CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF PLAYS BY LORD DUNSANY THE GODS OF THE MOUNTAIN PERSONS KING ARGIM?N?S AND THE UNKNOWN WARRIOR PERSONS THE MODERN DRAMA SERIES EDITED BY EDWIN BJÖRKMAN THE GODS OF THE MOUNTAIN : THE GOLDEN DOOM : KING ARGIMĒNĒS AND THE UNKNOWN WARRIOR : THE GLITTERING GATE : THE LOST SILK HAT : FIVE PLAYSGODS OF THE MOUNTAIN BY LORD DUNSANY Publisher's logo BOSTON Copyright, 1914, All Dramatic rights reserved by the Author These plays are fully protected by the copyright law, all requirements of which have been complied with. In their present printed form they are dedicated to the reading public only, and no performance of them, either professional or amateur, may be given without the written permission of the owner of the acting rights, who may be addressed in care of the publishers, Little, Brown, and Company. Printed in the United States of America CONTENTS