
Among the labors of preparation which Mr. Duffield undertook as preliminary to this book, the most unique was his manuscript “List of the Latin Hymns,” as found in all the collections accessible to him, from Clichtove to Kehrein, with references to the authorship, the age, and the sources of each; together with notes of the names of English translators. It was his intention that the list should form an integral part of his book; but as it contains between four and five thousand references by first lines, it would make a book of itself, and it is the hope of the editor to secure its separate publication in that form. The work cost so much patient labor, and is in itself so valuable to hymnological students, that it would be a pity if it were not made still more complete, and given to the public at an early date.

It seemed best not to include the list in all its bulk in this work, but to make from it a selection of those hymns which have found favor in the eyes of English translators, and to print them with the names of the translators. These are not one in five of the whole number of Latin hymns, but they constitute the best of them, and they are those which are most likely to be of use and interest to our readers. These eight hundred and seventy hymns, recasts of hymns, and portions of hymns which translators have treated as wholes, are a body of sacred song which will bear comparison with any other in the world, either as regards loftiness of devotion, weight of thought, or excellence as poetry. And in no respect has our English hymnody been more enriched during the last fifty years than by the felicitous versions made by British and American translators, from Chandler’s to our own days.

It will be observed that the name of the author, or the source, or at least the date of each hymn, is given on the left side of the list. This is followed by the first line of the hymn, and where several hymns begin nearly alike, enough is given to identify each. After this comes the reference to the source where the hymn is to be found, if this be known to the editor. Where it is given in any volume of Daniel’s great work, that is referred to by Roman and Arabic numerals simply, without repetition of his name. In every case where it is to be found in Newman’s Hymni Ecclesiae, or Trench’s Sacred Latin Poetry, or March’s Latin Hymns, this is indicated, as these are the collections most accessible to American students generally. Then follow in Italics the names of the translator or translators, either on the same line, or on the lines below. The use of an asterisk (*) indicates that this is a recast of an older hymn.

The chapter of “Bibliographical Notes” will furnish the proper reference to the sources of the translations in most cases. It is necessary to specify a few which are not given there.

Rev. John Anketell’s translations are given mostly in The Church Review for 1876 and 1877. For those of Dr. Benson, H. R. B., C. I. Black, E. L. Blenkinsopp, W. C. C., J. M. H., Dr. Littledale, M., A. M. M., O. C. P., J. G. Smith, H. Thompson, J. S. Tute, R. E. E. W., see Mr. Orby Shipley’s three Lyras. For translations by Prior Aylward, Mr. J. R. Beste, Lord Braye, John Dryden (?), and other versions from the old Catholic Primers and Evening Offices, J. C. Earle, Provost Husenbeth, Charles Kent, Cardinal Newman, Professor Potter, Father Ryder, A. D. Wackerbarth, and Dr. Wallace, see Mr. Shipley’s Annus Sanctus. For translations by Dr. Littledale, B., F., D. L., A. L. P., F. R., and B. T., see The People’s Hymnal (1877); for those of Mr. Singleton, see The Anglican Hymn-Book (1868); for those of Mr. Blew, see his Church Hymn and Tune Book (1851 and 1855); for those of Rev. W. J. Copeland, see his Hymns for the Week and for the Seasons (1848). For Mr. A. J. B. Hope’s, see his Hymns of the Church Literally Translated (1844), an attempt to substitute classic metre for rhyme.

H. A. M. stands for Hymns Ancient and Modern, which is specified where the translation is materially altered by the compilers, as well as where an original version has been supplied. H. A. stands for the Hymnarium Anglicanum, or the Ancient Hymns of the Church of England Translated from the Salisbury Breviary (1844).

Of Dr. A. R. Thompson’s hymns several were contributed to Dr. Schaff’s “Christ in Song,” but they have not appeared separately in book form. The same is true of Dr. W. S. McKenzie’s, which have appeared chiefly in the columns of two Boston weeklies—The Beacon and The Watchman. We are glad to learn that they are to be collected. To Mr. Anketell, Dr. Thompson, Dr. McKenzie, Professor S. Hart, of Hartford, Mr. Stryker and Mr. C. H. A. Esler, I am indebted for lists of their translations.

ch.—Trend, Morgan, Anketell, Benedict, Mason, Hayes.
