@61769-h-17.htm.html#Page_353" class="pginternal">353 Awah, 271 Azizieh, 267 Biggar, Lieut. J. W., 329, 369 Bigge, Capt. W. E., 329, 369 Biggs, Pte. J. H., 332, 363 Billy, see Eve Black Sea, 268 Black Watch, 208, 215 Blagrove, Col. H. J., 361, 368 Blenheim, battle of, 9 BlÜcher, Marshal, 32 Blyth, Capt. W., 269, 329, 370 Boer Republics, 41 Boer War, see Africa, South Boers, 14, 15, 16 Bolton, Capt. R. H. J. M., 368 Bolton, Col., 26 Bombay— Description of, 57, 97 Ladies of, 110 Royal Yacht Club at, 97 Thirteenth Hussars at, 93, 95, 326 Bosphorus, 98, 103, 204 Bowie, Lce.-Cpl. G. W., quoted—on horses, 94; on voyage to Mesopotamia, 111; on pursuit of Turks, 220-23; on winter (1917-18), 267-71; diary quoted, 64, 67, 68, 90, 211-12, 233, 234, 240-44, 269, 270, 281-90; otherwise mentioned, 333, 363 Box, see Jeffrey Boyse, Lieut.-Col., 32, 33 Brearley, Reg. Q.-M.-Sergt. J., 241, 333, 363, 365 Brencher, Sergt. L. P., 276, 333 Brevet promotion, 365 Bridge, Col., 280 Bristol, Lieut. E., 329, 369 British Empire, Order of, 361 British Museum, 3 Brook, Ronnie, 104, 166, 205, 240 Cook, Sergt. G., 334, 355 Cooke, Maj. and Quartermaster A., 329, 364, 365, 366; quoted, 316 Cooke, Rev. H. R., 207, 329, 369 Coraedes, 154, 211 Cope, Gen. Sir John, 20 Coracles, 154, 211 Corhin, Pte. W. G., 244, 249, 334, 363 Corner, Lieut. E. G., 329, 370 Corsica, 95 Cossacks, 9, 10, 267 Costello, Pte. D., 335 Costello, Lce.-Cpl. G., 306, 308 Couch, Pte. J. F., 241, 335, 356, 363 Covell, Capt. F. C., 96, 329, 362, 369 Cox, Maj. R. F., 329, 364, 365, 366; diary quoted, 74, 77 Cox, Pte., 223 Craven, Sergt. T. S., 335, 363, 364 Crawford-Greene, Lieut. W. P., 329, 369 CrÉcy, battle of, 7, 8, 10 Crete, 95 Crimea, 12, 41, 56, 61; campaign in (1854-56), 37-40 Crocker, Brig.-Gen., 132 Croix de Guerre, 86, 232, 362 Croix de Virtute Militara, 364 Cromer, Lord, 98 Cromwell, Oliver, 31, 33 Doherty, Lieut.-Col. Patrick, 26, 31, 32 Doherty, Lieut.-Col. (second), 37, 40 Doll, Lieut. M. H. C., 329, 353, 364, 369 Dominions, the, strategic position of (1914), 100 Donoghue, Pte. J., 296, 304, 335, 355 Dormer’s Regiment of Dragoons, 19 Douthwaite, S.S.-M. C. M., 335, 365 Dover, 33 Downie, Pte. D., 336, 355 Dragoon Guards, 353, 367, 368 Dragoons— Cobham’s, 21 Inniskilling, 20, 68 Jamaica, 25 Munden’s, 17, 18, 19 Regiments of, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 Thirteenth, former title of Thirteenth Hussars, 19; sent to Ireland, 19; under Col. Gardiner (’45), 20; under Col. Ligonier, 21 Twelfth, 26 Dunbar, 20 Dundonald, Lord, 41 Dunluce Castle, 58 Dunsterville, Gen., 268, 269, 274 Dupleix, 58 Dupleix, 58, 60 Durbar, Indian (1911), 45, 47 E. P. Tents, 114, 115 and note Earle, Lieut. G. F.. 329, 369 Early (American officer), 14 East India Company, 57 Eden, Garden of, 105, 118, 125, 126, 6 and note, 9 323, 324, 325; return to England, 326; roll of officers, 329, 330; roll of