

1 (return)
[ In the three-volume edition, Volume 1, entitled The Vicomte de Bragelonne, ends here.]

2 (return)
[ In most other editions, the previous chapter and the next are usually combined into one chapter, entitled “D’Artagnan calls De Wardes to account.”]

3 (return)
[ Dumas is mistaken. The events in the following chapters occurred in 1661.]

4 (return)
[ In the five-volume edition, Volume 2 ends here.]

5 (return)
[ The verses in this chapter have been re-written to give the flavor of them rather than the meaning. A more literal translation would look like this: “Guiche is the furnisher Of the maids of honor.” and—

“He has stocked the birdcage;
Montalais and—”

It would be more accurate, though, to say “baited” rather than “stocked” in the second couplet.]

6 (return)
[ The Latin translates to “The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”]

7 (return)
[ “Ad majorem Dei gloriam” was the motto of the Jesuits. It translates to “For the greater glory of God.”]

8 (return)
[ “In the presence of these men?”]

9 (return)
[ “By this sign you shall conquer.”]

10 (return)
[ “It rained all night long; the games will be held tomorrow.”]

11 (return)
[ “Lord, I am not worthy.”]


This is a multi volume file

The index has links to all volumes.

There are two html files in each zipped html folder. The .....-h.htm file should be used if you wish to use a downloaded file off-line which will link to all the other files in the set which are still on-line. The .....-h2.htm file will be used only if you wish to build a complete off-line set of files as the links in this html file are designed only for off-line use. If you want to download all three volumes and have the links work on your own computer, then follow these directions carefully.

1. Create a directory (folder) named whatever you like (e.g., Maupassant). (The name of this directory (folder) is not critical, but the inner folders must be named as listed below, or the links between volumes will not work).

2. In that directory (folder) create as many directories (folders) as there are volumes in the set and name each of new folders after the original filename, for example:

  • 20023
  • 24780
  • 28649

3. In each of the above directories you just created, create a directory of the same filename but this time in the pattern:

  • In the 20023 directory create a directory named 20023-h
  • In the 24780 directory create a directory named 24780-h
  • In the 28649 directory create a directory named 28649-h

4. Download the zipped html version of each volume from the PG Catalog.

5. Unzip the downloaded files, you will find an html directory for example 20023-h which contains two html files named, for example, 20023-h.htm and 20023-h2.htm

  • Move the unzipped 20023-h2.htm file and its “images” directory into your new 20023-h directory.
  • Move the unzipped 24780-h2.htm file and its “images” directory into your new 24780-h directory.
  • Move the unzipped 28649-h2.htm file and its “images” directory into your new 28649-h directory.

Rename each of the html files by removing the number 2 at the end of the filename so for each you have, for example, 20023-h2.htm changed to 20023-h.htm

Use the BACK button to return from a link.


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