T he country of the Menial People lay white and frozen under its blanket of snow when Toots and the Princess next visited it. They stood before the cage of the lion cubs on the morning of the first snowfall of the year. "By my claws and teeth, all the earth is white!" exclaimed the largest of the cubs, as he looked through his barred window. "The world must be coming to an end," said a shivering puma, curling up in the farthest corner of his cage. "Ho, there, Sultan!" cried out one of the young tigers; "you are old and full of wisdom, tell us why all the land is white, and why our teeth chatter so." Old Sultan rose thereupon, and having walked majestically to the front of his dwelling, lifted up his voice and said: Sultan "It is well that you children should know that we are no longer in the Jungle of our fathers. For some reason, I know not what, we have been brought captive into the far North, where, ever and anon, the earth is white, and our hair stands out stiff and harsh. However, I would counsel you to be patient and calm. The food is wholesome and plenty, and is laid each day conveniently at our very feet." "That is indeed so," assented the mother lioness. "It is a great burden off my mind to know that though my claws grow dull The wise counsel of the older lions calmed the cubs somewhat, but filled them with so much curiosity about the jungle home of their people that throughout the day they kept those who had been born in freedom busy answering their questions. Thus it happened that neither Pwit-Pwit, the sparrow, nor the little Limping Boy—who no longer limped—could get the attention of Mahmoud or Duchess, mate of the aged elephant, till toward evening. In the deepest snow of his yard stood Wapiti, the red deer, with his head aloft, his great branching antlers thrown back and "Glorious fun, this snow, isn't it, old fellow?" But Wapiti stood sniffing the frosty air and was silent. "I know what is the matter with you," said the sparrow, "you are trying to remember something that happened when it was winter in the great woods where you ran free." Pwit-Pwit picked at the shreds of skin hanging from Wapiti's antlers, and at length the deer lowered his head and spoke: "Go away now," he said, "but come back again. I smell something in the air that makes me feel like leaping and running with all my speed. The memory of other days is struggling to return. Just now I With this the sparrow hopped down from the deer's antlers at Toots' feet, and began fluttering his wings and scolding at him. "He is talking to you now," said the Princess. "What does he say?" "He wants us to come with him. Lead the way," said Toots to the sparrow, "and we will follow wherever you go." Toots took the Princess' hand and started a few steps, whereat Pwit-Pwit, with a chirp of satisfaction, flew straight to the den of the bears. When Toots and the Princess arrived, they found the sparrow exhibiting signs of disappointment and indignation. The great beasts were curled up fast asleep and snoring. "Well, what do you think of that?" "The snow and the cold have made them sleepy," said Toots. Pwit-Pwit fluttered out of the bears' den "Perhaps that is so," answered the sparrow—Toots was translating their talk for the Princess—"but it is stupid of them, and impolite, and I won't have it." With these words the sparrow flew at the eyes of the oldest bear, pecking away with all his might, and chirping: "Come, now, will you wake up? You have company for breakfast. Shame upon you!" But the old bear simply put his great paws over his eyes and was presently snoring louder than ever. It was the same with the younger bears. They had eaten their Pwit-Pwit fluttered out of the bears' den, and fixing his sparkling eyes on Toots' face, said: "I know what we'll do. We'll call on the racoons. They're horrible little chatterboxes, but they are inclined to be sociable. Besides, So they went a little farther up the hill to the Racoon House, with its door looking toward the sun, which is always closed at night. No sound came from within. The old gray rabbit "It is a little late to catch them at breakfast," said the sparrow; "but they are such greedy people that some of them are sure to be quarreling over the last morsel." But, to the intense surprise of Pwit-Pwit, all was silent within the Racoon House. He hopped in at the door, and presently returned, looking deeply disgusted. "Would you believe it?" he said testily. "Every one of those silly people is snoring louder than the bears. Isn't it disgraceful?" "They are like the bears," said Toots; "the cold makes them drowsy." "Well, I shan't go without my breakfast any longer, simply because it is my duty to It was only a few steps to the snowy hillside where the old gray rabbit watched over his large family, the youngest of which was a snow-white great-granddaughter. Without waiting for a special invitation, Pwit-Pwit took possession of a bread crust, and was pecking at it greedily, when a wonderful thing happened. The old gray rabbit, ignoring the sparrow, hopped slowly over to where Toots and the Princess stood leaning upon the top rail of his yard fence. "Good morning," said the boy. The rabbit stuck one of its ears straight up and allowed the other to hang down over his cheek, meanwhile moving his flexible lips in the most extraordinary fashion. Toots laughed aloud and clapped his hands, saying: "Thank you, Grandpa Rabbit, my crooked leg is cured. This is the Princess. Her father, who is a great surgeon, made it as straight as its mate. You can see for yourself." With perfect confidence in Toots' ability to understand the rabbit language, the Princess bowed, and then stroked Grandfather Rabbit's ear. Then he hopped still closer to the fence and made a long speech with his ears and flexible lips. And this is what he said:
