They came in little straggling strings and bands | Frontispiece | Cups of tea | 3 | Young Browne’s tennis | 5 | Her new field of labour | 15 | Aunt Plovtree | 19 | Initial letter | 24 | Initial letter | 49 | Uncertain whether she ought to bow | 57 | “It’s just the place for centipedes” | 63 | Initial letter | 68 | “A very worthy and hard-working sort” | 79 | “What is this?” said Mrs. Browne | 87 | Chua | 94 | An accident disclosed them | 96 | Mr. Sayter | 136 | Mr. Sayter gave Mrs. Browne his arm | 138 | Mrs. Lovitt | 151 | Initial letter | 156 | The ladies went most securely | 159 | Initial letter | 168 | Mr. Jonas Batcham, M. P. | 175 | Three others much like himself | 187 | A sudden indisposition | 191 | Initial letter | 193 | Their hats | 210 | Initial letter | 214 | “Halma” | 222 | Miss Josephine Lovitt | 225 | Initial letter | 234 | Mr. Week slept on a bench | 243 | He stood upon one leg | 252 | Initial letter | 260 | Initial letter | 278 | He asked nothing of the Brownes | 282 | The snows | 291 | “Liver complications—we all come to it” | 297 | She has fallen into a way of crossing her knees in a low chair | 309 | THE SIMPLE ADVENTURES OF A MEMSAHIB.