
P you shall make in its square in this wise. Divide the square a.b.c.d. by the median horizontal line e.f.; then divide a.e. & b.f. equally by the line g.h. Next draw, first the broad vertical limb for this letter P, as you did a short while ago for K, and afterwards erect the line i.k. the distance of its own breadth to the right of your vertical limb; (here you must ever observe that in a lettered square we speak of the angle a. as the “hither” angle, that is, to the left; & the angle b. as the “farther” angle, that is, to the right). Then where the line i.k. cuts g.h. call the point l., and next draw two slender horizontal limbs, the upper below a.b., the lower above e.f., from the broad vertical limb as far as the line i.k. Set one leg of the compass on the point l., extending the other to the lower side of the lower horizontal limb near k.; then describe an arc through the line g.h. as far as the other slender horizontal limb of this same P, & where it cuts the line g.h. set the point m. Next, on the far side of m. measure the width of the large limb of the letter, along the line g.h. to the point n. and let your compass be stretched so that with one foot it may touch the line a.b. and with the other the point n.; then set one foot of the compass on n. & the other on the line g.h. to the right, in the point o., in which this foot is to be left standing immovable, and with the other is to be described an arc, passing through the point n. and touching the lines a.b. and e.f.

Or you may form the loop of this letter in the following manner. Set a leg of the compass under the transverse g.h. in the line i.k., in a place median between the line e.f. & the lower part of the upper transverse of the slender limb, in the point p. and describe an arc as before, passing through m. so that the loop will be acute at the bottom, and its tip will end in the middle space between the line i.k. and the broad vertical limb of the letter.

Or make this same P with a circular sweep, by shifting the compass upon the diameter, so that that sweep may be broader at the top (as though made with a pen) as will be shown in the diagram on the following page.


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