Rabbit The rabbit stuck one of its ears straight up. "Little boy, I rejoice at your good fortune. While your poor leg was still crooked, and the iron clanked upon it, and you were as thin and pale as you are now brown and stout, you never neglected me. I always felt that you understood me and mine better than those great careless men who come with the bread and the cabbage-leaves, but with never a word of greeting. Even now, when the ground is white and cold, you do not forget us. We feel that you are one of us. It is not given to all of the Menial People to speak as plainly as I do, but you have my earnest assurance that all have the same feeling of affection toward you." While the rabbit was speaking, Pwit-Pwit, having satisfied his hunger, hopped up beside him, and told him of the disgraceful conduct of the bears and the racoons. "I could have told you," answered the "But how could they live so long without eating?" demanded Pwit-Pwit. "When the weather is cold, my appetite is sharper than ever." "They lived upon their fat," answered the old gray rabbit. "All the time the leaves were falling the bears ate grapes and berries in the forest, until they were so fat they could hardly walk. I remember we were never afraid of them then, they were so slow and clumsy. It was the same with the racoons. All night they would steal along the "Then," continued the old gray rabbit, "the bears would crawl into the farthest corner of their caves, while the racoons would curl up into furry rings at the ends of their burrows, and there they would sleep soundly until the warm sun should again melt the snow. All these things I know well, for it is during the first warm days of spring that the rabbits are ever on the alert because of the gaunt figures of the half-starved bears, awakened by their hunger, which then prowl over the land." "Ah, now I understand," chirped Pwit-Pwit. "Well, now that the bears and the racoons care no longer for the news, I shall Just then there came a wild bellow from the direction of Wapiti's yard. Wapiti "It's Wapiti," said Pwit-Pwit, much excited. "Come at once. He remembers." "If it is the deer you are about to visit," said the rabbit, "I would warn you that his people are apt to be dangerous when the snow is on the ground. It is then that they suffer from hunger, and are none too gentle with their sharp prongs." But Pwit-Pwit said that he had a perfect understanding with "Now, I remember," he said. "It was on just such a day as this in the great forest that my gentle, tender-eyed mate was taken from me. There were two fierce dogs that sprang at her throat. But this was not until the iron in the man's hand had spoken, and my mate had fallen to her "Yes," answered the sparrow, eagerly. The red deer tossed his head savagely, then bellowed fiercely: "It was with that same prong that I pinned one of the dogs to a tree, so that he never barked again. I left the prong sticking to his heart." But my poor mate was dead "Served him right," said Pwit-Pwit. "I can't bear dogs; they're as bad as cats." "But my poor mate was dead," continued Wapiti, "and while I was mourning over her body, the men came and bound me fast with cords. That is why you find me here." With that, they took leave of the red deer, and with the sparrow in the lead, proceeded to the Elephant House. "By this time," said Toots, "the lion cubs Mahmoud and the Duchess stood as near the front of their house as the chains on their legs would let them, and seemed eager for visitors. They greeted Pwit-Pwit cordially, stretching out their trunks to him. The sparrow hopped upon that of Mahmoud, and said: "Where are your eyes, old friend? Here is the little Limping Boy back again, and you give him not so much as a flap of your ear in greeting." "Alas, my eyes give me small service these days," said the elephant; "yet I would have sworn that the lad who follows you hither with the little butterfly maiden is stout and brown and well-clad, and with two good, straight legs under him. Can it be that my Thus speaking, Mahmoud put forth his trunk, and with the two fingers at its end felt carefully of Toots' legs, first of one and then of the other. Then he drew back and blew a puff of wind through his trunk that ruffled Pwit-Pwit's feathers, saying playfully: "And so, Pwit-Pwit, little one, thou wouldst jest with thy most faithful of friends? Nay, the lad is well-favored and good to look upon, but he is not the little Limping Boy." And Mahmoud, turning his head resolutely, began carrying to his mouth the stack of hay the Keeper had placed before him. Toots felt his heart torn as by a great sorrow. "Mahmoud! Mahmoud!" he sobbed, holding out his arms. But the elephant gave no heed to the Toots burst into tears. "It is sad," said the Princess, putting her handkerchief to her eyes, "but it is better to be strong like other boys." And she led him away, and when next Toots and the Princess visited their friends of the Menial World, he was tall, with hair on his lip, and she was slender and very fair; and they looked only in each other's eyes. The end |