"Her eyes were deeper than the depth Of waters stilled at even." "Dorian?" says Clarissa. "Clarissa!" says Dorian. "I really think I shall give a ball." "What?" cries a small, sweet, plaintive voice from the corner, and Georgie, emerging from obscurity and the tremendous volume she has been studying, comes to the front, in her usual vehement fashion, and stands before Miss Peyton, expectation in every feature. "Oh, Clarissa, do say it again." "Papa says I must entertain the county in some way," says Clarissa, meditatively, "and I really think a ball will be the best way. Don't you?" "Don't I, though?" says Miss Broughton, with much vivacity. "Clarissa, you grow sweeter daily. Let me offer you some small return for your happy thought." She laughs, and, stooping, presses her warm ripe lips against her friend's cheek. She blushes as she performs this graceful act, and a small, bright, mischievous gleam grows within her eye. The whole action is half mocking, half tender: "A rosebud set with little wilfulthorns, And sweet as English air can make her, she." The lines come hurriedly to Branscombe's mind, and linger there. Raising her head again, her eyes meet his, and she laughs, for the second time, out of the pure gladness of her heart. "I think it was my happy thought," says Branscombe, mildly. "I suggested this dance to Clarissa only yesterday. Might not I, too, partake of the 'small return'?" "It no longer belongs to me; I have given it all away,—here," says Georgie, touching Clarissa's cheek with one "I think I shall get pencil and paper and write down the names," says Clarissa, energetically, rising and going towards the door. "Dorian, take care of Georgie until I return." "I wish I knew how," says Branscombe, in a tone so low that only Georgie can hear it. Then, as the door closes he says, "Did you mean your last speech?" "My last? What was it? I never remember anything." She very seldom blushes, but now again a soft delicate color creeps into her face. "If you hadn't given it all away, would you have given me a little of that small return?" "No." "Not even if I were to give a ball for you?" "N-o—no." "Not if I were to do for you the one thing you most desired?" "No—no—no!" She speaks hastily, and glances at him somewhat confusedly from beneath her long lashes. "Well, of course, it is too much to expect," says Branscombe; "yet I would do a good deal for you, even without hope of payment." He comes a little nearer to her, and lays his hand upon the table close to hers. "If you really made the suggestion to Clarissa, you deserve some reward," says Georgie, nodding her head. "Now, what shall it be?" "Dance half the night with me." "That would bore you,—and me. No; but if dancing delights you—sir—may I have the pleasure of the first quadrille?" "Madam," says Branscombe, laying his hand upon his heart, "you do me too much honor; I am at your service now and forever." "It is too large a promise." "A true one, nevertheless." A little earnest shade shows itself upon his face, but Georgie laughs lightly, and moves away from him over to the window, and at this moment Clarissa returns, armed with paper and pencils and a very much pleased smile. "Can't I have the gardens lighted?" she says, "with Chinese lanterns, and that? I have been thinking of it." "I don't know about 'that,'" says Dorian. "I'm not sure but it might blow us all to atoms; but the celestial lights will be quite 'too, too!' It must be a splendid thing, Clarissa, to have a brain like yours. Now, neither Miss Broughton nor I have a particle between us." "Speak for yourself, please," says Miss Broughton, very justly incensed. "I'm doing even more than that, I'm speaking for you too. Don't put up too many Chinese lanterns, Clarissa, or it will be awkward: we shall be seen." "What matter? I love light," says Georgie, innocently. "How I do hope there will be a moon! Not a mean effort at one, but a good, round, substantial, vast old moon, such as there was two months ago." She has her wish: such another moonlight night as comes to Pullingham on the night of Miss Peyton's ball has been rarely, if ever, seen. It breaks over the whole place in a flood of light so whitely brilliant that the very sleeping flowers lift up their heads, as though believing the soft mystic light to be the early birth of morn. All around is calm and drowsy sweet. The stars come forth to light the world, and, perhaps, to do homage to Clarissa on this the night of her first ball. About six weeks have passed since Ruth Annersley left her home, and as yet no tidings of her have reached Pullingham. Already people are beginning to forget that such an esclandre ever occurred in their quiet village. The minutest inquiries have been made (chiefly by Lord Sartoris, who is now very seldom at home); rewards offered; numerous paragraphs, addressed to "R. A.," have appeared in the London papers, but without result. The world is growing tired of the miserable scandal, and Ruth's disappearance ceases to be the one engrossing topic of conversation at village teas and bar-room revelries. To-night is fair enough to make one believe sin impossible. It is touched by heaven; great waves of light, sent by the "silver queen of night," lie languidly on tree and bower; the very paths are bright with its stray beams. "Bats and grisly owls on noiseless wings" flit to and Within, music is sounding, and laughter, and the faint sweet dropping of fountains. Clarissa, moving about among her guests, is looking quite lovely in a pale satin trimmed heavily with old gold. She is happy and quite content, though her eyes, in spite of her, turn anxiously, every now and then, to the doorway. Every one is smiling, radiant. Even Dorian, who is waltzing with any one but the woman he desires, is looking gracious all through, and is creating havoc in the bosom of the damsel who has rashly intrusted herself to his care. Cissy Redmond, in the arms of a cavalry-man, is floating round the room, her unutterable little nez retroussÉ looking even more pronounced than usual. Her face is lit up with pleasurable excitement; to her—as she tells the cavalry-man without hesitation—the evening is "quite too awfully much, don't you know!" and the cavalry-man understands her perfectly, and is rather taking to her, which is undoubtedly clever of the cavalry-man. He is now talking to her in his very best style, and