincott | Sharp, M. A. | “Principles of Farm Mechanics” | 1930 | | Wiley | Smith, R. H. | “Agricultural Mechanics” | 1925 | | Lippincott | Thompson, H. C. | “Vegetable Crops” | 1931 | | McGraw-Hill | Thorne, C. E. | “Maintenance of Soil Fertility” | 1930 | | Orange Judd | Watts, R. L. | “Vegetable Gardening” | 1921 | | Orange Judd | Worthen, E. L. | “Farm Soils, Their Management and Fertilization” | 1927 | | Wiley | SOME FARM AND GARDEN MAGAZINES | General | American Agriculturist | | New York, N. Y. | Country Gentleman | | Philadelphia, Pa. | Farm Journal | | Philadelphia, Pa. | New England Homestead | | Springfield, Mass. | New Jersey Farm and Garden | | Sea Isle City, N. J. | Pennsylvania Farmer | | Pittsburgh, Pa. | Rural New Yorker | | New York, N. Y. | | | Beekeeping | American Bee Journal | | Hamilton, Ill. | American Honey Producer | | Producers’ League, Fargo, N. D. | Bee-Cause | | Watertown, Wis. | Gleanings in Bee Culture | | Medina, Ohio | | | Dairying | Ayrshire Digest | | Spencer, Mass. | Dairy Farmer | | Des Moines, Iowa | Guernsey Breeders’ Journal | | Peterboro, N. H. | Hoard’s Dairyman | | Fort Atkinson, Wis. | Holstein-Friesian World | | Laconia, N. Y. | Jersey Bulletin | | Indianapolis, Ind. | | | Flower Gardening | American Home | | Garden City, N. Y. | Better Homes and Gardens | | Des Moines, Iowa | Flower Grower | | Calcium, N. Y. | Gardener’s Chronicle of America | New York, N. Y. | Horticulture | | Boston, Mass. | | | Fruit Growing | American Fruit Grower | | Chicago, Ill. | Better Fruit | | Portland, Ore. | | | Livestock | Breeders’ Gazette | | Chicago, Ill. | | | Market Gardening | Market Growers’ Journal | | Louisville, Ky. | | | Poultry | American Poultry Journal | | Chicago, Ill. | Everybody’s Poultry Magazine | | Hanover, Pa. | New England Poultryman | | Boston, Mass. | Poultry Garden and Home | | Dayton, Ohio | Poultry Item | | Sellersville, Pa. | Poultry Success | | Springfield, Ohio | Poultry Tribune | | Mt. Morris, Ill. | Footnotes: [1] Prepared by New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station. [2] Prepared by Michigan State College of Agriculture. [3] Prepared by New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station. [4] New York State College of Agriculture, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.