non-commissioned officers and other ranks, 331-51; casualties, 352-60; honours and rewards, 361-65; dedication service and unveiling of memorial tablet, 372-75; Old Comrades Association, 376, 377 Regimental Diary, quoted, 49, 50, 93, 192, 205, 206, 223 Squadrons of, see A, B, C, D Yorkshire, 368 Huwaish Gorge, 313, 316 Hyderabad, 42 ‘Illustratte Zeitung,’ 166 Imam Arbain, 245 Imam Mahdi, 160, 241, 352, 353, 354, 357 ‘In Mesopotamia,’ 231 India— Army of, 44, 55-57, 91-92, 102 (see also Cavalry—Indian) Attitude towards war (1914), 51 and note Capital of (Delhi), 44-45 Contingent from, 65 Durbar in (1911), 45 Empire of, 55 Government of, 54 Hindustan, 40 Karnul, insurrection in (1839), 35, 36 King George’s visit to (1911), 44, 45 Map of, 34 Military value of (1914), 100, 101, 103 Moghuls the conquerors of, 43, 44 Mutiny in (1857), 43 Peninsula of, 43 Punjabi Infantry of, 245 Thirteenth Hussars in (1819-40), 34, 35, 36; (1870-84), 40; (1904), 41; quartered at Meerut (1910), 43; take part in Durbar (1911), 39, 122, 199 Ligonier, Col., 21 Lille, 76 Lillers, 353 Lindsey, Lce.-Cpl. H., 249, 341, 357, 359 Lisbon, 26-29, 31 Little, Pte. P. W., 304, 341, 360 Lomas, Lce.-Cpl. F., 306, 341, 363 Lonsdale, Lce.-Cpl. R., 233, 341 Lord, Lieut. J. A., 143, 144, 160, 164, 168, 171, 330, 353, 367 Los Santos, 30 Lovejoy, Pte. S. A., 342, 355 Loyal North Lancashire Regt., 202 Lucas, Lieut. J. H., 330, 370 Lucknow, 36, 43 note Luff, Squadron Q.-M.-Sergt. H., 233, 342 Lumley, Capt. J. N., 330, 362, 364, 366 Lyman, Pte. F., 342, 354 Lynch-Staunton, 2nd Lieut. G., 177, 185, 186, 190, 191, 197, 198, 330, 352, 370 Lyons, Capt. J. D., 368 MacArthur, Capt. E. W., 368 M‘Bride, Squadron Q,-M.-Sergt. F. A., 342, 363 Macdonald, Capt. H., 269, 330, 352, 362, 370; leads charge at Tuz, 274, 276, 279, 280, 285, , 140, 155, 232, 260, 262, 263, 322, 327 Maxim guns, 167 Medaille Barbatie se Credente, 364 MÉdaille Militaire, 86 Medals— American, 362 Distinguished Conduct, 241, 244, 249, 289, 306, 335-48, 363 Italian, 232, 262, 364 Meritorious service, 332-51, 363 Military, 233, 241, 244, 249, 259, 333-50, 362 Roumanian, 364 Medd Bridges, 253 Mediterranean Sea, 56, 63, 95, 97, 227 Meerut, 43, 47; Club, 52 Meerut Cavalry Brigade, 57, 92, 96 Meerut Division, 52 Mellor, Lce.-Cpl. A., 343, 357, 359 Memorial Tablet to Thirteenth Hussars, 372, 374 Mendali taken by British, 236, 281 Meritorious Service Medal, 332-51, 363 Merv, 319 Mesopotamia— Baghdad, see that heading Campaign in (1914-18)—Townshend’s expedition to Kut (1915), 104; position of British force (autumn 1915), 106; surrender of Kut (1916), 107; Maudesucceeds Lake in command of British Army, 132; his position, 132-38; Kut recaptured (1917), 158-171; engagement at Lajj, 173-88; fall of Baghdad, 200-4; Baquha occupied, 217; Russians join British, 265, 266 Peep-o’-Day Boys, 246, 253, 254, 330, 352, 353, 364, 367 Roche, Lieut. F. G., 