
Likewise the letter G you are to make as you did C, before described; this, however, excepted: that in front (that is, to the left) of the line g.h. is to be erected the broad limb of the letter, upwards from the curve to the line e.f., and above it is to be rounded to a point, on either side, as before was said; but below, both angles are to remain.

Or, you shall form G in the following fashion in the said square, divided as before: Draw the diagonal c.b. and set your compass with one leg on the point i. and with the other describe an arc from e. to the middle point c.d. and mark this point l.; in like manner also, describe an arc upwards to the line a.b. so as to meet the perpendicular line g.h. & mark that point z. Then, in the line g.h., take a point m. so that the part m.h. shall be one-tenth of the line g.h.; then, with a sweep of your hand join l. & m. with the curved line l.m. Next, you are to draw from z. a line upwards, as broad as the standard of the letter, but oblique and in direction midway between your circular line & the perpendicular g.h. and from the extremity of this line you must draw a curved line to meet a.b. at the point where your circular line touches it. Next, cut off from the bottom of g.h. a part one-third of its length, & indicate this by the point n., & to this height, from the level of m. upwards, produce the broad limb of the letter, and let its extremities above be finished in either direction, of the same size. After this set the leg of your compass on the diagonal c.b. the breadth of the standard of the letter above i. & at the distance e.i. describe an arc, which above shall touch the exterior boundary a.b. but below shall stop short above l.; & from this point you must with your hand draw a line to the vertical limb at the height of m.

And the same you shall do above in drawing the narrower limb of the letter, as seen in the following diagram.


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