Roman Breviary* Egregie doctor Paulus. I. 156. Newman.—Caswall.
Pietro Gonella Eheu! Eheu! mundi vita. Trench.—Onslow, Duffield.
XIIth Century MS. Eja, carissimi, laudes hymnite. Mone, 691.—D. L.
XVth Century Eia! dulcis anima. Mone, 231.—Chambers.
XVth Century Electum O frumentum. IV. 327.—A. M. M.
Paris Breviary Emergit undis et Deo. Newman.—Chambers, Chandler, I. Williams, Pott.
Roman Breviary* En clara vox redarguit. I. 76.—Dryden (?), Mant, Newman, Caswall, Bp. Williams, Copeland, Hope, Singleton.
XVth Century MS. En dies est dominica. Mone, 247.—Trench, Neale, H. A. M.
Prudentius En Persici ex orbis sinu. McGill, Bjorn.—Kynaston, McGill, Benedict.
Roman Breviary En ut superba crimina. II. 360.—Caswall, Anon.
Francisc. Missal Epiphaniam Domini canamus gloriosam. Kehrein.—A. L. P.
Erumpe tandem juste dolor. II. 366.—Caswall.
F. M. Victorinus Est locus ex omni medium. Trench, Bjorn.—Trench.
Hereford Breviary Excelsorum civium inclyta. Chambers.
Chas. Coffin Exiit cunis pretiosus infans. Newman.—I. Williams.
Roman Breviary Exite Sion filiae, Regis. II. 360.—Caswall, Neale, Wallace.
Exite Sion filiae, Videte. II. 348.—Chambers.
Gregory (Mone) Ex more docti mystico. I. 96, IV. 121.—Dryden (?), Mant, Caswall, Chambers, Hewett, Copeland, Neale, H. A. M.
Jean Santeul Ex quo salus mortalium. Newman.—Chambers, H. A. M., I. Williams.
Hildebert Extra portam jam delatum. Trench.—Neale.
Hereford Breviary Exultet coelum gaudiis. Chambers.
XIIth Century (K.) Exultet coelum laudibus. I. 247.—Chambers.
Exultet cor praecordiis. Chambers, Hewett, H. A. M., F. R.
Roman Breviary* Exultet orbis gaudiis. I. 247.—Mant, Oxenham, Caswall.
Jean Santeul Fac, Christe, nostri gratia. Newman.—Campbell, I. Williams.
Chas. Coffin Fando quis audivit Dei. Newman.—Chambers, Campbell, I. Williams, Pott, Wm. Palmer, Chandler.
Jean Santeul Felices nemorum pangimus incolas. Newman.—Chambers, Caswall, I. Williams.
Jean Santeul Felix dies mortalibus. Newman.—Chambers, Campbell, I. Williams, Littledale, Calverley, Chandler.
Seb. Besnault Felix dies quam proprio. Newman.—Chambers, Chandler, H. A. M., Singleton, I. Williams, Wm. Palmer, Campbell.
Jean Santeul Felix morte tua, qui cruciatibus. Newman.—Chambers, I. Williams.
Paulinus (?) Felix per omnes festum. I. 243.—Chambers.
Prudentius Ferunt vagantes daemones. McGill.—McGill.
Jean Santeul Festis laeta sonent. Zabuesnig.—Chambers.
Roman Breviary Festivis resonent compita vocibus. II. 354.—Caswall, Potter.
Durham Hymnal Festivis saeclis colitur. Chambers.
XVth Century Festum matris gloriosae. I. 310.—Chambers.
Paris Breviary Flagrans amore perditos. Newman.—Caswall, I. Williams.
Rennes Missal Florem spina coronavit. V. 187.—J. M. H.
Silvio Antoniano Fortem virili pectore. IV. 311.—Caswall, H. A. M.
Jean Santeul Fortes cadendo martyres. Newman.—Chambers, I. Williams.
Chas. Coffin* Forti tegente brachio. Newman.—Chambers, Littledale, Chandler, I. Williams, Wm. Palmer.
XIIth Century MS. Fregit Adam interdictum. Mone, 37.—Crippen.
Jean Santeul Fumant Sabeis templa vaporibus. Newman.—Chambers, I. Williams.
Gaude, mater ecclesia. (St. Edward.)—A. L. P.
Roman Breviary Gentis Polonae gloria. IV. 310.—Caswall.
