Lieut.-Col. J. J. Richardson, D.S.O., Commanding Thirteenth Hussars from August 1915 to the Present Time Frontispiece
Officer of the 13th Light Dragoons, 1830-1836 To face page 34
Officer of the 13th Light Dragoons (undress), 1830-1836 36
Before the Charge of the Light Brigade at Balaclava, 25th October 1854 38
13th Light Dragoons, 1853 40
Festubert 68
Mesopotamia 104
Xmas Card sent to the Regiment, 1916 142
“Caprice” and Foal: Born May 1920 178
Tuz Kharmatli, 29th April 1918 280
The Storming of Richardson’s Bluff, 29th October 1918 302
The Drum Horse—at the Durbar To face page 42
“D” Squadron—at the Durbar 44
The Queen at Agra 46
The Escort at Agra, 1st and 3rd Troops of Squadron “D” 48
Draft of Men and Horses detailed for the 8th Hussars, September 1914—The Band at the last Church Parade before leaving India, November 1914 52
Embarking at Bombay, November 1914 56
The Departure from Bombay, 19th November 1914 58
In the Suez Canal, December 1914 60
In the Suez Canal, December 1914 62
Major T. H. S. Marchant, D.S.O.—Col. A. Symons, C.M.G.—Major W. A. Kennard, D.S.O.—Bt. Col. W. Pepys, D.S.O.—Lieut.-Col. E. F. Twist4 64
Bt. Lieut.-Col. E. J. Carter—Major R. F. Cox—Capt. Lord Huntingfield—Capt. Norman Neill, Brig.-Major, 7th British Cavalry Brigade—Bt. Major R. S. Hamilton-Grace, G.S.O., 2nd Hdqrs. Cav. Corps—Capt. F. C. Covell—Bt. Major H. Ll. Jones, D.S.O. 66
Capt. J. N. Lumley, M.C.—Capt. J. I. Chrystall, M.C.—Capt. E. H. Stocker—Lieut. G. R. Watson-Smyth—Capt. J. H. Hind—Capt. J. L. M. Barrett—Capt. J. A. Jeffrey, M.C. 70
2nd January to 21st February 1915: Billets of Captains Eve and Jackson at Enquingatte—Capt. W. H. Eve—Capt. T. K. Jackson and Lieut. J. V. Dawson—Trenches at Enquingatte dug by “D” Squadron—School at Enquingatte where Lieut. J. V. Dawson was billeted 72
February and March 1915: Farriers, “D” Squadron—Officers of “D” Squadron—Major R. F. Cox—Officers of “D” Squadron 74
In the Sandpit, March 1915 76
In the Sandpit, March 1915 78
Hurdle Shelters, Bois du Reveillon, 15th March 1915—Billets at Warnes, April 1915 80
“D” Squadron Billets, Ochtezeele, May 1915—Quarters of “D” Squadron at Witternesse, 6th to 19th May 1915—Quarters of “B” Squadron, Ochtezeele, May 1915—The Chateau: Quarters of “A” Squadron at Witternesse, June 1915—“Rags” and “Stilts,” Ochtezeele, 3rd May 1915—On Lingham Rifle-range, June 1915 82
“D” Squadron Quarters and Mess at Bettencourt, August and September 1915—Captain Eve’s Dug-out at Authuille, September 1915—Lieut. J. V. Dawson in his Dug-out at Authuille, September 1915 84
Lieut. J. I. Chrystall at Bemaville, October 1915—Hounds at
L’Abbaye, 31st March 1916
“Caprice,” 1915—At Martainneville, March 19166 90<

Thanks are tendered to Messrs. Elliott & Fry, to Messrs. Gale & Polden, and others, for permission to copy some of the portraits reproduced in this work.


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