
And Do You Want to Get Married?

If so, you ought to buy our new book.

"How to Get Married
Although a Woman,"

By A Young Widow.

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"How to Get Married Although a Woman," by a young widow, comes from the J. S. Ogilvie Publishing Co., 57 Rose Street, New York. The woman anxious to get married, but unable to do so, will find an immense amount of advice and assistance in this little volume, and will learn what manner of woman is liked and what disliked by men, the reasons of success and failure in the race matrimonial, some unfailing methods of catching a husband, why it is that a plain widow can come into a community and take her pick among the most eligible men, and finally, how to retain the love of a husband when he has been captured and how to get another one when he has been gathered to his fathers. Any woman who cannot catch a husband by the rules laid down in this book does not deserve one, and it costs only 25 cents for all this valuable advice and information.

This book will be sent by mail, postpaid, to any address on receipt of 25 cents. Address

Lock Box 2767. 57 Rose Street, New York.


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