Theodulph Gloria, laus et honor. I. 215, IV. 153. March.—Evening Office, 1703, Caswall, Neale, H. A. M., Hewett, Anketell.
Roman Breviary Gloriam sacrae celebremus omnes. Fabricius.—Caswall, Anon.
Meissen Breviary Gloriosi Salvatoris. I. 315.—Neale, H. A. M., Singleton, Morgan.
Notker (?) Grates nunc omnes reddamus. II. 5, V. 41. March.—(Luther), Schaff.
Chas. Coffin Grates peracto jam die. Newman.—Chambers, Chandler, Wm. Palmer.
Peter Damiani Gravi me terrore pulsas. I. 224, IV. 291. March, Trench.—Neale, Worsley, Washburn, Morgan, Benedict, Bp. Williams, Caswall, Anketell.
Hildebert Haec est fides orthodoxa. Trench.—W. Crashaw, 1611, McGill.
Urban VIII Haec est dies qua candidae. IV. 309.—Caswall.
Saintes Missal Haec est dies summe grata. V. 289.—Black.
XVth Century Haec est dies triumphalis. IV. 270. Trench.—Worsley.
Notker (?) Haec est sancta sollemnitas. V. 56.—Hewett.
Jean Santeul Haec illa sollemnis dies. Newman.—Chambers, Chandler, Neale, St. Ninian’s Hymns, I. Williams.
Adam of St. V. Harum laudum praeconia. II. 251.—Neale.
Adam of St. V. Heri mundus exultavit. II. 64, V. 176. March, Trench.—Neale, Charles, Morgan.
Joh. Mauburn Heu! quid jaces stabulo. I. 335. March, Trench.—Charles, McGill, Kynaston, McKenzie.
Bernard of Cluny Hic breve vivitur. Trench, March.—Neale, Moultrie, Duffield.
Mozarabic Breviary Hic est dies verus Dei. I. 49. March.—Charles, J. M. H., Duffield.
His reparandum generator. Caswall.
Jean Santeul Hoc, jussa quondam rumpimus. Newman.—I. Williams.
Trondhjem Missal Hodiernae lux diei sacramenti. V. 213.—A. M. M.
Roman Breviary* Hominis superne Conditor. I. 61. March.—Dryden (?), Mant, Caswall, Copeland, Hope, Bp. Williams.
Dion. Ryckel Homo Dei creatura. IV. 250.—Caswall.
Anglo-Saxon Hora nona qua canimus. Stevenson.—Chambers.
Bernard of Cluny Hora novissima, tempora pessima. Trench, March.—Nea os. À Kempis (?) Nec quisquam oculis videt. Mone, 305.—Neale.
Chas. Coffin Nil laudibus nostris eges. Newman.—Chambers, Chandler, McGill, I. Williams.
Wolfg. Musculus Nil superest vitae; frigus praecordia captat. Nevin, Anon. (Observer).
Jean Santeul Nobis Olympo redditus. Newman.—Chambers, Chandler, H. A. M., I. Williams, Singleton.
Benedict XII (?) Nobis, sancte Spiritus. Mone, 191.—Caswall.
Nocte mox diem fugata. Caswall.
Gregory Nocte surgentes vigilemus omnes. I. 176, IV. 176. March.—Mant, Caswall, Keble, Newman, Hewett, Crippen, Chambers, Copeland, H. A., Esling, Anketell.
Columcille (?) Noli, Pater, indulgere. Lyra Hib.—Cusack.
Nic. le Tourneux Non abluunt lymphae Deum. Newman.—Chambers, I. Williams, Campbell.
Roman Breviary Non illam crucians. Caswall.
Jean Santeul Non parta solo sanguine. Newman.—Chandler, F. R., I. Williams, H. A. M., Chambers.
De la BrunetiÈre Non vana dilectum gregem. Newman.—I. Williams.
Novamne das lucis, Deus. Caswall.
Novi partÛs gaudium. Du Meril.—Neale.
XVth Century Novum sidus exoritur. IV. 280.—Onslow.
Gregory (Mone) Nox atra rerum contegit. I. 54, IV. 37.—Mant, Caswall, Chambers, Copeland, H. A.
Prudentius Nox et tenebrae et nubila. I. 120, IV. 39.—Mant, Caswall, Chambers, Campbell, Hedge (?), Bp. Williams, Bp. Patrick, H. A., Duffield.
