Genus IPHIAS , Boisd.


The two conspicuous insects which at present compose this genus, were wont to be referred either to Pieris or Colias. They have certainly a close relation to both, as well as to Anthocharis, but the following characters seem to warrant their separation; antennÆ long, gradually increasing into a club which is truncated at the extremity; palpi contiguous and compressed, thickly covered with scales cut of equal length, the terminal joint minute and truncated; head clothed with rather long projecting scaly hairs; thorax robust; abdomen much shorter than the inferior wings; wings very large and strong, the discoidal cell closed. The caterpillar is attenuated at both extremities and shagreened on the surface, the chrysalis much arched and fusiform at both ends.

PLATE VII. Fig. 3.

Pap. Leucippe, Fabr. Cramer, Pl. 36, fig. A, B, C.—Donovan, Insects of India.—Pieris Leucippe, Godart.

One of the largest of the Pierides, frequently measuring upwards of four inches between the tips of the wings; anterior pair bright fulvous red, clouded at the base with greenish yellow, the nervures and all the exterior parts black, the female with a row of fulvous spots parallel with the external margin, and not far from it; posterior wings citron-yellow, having a dentated or macular black border in the female, usually preceded by a curved line of spots of the same colour; but in the male marked with only one or two black spots towards the external border. Under side deep fulvous in both sexes, sprinkled with black points and marked with short transverse dusky lines, which are greatly most numerous in the female; head and thorax brown; abdomen citron-yellow; antennÆ black, the extremity of the club reddish.

It is a native of Amboina; we have seen no particular account of the caterpillar, but it is no doubt similar to that of T. Glaucippe, which is described by Dr. Horsfield as of a green colour with a white lateral ray. It feeds on a species of Capparis.


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