CATALOGUE of USEFUL and POPULAR BOOKS. Title: Taking the Bastile Or, Pitou the Peasant; a Historical Story of the Great French Revolution Author: Alexander Dumas (pere) Language: English Character set encoding: UTF-8 E-text prepared by Juliet Sutherland, Paul Marshall, PRICE, 25 CENTS. THE SUNSET SERIES. By Subscription, per Year, Nine Dollars. February 12, 1894. Taking The Bastile. BY Alex. Dumas. NEW YORK: A WONDERFUL OFFER! 70 House Plans for $1.00. House If you are thinking about building a house don't fail to get the new book PALLISER'S containing 104 pages, 11×14 inches in size, consisting of large 9×12 plate pages giving plans, elevations, perspective views, descriptions, owners' names, actual cost of construction (no guess work), and instructions How to Build 70 Cottages, Villas, Double Houses, Brick Block Houses, suitable for city suburbs, town and country, houses for the farm, and workingmen's homes for all sections of the country, and costing from $300 to $6,500, together with specifications, form of contract, and a large amount of information on the erection of buildings and employment of architects, prepared by Palliser, Palliser & Co., the well-known architects. This book will save you hundreds of dollars. There is not a Builder, nor anyone intending to build or otherwise interested, that can afford to be without it. It is a practical work, and the best, cheapest and most popular book ever issued on Building. Nearly four hundred drawings. It is worth $5.00 to anyone, but we will send it bound in paper cover, by mail, postpaid for only $1.00; bound in handsome cloth, $2.00. Address all orders to J. S. OGILVIE PUBLISHING CO., Lock Box 2767. 57 Rose Street, New York. TAKING THE BASTILE;OR, PITOU THE PEASANT. A HISTORICAL STORY OF THE GREAT FRENCH REVOLUTION. BY ALEX. DUMAS. Author Of NEW AND ORIGINAL TRANSLATION FROM THE LATEST PARIS EDITION. By New York: Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1892, by A.E.Smith & Co, in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. TABLE OF CONTENTS