Seb. Besnault Noxium Christus simul introivit. Newman.—I. Williams.
Roman Breviary Nullis te genitor blanditiis. IV. 298.—Caswall.
R. Bodius Nuncius praepes mihi labra summo. McGill.—McGill.
Cahors Breviary Nunc novis Christus celebretur hymnis. Neale.—Morgan.
Ambrosian Nunc Sancte nobis Spiritus. I. 50, IV. 43. Newman.—Mant, Caswall, Keble, Newman, Chambers, Anketell, Chandler, H. A., Bp. Williams, Copeland.
Charles Coffin Nunc suis tandem novus e latebris. Newman.—I. Williams, H. A. M., W. Palmer.
Nunc te flebilis concinimus modis. Caswall.
Jesuit Nunquam serenior. IV. 327.—Morgan.
Fulbert of Chartres Nuntium vobis fero de supernis. March.—Chambers, Washburn, Anketell.
Hildebert Nuper eram locuples. Trench.—Duffield.
XVth Century MS. O amor qui extaticus. Mone, 51.—Neale, H. A. M.
XIVth Century MS. O beata beatorum martyrum sollemnia. II. 204.—Neale, Chambers.
Ambrosian Obduxere polum nubila coeli. I. 29, IV. 110. March.—Bp. Patrick.
Bernard of Cluny O bona patria. Trench, March.—Neale, Duffield, Coles, Moultrie.
O caeca mens mortalium. II. 378.—Benedict.
Paris Breviary O Christe, qui noster poli. Newman.—Chambers, Chandler, Black, Calverley, I. Williams.
Anglo-Saxon O Christe, splendor gloriae. Stevenson.—Chambers.
Conrad of Gaming O colenda deitas. Mone, 225.—Trend.
Prudentius O crucifer bone, lucisator. Mone, 149.—Crippen.
XVth Century O Dei sapientia. I. 299, IV. 283.—Chambers.
Xavier (?) O Deus ego amo Te, Nam prior. II. 335.—Keble, Hewett, McGill, Benedict.
Xavier (?) O Deus, ego amo Te, Nec amo. II. 335. March.—Pope, Sarum Hymnal, Singleton, Mills, Caswall, Hewett, McGill, Anketell, Duffield, McKenzie, Hayes.
Queen Mary (?) O Domine Jesu (seu Deus), speravi in Te. March.—Hewett, Hayes, Anketell, Clarke, Fawcett.
Jesuit O esca viatorum. II. 369. March.—Chambers, Palmer, Washburn, Morgan (bis), Thompson, Hayes, Trend, H. A. M., Schaff, Anketell.
XIIth Century (?) O filii et filiae. March.—Evening Office, 1748, Caswall, Chambers, Kent, Neale, H. A, M., Porter, Anketell.
Chas. Coffin O fons amoris Spiritus. Newman.—Chambers, Chandler, H. A. M., Wm. Palmer, I. Williams.
Chas. Coffin O fortis, O clemens Deus. Newman.—Chambers, Chandler, I. Williams.
Jesuit O gens beata coelitum. March.—Chambers, Washburn, Johnson.
Bonaventura O gloriosa domina. I. 302, IV. 231.—Caswall,
Fortunatus O gloriosa femina. I. 173.—Chambers, F. R.
Roman Breviary* O gloriosa virginum. I. 173.—Mant, Caswall.
Hildegard O ignis SpiritÛs Paracliti. V. 201.—Crippen, Littledale.
Jean Santeul O jam beata quae suo. Newman.—Chandler.
XVth Century MS. O Jesu dulcissime, Cibus salutaris. Mone, 230.—R. W. V.
Bernard of Clairvaux O Jesu mi dulcissime. I. 229. March, Trench.—Crippen.
Claude Santeul O luce quae tua lates. Newman.—Oxenham, Baker, Caswall, H. A. M., Chandler, I. Williams, Duffield-Thompson.
Chas. Coffin O luce qui mortalibus. Newman.—Chambers, H. A. M., I. Williams, Wm. Palmer, Chandler, Singleton, McGill.
Ambrosius O lux beata Trinitas. I. 36, IV. 47. March.—(Luther), Chambers, Neale, H. A. M., Duffield, H. A., Edersheim, McGill, Anketell.
