This beautiful genus is easily recognized by its peculiar aspect, as well as by the more precise characters which it affords. The anterior wings are long, narrow, and entire, and the hinder pair often recede considerably from the abdomen, which is long and slender. The breadth of the insect, therefore, when flying, always greatly exceeds its length. No lepidopterous insect is ever entirely without scales, but in a section of this group, they are so few and minute as to leave the wings perfectly transparent. The palpi rise obviously above the head; the second joint is greatly longer than the first, and has a long tuft of hair near the apex, the terminal one is also a good deal produced. The antennÆ are, at least, double the length of the head and thorax, and thicken gradually at the extremity. The anterior tarsus is considerably dilated and slightly dentated; claws simple. Such of the caterpillars as have been described, differ remarkably from each other, and some of them seem to have no analogy with those of the neighbouring groups. This discrepancy, in connexion with some others in the perfect insects, has already led to the separation of certain groups from Heliconia as it was formerly constituted. The larva of H. Euterpe is robust and depressed, with a series of long fleshy lobes on each side; that of H. Calliope short and cylindrical, clothed with slender spines and tufts of hair: these species form the genus Nerias, although they are too dissimilar to be associated with propriety. Others are smooth (H. Psidii), and some are covered with very long white hairs (H. Ricini). In these circumstances, it is not likely that a natural arrangement of this pretty group will be effected until we become better acquainted with the caterpillars, very few of which have hitherto been examined. Chrysalis invariably suspended by the tail only.
These insects, as has been already mentioned, are confined to America and the West India Islands, the larva subsisting on the different kinds of PassiflorÆ, a beautiful tribe of plants well known to be likewise peculiar to the new world. They seem to be represented in India, as Dr. Horsfield remarks, by the genera Euploea and Idea.
Lizars sc.
1. Heliconia Erato.
2. H. Cynisca.
3. H. Sylvana.
1 Surinam.
2 Guiana.
3 Surinam.
PLATE XI. Fig. 1.
Godart.—Pap. Erato, Linn.—Heb. Ricini (Mas.), Fabr.—-Pap. Amathusia, Cramer, Pl. 177, fig. F.
Extent of the wings about three inches; the ground colour deep black. Upper wings with three diverging rays of deep red at the base, the inferior one longest and extending rather beyond the middle; not far from the extremity of these rays there is a large discoidal patch of sulphur-yellow, unequally divided into two parts by a black bifurcated nervure; beyond this, near the apex, is a series of contiguous spots of the same colour, varying from two to five. Under wings with six deep red rays extending from the base towards the hinder margin, and behind the place where these terminate, an arched row of small blue spots. The colour beneath is dark brown; the upper wings marked nearly as on the surface, except that the costa at the base is alone tinged with red; under wings with eight diverging pale-red lines, and a row of whitish marks parallel with the hinder margin. Body black; the sides of the thorax and abdomen marked with small yellow spots. In the beautiful variety figured, the red lines on the secondary wings, as well as the discoidal nervure, are bordered with a narrow stripe of shining blue.
This species is a native of Surinam, where it occurs not unfrequently.
PLATE XI. Fig. 2.
Godart.—Pap. Ricini (Fem.), Linn.—H. Erato, Fabr.—Pap. Vesta, Cramer, Pl. 119, fig. A.
This species presents a considerable similarity to the preceding, both in size and distribution of colours. The surface is deep black; a large portion at the base of the anterior wings fulvous-red, traversed by three black nervures; near the middle a large spot of sulphur-yellow, and beyond it a circular series of smaller unequal spots of the same colour. The under wings have from five to seven red stripes, extending in a radiated form from the base towards the hinder margin. Beneath the design is similar, but the ground colour inclines to brown, and one of the yellow spots on the superior wings is prolonged nearly to the base. The body is black, the sides of the thorax spotted with yellow, and the breast marked with transverse lines of the same colour; there is likewise a yellow line along the under side of the abdomen.
The above description applies to the most ordinary form of this insect, but it is liable to a good deal of variation. It occurs in Guiana.
PLATE XI. Fig. 3.
Godart.—Pap. Sylvana, Cramer, Pl. 364, C, D.—Herbst., Pap. tab. xvii. fig. 1, 2.
This handsome species measures upwards of three inches and a quarter between the tips of the wings; the latter are very much rounded, entire on the edges, and the hinder pair diverge widely from the abdomen; the superior fulvous from the base to the middle, with the costa, a slender streak at the base, and a central kidney-shaped spot, black; beyond this a pretty wide oblique band of sulphur yellow; the space between this band and the apex deep black, with eight unequal spots of dull yellow, slightly transparent, disposed in two irregular transverse bands, and two or three small white points at the apex. Inferior wings likewise with the inner half fulvous, the outer half black, emitting narrow stripes internally, one of which reaches nearly to the base, dividing the wing into two portions; towards the hinder margin are a few yellow spots: body cinereous, with a yellow longitudinal line on each side, and a similarly coloured band along the belly; antennÆ reddish-brown, dusky at the base.
A native of Surinam.
Lizars sc.
1. 2. Heliconia flora.
3. ——— diaphana.
4. AcrÆa PasiphÆ.
1 & 2 from Surinam. 3 Jamaica. 4 Africa.
PLATE XII. Figs. 1 and 2.
Godart.—Pap. Flora, Cramer, Pl. 257, fig. B, C
The above plate affords examples of that division of the Heliconian butterflies, in which the greater proportion of the wings is denuded of scales and transparent. H. Flora of Cramer very closely resembles H. Ægle (Fabr.), and may possibly prove a mere variety of that species. It expands nearly two inches. The upper wings are black with two transparent bands, that next the base very large, lying parallel with the costa as far as the middle, and then descending obliquely towards the posterior angle, divided by a transverse black stripe, and a longitudinal nervure of the same colour; the second band macular, and placed near the apex. The under wings are transparent, the whole of the outer border surrounded by a black stripe, which is divided towards the angle by a fulvous line; the nervures black. Under side similar in design to the upper, but the whole of the outer border of the wings surrounded by a rust-coloured line, and the extreme edge marked with a few very small white points. Body cinereous above and greyish beneath; antennÆ black.
The caterpillar probably resembles that of H. Ægle, represented by Madam Merian, which is brown, clothed with hairs, and feeds on the Sophora. Both species are found in Surinam.
PLATE XII. Fig. 3.
Godart.—Pap. Diaphana, Fabr., Cramer, Pl. 231, fig. C, and Pl. 315, fig. D, E—Drury’s Exot. Insects, ii. Pl. 7, fig. 3.
About the size of the preceding, but the wings narrower and wholly transparent, with the outer margin and nervures brownish-black. On the upper wings, rather beyond the middle, there is a black abbreviated transverse band, placed somewhat obliquely, and preceded by a small white spot on the costa. On the under side the marginal band is not so dark as above, and there is frequently a series of small white spots on the hinder edge of the posterior wings; in the latter also, the anterior edge is tinged with sulphur yellow. Body black above and grey beneath, with white points on the head; antennÆ black.
The marginal band varies in breadth, and in the secondary wings it is sometimes longitudinally divided by a narrow line of rust-red.
Occurs in Jamaica, Brazil, Virginia, &c.