Christmas comes but once a year. Though by nature snappy, Let us, as we may, appear Merry, friend, and happy! Buckle to; and when you meet your Thunderstricken fellow-creature, Show the broad, indulgent smile Of th' ingenuous crocodile! Look as if you'd backed a winner! Laugh, you miserable sinner! Brother, Christmas Day has come. Can't you seek for inspi- ration in the turkey, plum- pudding, beef, and mince-pie? Brave it out, and tho' you sit on Tenterhooks, remain a Briton; Boxing Day's a day of rest! Throw aside your small digestive Eccentricities. Be festive! Christmas Day is on the wing. Are you feeling wroth with Any one for anything? Beg his pardon forthwith! Though the right is all on your side, Say it isn't; say 'Of course I'd No intention—very rude— Shocking taste—but misconstrued'— Then (while I admit it's horri- fying) tell the man you're sorry! Christmas Day will soon have flown. If, despite persuasion, You resolve to be alone On the glad occasion, Better (do as I have done!) Vanish with a scatter-gun; (Better do what I shall do!) Dining quietly at the Club'll Save us from a world of trouble! |