The Tsaritsa Frontispiece
The Queen of Spain 12
“The End Crowns the Work” 26
The Procession of Bull Fighters 44
Don Alfonso and His Heir 60
The Prince of Asturias 78
The Court of the Virgins at Seville 90
The Tsaritsa Is Honorary Colonel of the Uhlans of the Guard 118
The Five Children of the Tsaritsa 136
The Winter Palace, the Scene of “Bloody Sunday” 178
The Tsar and Tsaritsa at the Head of a Reviewing Party 212
Princess Milena of Montenegro, the Mother of Queen Elena 222
The Queen of Italy 232
Four Generations: The Prince of Piedmont, His Father the King, the Dowager Queen Margherita, and her Mother, the Duchess of Genoa 244
The Royal Children of Italy 252
Snapshots by Queen Elena: The King and Her Children 272

“Your task is difficult,” remarked a friend to whom I had just explained that I was writing the lives of the Empress of Russia, the Queen of Spain, and the Queen of Italy. “Your task is difficult, because these are three good Queens, and good Queens, like all good women, have no history.” Now that I have told the stories of these three good Queens, I wonder if my friend will not grant that they have been worth the telling?


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