General, dress, American staff uniform, blue, faced with buff, large gold epaulets, cocked hat, with the black and white cockade, indicating the union with France, buff waistcoat and breeches, boots, | Mr. Hallam. | M'Donald, a man of forty years of age, uniform nearly the same of the first, | Mr. Tyler. | Seward, a man of thirty years of age, staff uniform, | Mr. Martin. | AndrÉ, a man of twenty-nine years of age, full British uniform after the first scene, | Mr. Hodgkinson. | Bland, a youthful but military figure, in the uniform of a Captain of horse—dress, a short blue coat, faced with red, and trimmed with gold lace, two small epaulets, a white waistcoat, leather breeches, boots and spurs; over the coat, crossing the chest from the right shoulder, a broad buff belt, to which is suspended a manageable hussar sword; a horseman's helmet on the head, decorated as usual, and the union cockade affixed, | Mr. Cooper. | Melville, a man of middle age, and grave deportment; his dress a Captain's uniform when on duty; a blue coat, with red facings, gold epaulet, white waistcoat and breeches, boots and cocked hat, with the union cockade, | Mr. Williamson. | British Officer, | Mr. Hogg. | American Officer, | Mr. Miller. | Children, | Master Stockwell and Miss Hogg. | American Sergeant, | Mr. Seymour. | American Officers and Soldiers, &c. | Mrs. Bland, | Mrs. Melmoth. | Honora, | Mrs. Johnson. | Scene, the Village of Tappan, Encampment, and adjoining Country. Time, ten hours.