330, 369 Rocroy, battle of, 9 Rogers, Sergt. J. H., 346, 363, 365 Rohillas, 35 Rolfe, 2nd Lieut. E. V., 183, 197, 198, 310, 330, 352, 370; killed at Lajj., 177, 185, 186, 191 Roll of Honour, 310 Roll of officers, Thirteenth Hussars, 329-30 Roll of non-commissioned officers and other ranks, Thirteenth Hussars, 331-51 Roman Catholics, enlistment of, 22 Roman Cavalry, 5, 6 Rome, 6, 104 Rose, Capt. W. G., 330, 369 Rouen, 82, 83 Roumanian orders, 362, 364; medals, 364 Roundheads, 8 Royal Army Medical Corps, 162, 329, 330 Royal Horse Guards, 368 Royalists, 9 Rupert, Capt. G., 368 Rupert, Prince, 9 Russell, Gen. Sir Baker, 44 Russell, Lieut. G. R., 304, 330, 353, 370 Russia— British attitude towards (1885), 110 note Campaign of: in Crimea (1854-55), 36-40 Campaign of: in Mesopotamia (1915-1918)—Russian position in the East, 51 note, 98, 99; Germany’s designs, 132; Russians co-operate with British against Turks, 136, 217, 218, 267; Russian collapse, 242, 323; takes Kut, 104 Toulouse, battle of (1814), 31 Tracey, Pte. J., 82 and note, 349, 353 Trans-Caspia, 319 Trans-Caucasia, 319 Tranter, Pte. R., 304, 349, 360 Travers, see Williams-Taylor Tremayne, Capt., 41 Tremayne, Col., 34, 38 Tremayne, Lieut.-Col. J. H., 363, 368 Troy, siege of, 3 Tugela, river, 41 Tunnicliffe, Pte. J., 242 and note, 249, 349, 354 Turkey— Position of, in Great War (1914-18)—ally of Germany, 99, 100; military power of, 101; strength of, in Asia, 102-7; plan of campaign in Asia, 132-36; defeat of, in Asia: at Kut (1917), 158, 159; at Baghdad, 200-5; on Euphrates and Tigris, 216-19; at Kirkuk (1918), 273, 274; at Richardson’s Bluff, 291, 293-95; surrender of army, 300; British armistice with, 302; losses of, 319; fall of, 321 Russian War with, 12 Sultan of, 101, 320 Turkey in Asia, 100, 103, 205 Turkish airmen, 211, 242 Turkish armies, 37, 62, 327 Turkish cavalry, 9, 142, 240 Turkish Empire, the, 204, 219 Turks, character of, 154, 218, 237, 277, 278, 280, 301, 175, 185, 191, 197, 198; otherwise mentioned, 266, 271, 330, 353, 364, 371 West Indies, 23-25 Westerman, Sergt. R. A., 350, 363 Westminster Abbey, 19 Whally, 310 “Whiskers” (horse), 233, 271 Whitchurch, 2nd Lieut. C. A., 330 and note 3 White Eagle, Order of, 363 White, Gen. Sir George, 15, 41 Whiteford, Lieut.-Col., 20 Whiteboys, the, 23 Whitington, Cpl. F., 306, 350, 363 Whitney, Lieut.-Col., 21 Wigan, 18 Wigan, Brig.-Gen. J. T., 361, 364, 368 Wiggin, Brig.-Gen. E. A., 361, 362, 367, 377 Williams, 153, 154, 290 Williams, Lieut. A., 330, 364, 370 Williams, Lieut. B. H., 330, 353, 362, 364, 368 Williams, Brig.-Gen. C., 368 Williams, Pte. D. G., 249, 350, 359 Williams-Taylor, Sir Frederick, 250 Williams-Taylor, Lieut. T., wounded, 150, 152, 153; wounded and prisoner, 237, 243, 247-50, 251, 252, 254, 353; quoted, on fight at Tekrit, 238-40; otherwise mentioned, 330, 370 Willis, Capt., PRINTED BY WILLIAM BLACKWOOD AND SONS. |