Bernard of Clairvaux O miranda vanitas. March.—Anketell.
Peter Damiani O miseratrix, O dominatrix. Migne.—Duffield.
Brander’s MS., 1507 Omnes gentes plaudite. V. 67.—Black.
Clichtove ed. Omnes un celebremus. V. 216.—Neale.
Jean Santeul Omnibus manat cruor ecce venis. Newman.—I. Williams.
Casimir or Hildebert Omni die dic Mariae. II. 372, IV. 237.—Hayes.
Meissen Breviary Omnis fidelis gaudeat. I. 301.—Neale.
Alanus Omnis mundi creatura. Trench, March.—Washburn, Hayes, Worsley, McKenzie.
Sarum Breviary O nata lux de lumine, Jesu. I. 259, IV. 161.—Chambers, Blew.
Prudentius O Nazarene, lux Bethlehem. I. 128.—Bp. Patrick.
Paulus Diaconus O nimis felix meritique celsi. I. 210.—Caswall, Chambers, B.
M. A. Muretus O nox vel medio splendidior die. Opera I. 741.—Blew.
XII 8. Newman.—Dryden (?), Mant, Caswall, Chambers, Newman, Campbell, Copeland, H. A., Bp. Williams.
Chas. Coffin Ultricibus nos undique. Newman.—Chambers, I. Williams, Chandler.
XVth Century Unde planctus et lamentum. I. 312.—Duffield.
Jean Santeul Uncta crux Dei cruore. Zabuesnig.—M.
Charles Coffin Unus bonorum fons Deus omnium. Zabuesnig.—I. Williams.
Jean Santeul Urbem Romuleam quis furor. Newman.—F. R.
VIIIth Century Urbs beata Hirusalem. I. 239, IV. 193. Trench, March.—Drummond, 1619, Neale, Benson, Chambers, Hewett, A. R. Thompson, H. R. B. (Lyra Myst.), H. A. M., Hope, Singleton.
Seb. Besnault* Urbs beata, vera pacis visio. Newman.—A. R. Thompson, Doggett, I. Williams.
Old Paris Breviary* Urbs Jerusalem beata. Zabuesnig.—Morgan, Chandler, Anketell.
Bernard of Cluny Urbs Sion aurea. Trench, March.—Neale, Coles, Duffield, Moultrie, Anketell.
Bernard of Cluny Urbs Sion inclyta. Trench, March.—Neale, Morgan, Coles, Duffield, Moultrie.
M. Casimir Sarbievius Urit me patriae decor. Neale.
Jesuit Ut axe sunt serena. IV. 341.—Morgan.
Bernard of Clairvaux Ut jucundas cervus undas. Trench.—Morgan.
Paulus Diaconus Ut queant laxis resonare fibris. I. 209, IV. 163, 370. March.—Caswall, Chambers, Copeland, A. C. C., B.
Paris Breviary Ut sol decore sidere. Newman.—Caswall, I. Williams.
Prudentius Vagitus ille exordium. McGill.—McGill.
Trondhjem Missal Veneremur crucis lignum. V. 183.—Black.
Rabanus Maurus Veni, Creator Spiritus, Mentes. I. 213, IV. 124. Trench, March.—(Luther), Coverdale, Wither, Dryden, Evening Office, 1710, Tate, Hammond, Mant, Caswall, Chambers, Charles, Campbell, Bp. Williams, Aylward, Husenbeth, Esling, Stryker, Morgan, Duffield, McGill, Cosin, Blew, W. P. R., Anketell, Copeland, I. Williams, H. A. M., Chandler.
Veni, Creator Spiritus, Spiritus recreator. Trench, March.—Caswall, Mason, Charles.
XIth Century Veni, jam veni. Mone, 188.—Moultrie, Duffield.
Ambrose Veni, Redemptor gentium. I. 12, IV. 4, 353. March, Trench.—(Luther), Chambers, Hewett, Charles, Palmer, Morgan, Anketell, McGill, Neale, Copeland, Bp. Williams, A. L. P., Anon. (Quiver), Anon. (Lyrics of Light and Life).
