Assizes 3 Braose monument 10 Brotherhood at Horsham 24 Bells Horsham 26 Blount monuments 64 Church of Horsham 6 Covert monument 16 Chantries at Horsham 24 Chapels Dissenting 29 Collier Richard 31 Chesworth 33 Caryll monument 41 Castle at Nuthurst 55 Coaches 68 Dimensions of the church 8 Delves monument 13 Denne house and park Dubbins Green 52 Eversfield donations 22 Endowment of the church 26 Foys brass of 17 Font at Horsham 21 Free School the Field place 44 Forest St Leonard’s 45 Do legends of 45 Do serpent of 46 Fairs 72 Gaol Horsham 27 Gas 68 Horsham derivation of the name 1 Hoo monument 14 Hoo Wm. brass of 16 Hurst Robert tomb of 18 Hills Place 35 Horsham Nicholas 72 Inscriptions in the church 18 Itchingfield village of 57 Inns at Horsham 68 Jamieson monument 23 Marroitt Capt. tomb of 19 Matthews donations 22 Members for Horsham 2 Moated House 33 North Chapel 34 Nuthurst village of 53 Do lodge 53 Nun’s well 56 Pike T. tomb of 17 Plague attack of 22 Plants 69 Population of Horsham 71 Roman road 67 Roads 71 Railroad Brighton, intended direction of 71 Shelley donations 22 Schools at Horsham 33 Stroud park 61 Slinfold village of 61 Saurian remains 70 Town Hall the 4 Tower the Lollard’s 23 Tregoz monument in Slinfold Church 63 Warnham village of 39 Do. Court 43 Water 70 Printed by Howard Dudley, Millbank St. |