There are 40320 several changes on 8 bells, which to Ring it is altogether impossible; the greatest Peal that ever was Rang on 8 Bells, is 1680, being only a third part of the changes on seven Bells, which are to be Rang with a whole Hunt, half Hunt, quarter Hunt, half quarter Hunt (for so you may term it) and three extream Bells: But the most complete and musical Peal that ever was Rang on eight Bells, is Grandsire Bob, treble, second and fifth, Half-pulls, on the fourth and the tenor lying behind every change, thus, 123567,48. which has of late been practised
The most musical Peals that are commonly Rang on eight Bells, are these Six-scores on five, the other three Bells lying behind every change: For example, the uppermost fig. are 35678,241. here the 35678, makes the Six-score changes, 3 the whole hunt, and 8 the half Hunt, or any others, and 241. strikes behind every change, in the same order as they now lie, and so of the rest. The three Bells which are to lie behind, must first be hunted up one after the other in order, before any of the Six-score changes are made. The Seven-score and four on the six middle Bells, the treble leading, and the tenor lying behind every change, makes good Musick. |