Hermann Contr. Veni, sancte Spiritus. II. 35, V. 69. Trench, March.—(Luther), Verstegan, 1599, Divine Office, 1763, Hart, 1759, Beste, Campbell, Chambers, Caswall, Charles, Earle, Stanley, Worsley, Morgan, Benedict, A. R. Thompson, Palmer, McGill, Duffield, Washburn, M. C. (Churchman), Anon. (Christian Instructor), Anon., Hayes, Esling, McCarthy, Anketell.
Charles Coffin Veni, superne Spiritus. Newman.—Chambers, J. M. H., Chandler, I. Williams.
Roman Breviary Venit e coelo Mediator alto. Fabricius.—Caswall.
XIIth Century (?) Veni, veni, Emmanuel. II. 336, IV. 316.—Neale, Chambers, Singleton, McGill, Anketell.
XVth Century MS. Veni, veni, Rex gloriae. Mone, 35.—Crippen, Bonar.
Adam of St. V. Verbi veri substantivi. Trench.—Trench.
Adam (?) Verbum Dei, Deo natum. II. 166, V. 43. March, Trench.—Washburn, Duffield, Morgan, Plumptre, Dayman.
Paris Breviary Verbum, quod ante secula. Newman.—Campbell, Chambers, I. Williams, Chandler.
Ambrosian Verbum supernum prodiens A Patre. I. 77.—Campbell.
Roman Breviary * Verbum supernum prodiens E Patris. I. 77. Newman.—Dryden (?), Mant, Keble, Newman, Chambers, Hewett, Caswall, Wm. Palmer, Chandler, Singleton.
Thos. Aquinas Verbum supernum prodiens Nec. I. 254. Newman.—Dryden (?), Caswall, Chambers, Campbell, Kent, Aylward, I. Williams, H. A. M., Anketell, Esling.
Fortunatus Vexilla Regis prodeunt. I. 160, IV. 70. March, Newman.—Dryden (?), Caswall, Chandler, Neale, Keble, Chambers, Beste, Massie, Husenbeth, Aylward, Kent, McGill, Duffield, Charles, A. R. Thompson, McKenzie, Campbell, Benedict, I. Williams, Bp. Williams, Churton, Singleton, Anon., 1706.
Wipo (?), Notker (?) Victimae paschali laudes. II. 95, 385. III. 287. Newman.—Blount, 1670, Caswall, Campbell, Leeson, Husenbeth, Anon. (Churchman), Abp. Manning’s Collection, Esling, Benedict.
Paris Breviary Victis sibi cognomina. Newman.—Chambers, Braye, I. Williams, Singleton, Chandler.
Monk of St. Gall Virgines castae, virgines summae. Neale.—S. M.
XVth Century MS. Virginis in gremio. V. 252.—A. M. M.
IXth Century (Ko) Virginis proles opifexque matris. I. 250, IV. 140, 368.—Caswall, Chambers.
Virgo vernans velut rosa. Caswall.
Joh. von Geissel Virgo virginum praeclara. V. 349.—Caswall.
Alain de Lisle Vita nostra plena bellis. March.—Washburn, Hayes.
Charles Coffin Vos ante Christi tempora. Newman.—Chambers, I. Williams, Chandler.
Paris Breviary Vos, O virginei cum citharis. Newman.—Chambers, I. Williams.
Jean Santeul Vos sancti proceres. Zabuesnig.—I. Williams.
Jean Santeul Vos succensa Deo splendida. Newman.—Chambers, I. Williams.
Ambrosian Vox clara ecce intonat. I. 76, IV. 143.—Keble, Chambers, Hewett, Braye, Anketell.
Noyon Breviary Vox clara terris nos gravi. Neale.—Ryder.
Adam of St. V. Vox sonora nostri chori. Neale.—Morgan.
Adam of St. V. Zyma vetus expurgetur. II. 69, V. 161. Trench.—Neale, Morgan, Plumptre.

This list shows how much of the attention of English translators has been occupied by the hymns of the Paris Breviary of 1736, which for the most part are contemporary with the English hymns of Watts and Doddridge. There are 180 translated hymns taken from that breviary, and of these there are 536 translations—the largest group furnished by any one source. Next comes the Roman Breviary, chiefly through the labors of Mr. Caswall and other Roman Catholic translators. Then come the versions of Ambrosian and other primitive hymns, Prudentius standing next to Ambrose and his school. Of the mediaeval writers, Adam of St. Victor would be seen to stand first, if all the versions of Mr. Wrangham had been catalogued, but this seemed unnecessary.


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