| FACING PAGE | His Clothes were Frozen Stiff, and He had to Beat Them on the Ice to Soften Them | Title | Billy Raised His Hand as if to Strike Him | 20 | Then Like a Flash it Shot Towards the Boat | 38 | "Jumped Like a Stag for the Second Pan" | 62 | Billy Staggered into the Circle of Light | 82 | "She's Lost," He Thought. "Lost with all Hands" | 126 | "My Little Lad's Wonderful Sick. Come Quick!" | 132 | "It is a Dead W'ale!" | 174 | He was Near the End of the Sixteenth Verse | 245 | Then He Advanced Upon the Boy | 261 | "Lash Your Tows, B'ys," said Bill. "Leave the Rest Go" | 305 | "We're Saved!" said Bill | 326 | The publishers acknowledge the courtesy of The Youth's Companion and Outing for the use of various illustrations appearing originally in these periodicals.