Introduction.—Who Mocquet was, and how this Tale became known to the Narrator 1
I. The Grand Master of His Highness’ Wolf Hounds 12
II. The Seigneur Jean and the Sabot Maker 16
III. Agnelette 22
IV. The Black Wolf 27
V. The Pact with Satan 31
VI. The Bedevilled Hair 35
VII. The Boy at the Mill 40
VIII. Thibault’s Wishes 44
IX. The Wolf-Leader 47
X. MaÎtre Magloire 51
XI. David and Goliath 55
XII. Wolves in the Sheep-fold 60
XIII. Where it is demonstrated that a Woman never speaks more eloquently than when she holds her Tongue 67
XIV. A Village Wedding 72
XV. The Lord of Vauparfond 76
XVI. My Lady’s Lady 80
XVII. The Baron de Mont-Gobert 84
XVIII. Death and Resurrection 88
XIX. The Dead and the Living 90
XX. True to Tryst 94
XXI. The Genius of Evil 99
XXII. Thibault’s Last Wish 1

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