
Abbots, how represented, 52Agathensian, the Council, 45Agnus Dei, The, 47Alexander, Pope, 124Alphabet, inscription of, 98Allegory, 6Altar candlesticks, 58Altar rails, 26Altars, stripped on Good Friday, 61Altars, their consecration, 113Altars, why encircled seven times at consecration, 119Altare distinguished from ara, 34Anagoge, 7Analogium, see Rood Loft
Angels, how represented, 47Antioch, Council of, 197Antiphonal chanting, 21Apostles, the, how represented, 50Appodiatio, explained, 62Ark of Testimony 35 its contents, 36Aries, Fourth Council of, 197Arnaldistae, 139Augustine, S., 49, 84, 85, 136, 152
Basilica, 13Baruth, legend of, 89Bell rope, 74Bells, when first used, 71 what they signify, 72 silent, when, 196Bernard, S., 131, 139Beverstone church, 46Bishop, the consecration of a, 145Bishopstone, 19Black, when used, 194Boneface IV', Pope, 94Breastplate, how made, 10Burchardus, S., 64Burial of heretics in cemeteries, 111
Cambridge Camden Society, 85Cambridge, S. Sepulchre, 55Cambridge, S. Giles, 26Capella, whence derived, 14Carthage, Council of, 158Cavilla, 74Cellar, 30Cement, its symbolism, 17Cemetery, 82Coenobium, 14Chalices, their materials, 68Chancels, lower than nave, 26Chancels, 175Chancel, more holy than nave, 20Chrism, 137Christmas, how churches are to be adorned at, 65Chrysologus, S. Peter, 49Church, its meanings, 12Churches, when to be moved, 32Clement, S., of Rome, 46Cloister, 29Cobham church, 46Cothelstone church, 54Cock, the, 165Commands, moral, 5Cone, 23Confessors, how represented, 52Consecration of a church, 88Constantine builds a church at Jerusalem. 197Cosins, Bishop, 154
Ciampini, 103, 126Cross, the sign of the, 188Cross triumphal, 28Cross churches, 21Crosses, the five, that mark an altar, 114Crypts, 22Curtains, of the tabernacle, 15Cymbalum, 77
Dedication crosses, 98Degrees, songs of, 43Depulsare distinguished from compulsare, 78Derby, the Earl of, 179Divine Majesty, the, how represented, 53Division, of the whole work, 11Door, 24Dormitory, 30Dorsals, 56Dowsing, William, 26Dunstan, S., his form of dedication, 199Durandus, his many occupations, 161Dying, the, lay in sackcloth and ashes, 149
Egleton church, 55Epiphany, what events celebrated thereon, 155Evangelistic symbols, 48Evaristus, Pope, 158Exeter cathedral, 21Extreme unction, 139, 148
Faustinus, S., his legend, 84Felix III, Pope, 89Ferculum, 28, 167Frescoes, 45
Glass, 23Gospel, the, fixed on the altar, 60 why not read from the rood loft in a Mass of requiem, 187Green, when used, 194Gregory, S., 54, 73, 75, 91, 152Greeks, the, how they paint saints, 43
Haddenham, 14Henry, S., his shrine, 48Holy, distinguished from sacred, 81Horologium, 27Horses, the bodies of good men, why so called, 146Hours, the, explained, 75Hugh of S. Victor, his 'Mystical Mirror' 163Human body, its resemblance to a church, 19Hyssop, its virtues, 95
Idolatry, a protest against, 44Ingoldsby Legends, their profanity, 84Isidore, S., 83, 137, 155, 156
Jerusalem, its variety of significations, 8 rebuilt, 18John, S., Evangelist, his confessions, 38Journeys, the Saviour's seven, 119
Kilpeck church, 19Kyriake, 13
Lateran, S. John, its altar to the west, 177Lattice-work, 23Litter, 34, 167Llandanwg church, 46Ludlow church, 21Lyons, Council of, 41
Machpelah, 83Mans, dedication of a church there, 198Marriages, when forbidden, 154 second, 159Martyrs, how represented, 52Martyrium, 14Mary, S., Magdalene, 126Maundy Thursday, 153Mende, 2Mirror of Magistrates, 9Moleon, De, his 'Voyage Liturgique,' 67Montague, Bishop, 31Murderers, limits of right of sanctuary. 32Mystical, its meaning, 5
Nola, 77Nolula, 77Nimbus, the, 54
Orientation, 19, 177, seq.
Orfrey, the, 59Ornaments of churches not to be profaned, 69Ostrich eggs, why hung in churches, 67Oxted church, 50
Palmers, 52Paradise, how represented, 54
Parthian skins, 19Patriarchs, how represented, 51Pavement, 24Phylacterium, difference between it and phylacteria, 57Pictures, their use, 45Piers, 24Piscina, 27Pity, how five-fold, 130Podium, 85Portfolio, the, what it represents, 56Priests, unlettered, 4 allowed to consecrate churches, 16Prophets, how represented, 51Preston church, 54Prothesis, table of, 3Prynne, 21Pyx, the, 56Pulpit, 26
Rationale, reason of the name, 10Reconciliation of a church, 107Reconsecration, when to be practised, 105Remigius Monk, 201Relics required for the consecration of a church, 198Richard of Cremona, 139Ring, the wedding, 156Ringing, various kinds of, 77Rod of weathercock, 23Rood loft, 26 turrets, two, common in Norfolk, 180Round churches, 21
Sacraments defined, 152 their nature, 2Sacramental, distinguished from ceremonial, 5Sugerius, 197Sambuca, the, 100Sanctuary, the, 20Saviour, our, various representations of, 46Savinianus, Pope, 75Scarlet, when used, 189Scuta, the, 59Seal, the, of an altar, 105Second Day, why it had no blessing. 79Senses of Holy Scripture, 5Separation of men and women, 30Signum, 77Sion, distinguished from Jerusalem, 13Snuffers, the, 58Sacristy, 27Stalls, 25Squilla, 76Stephen, Pope, 70Stones of a church, their symbolism, 17Sylvester, S., 139Synagogue never applied to a church, 13
Te Deum, method of chanting, 78Temple, Aslackby church, 21Thiers, Father, 26Tie-beams, 25Tiles, 27Toledo, Council of, 41Tongs, the, 59Torrentius, Laevinus, 189Towers, 22Treasures of the church, why exhibited, 66
Unctions, 134
Variety of rites, 8Veils, their various kinds, 61Vigilantius, 57Vigil, of the dedication of a church, 198Violet, when used, 193Virgins, difference between and continent, 20 how represented, 52Vladimir, S., his conversion, 55
Walls, why four, 20Water, Holy, 115, 171Weathercock, 22White cloths cover the altar, why, 40White, when used, 189Widford church, 46Women, their heads to be uncovered, 31
York, S. Lawrence, 55

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