she is smiling,—but not at him. Within the shelter of a door, directly opposite, stands Mr. Hastings, and he is answering back her smile fourfold. He will not dance himself,—conscience forbidding,—yet it pleases him to see his Cissy (as she now is) enjoying herself. The band is playing "Beautiful Ferns" dreamily, languidly; and I think at this very moment Mr. Hastings's reverend toes are keeping excellent time to the music. But this, of course, is barest supposition; for what human eye can penetrate leather? The waltz comes to an end, and Dorian, having successfully rid himself of his late partner, draws Georgie's hand within his arm and leads her into a conservatory. Her late partner was a fat, kindly squire, who will dance, but who, at the expiration of each effort to eclipse Terpsichore, feels devoutly thankful that his task has come to an end. He is, to say the mildest least of him, exceedingly tiring, and Georgie is rather glad than otherwise that Dorian should lead her into the cool recess where flowers and perfumed fountains hold full sway. She sinks into a Branscombe is stupidly silent; indeed, it hardly occurs to him that speech is necessary. He is gazing earnestly, tenderly, at the small face beside him,— "A face o'er which a thousand shadows go." The small face, perhaps, objects to this minute scrutiny, because presently it raises itself, and says, coquettishly,— "How silent you are! What are you thinking of?" "Of you," says Dorian, simply. "What a foolish question! You are a perfect picture in that black gown, with your baby arms and neck." "Anything else?" asks Miss Broughton, demurely. "Yes. It also seems to me that you cannot be more than fifteen. You look such a little thing, and so young." "But I'm not young," says Georgie, hastily. "I am quite old. I wish you would remember I am nearly nineteen." "Quite a Noah's Ark sort of person,—a fossil of the pre-Adamite period. How I envy you! You are, indeed, unique in your way. Don't be angry with me because I said you looked young; and don't wish to be old. There is no candor so hateful, no truth so unpleasing, as age." "How do you know?" demands she, saucily, sweetly, half touched by his tone. "You are not yet a Methuselah." Then, "Do you know your brother has come at last? He is very late, isn't he?" "He always is," says Dorian. "And he has brought a friend with him. And who do you think it is?" "I haven't the faintest idea," says Branscombe, turning a vivid red. "Why, my Mr. Kennedy!" "Your Mr. Kennedy?" reiterates he, blankly, his red becoming a crimson of the liveliest hue. "Yes, the dark thin young man I met at Sir John Lincoln's. I dare say I told you about him?" "Yes, you did," says Dorian, grimly. "I see him over there," pointing airily with her fan through the open conservatory door to a distant wall where many young men are congregated together. "The man with the nose?" asks Branscombe, slightingly, feeling sure in his soul he is not the man with the nose. "He has a nose," says Miss Broughton, equably, "though there isn't much of it. He is very like a Chinese pug. Don't you see him? But he is so nice." Dorian looks again in the desired direction, and as he does so a tall young man, with a somewhat canine expression, but very kindly, advances towards him, and, entering the conservatory, comes up to Miss Broughton with a smile full of delight upon his ingenuous countenance. "Miss Broughton," he says, in a low musical voice, that has unmistakable pleasure in it. "Can it really be you? I didn't believe life could afford me so happy a moment as this." "I saw you ten minutes ago," says Georgie, in her quick bright fashion. "And made no sign? that was cruel," says Kennedy, with some reproach in his tone. He is looking with ill-suppressed admiration upon her fair uplifted face. "Now that I have found you, what dance will you give me?" "Any one I have," she says, sweetly. "The tenth? The dance after next,—after this, I mean?" Branscombe, who is standing beside her, here turns his head to look steadfastly at her. His blue eyes are almost black, his lips are compressed, his face is very pale. Not an hour ago she had promised him this tenth dance. He had asked it of her in haste, even as he went by her with another partner, and she had smiled consent. Will she forget it? "With pleasure," she says, softly, gayly, her usual lovely smile upon her lips. She is apparently utterly unconscious of any one except her old-new friend. Kennedy puts her name down upon his card. At this Dorian makes one step forward, as though to protest against something,—some iniquity done; but, a sudden thought striking him, he draws back, and, bring The night wanes. Already the "keen stars that falter never" are dropping, one by one, to slumber, perfect and serene. Diana, tired of her ceaseless watch, is paling, fading, dying imperceptibly, as though feeling herself soon to be conquered by the sturdy morn. Dorian, who has held himself carefully aloof from Miss Broughton ever since that last scene, when she had shown herself so unmindful of him and his just claim to the dance then on the cards, now, going up to her, says, coldly,— "I think the next is our dance, Miss Broughton." Georgie, who is laughing gayly with Mr. Kennedy, turns her face to his, some surprise mixed with the sweetness of her regard. Never before has he addressed her in such a tone. "Is it?" she says, gently. "I had forgotten; but of course my card will tell." "One often forgets, and one's card doesn't always tell," replies he, with a smile tinctured with bitterness. She opens her eyes, and stares at him blankly. There is some balm in Gilead, he tells himself, as he sees she is totally unaware of his meaning. Perhaps, after all, she did forget about that tenth dance, and did not purposely fling him over for the man now beside her, who is grinning at her in a supremely idiotic fashion. How he hates a fellow who simpers straight through everything, and looks always as if the world and he were eternally at peace! She flushes softly,—a gentle, delicate flush, born of distress, coldness from even an ordinary friend striking like ice upon her heart. She looks at her card confusedly. "Yes, the next is ours," she says, without raising her eyes; and then the band begins again, and Dorian feels her hand upon his arm, and Kennedy bows disconsolately and disappears amid the crowd. "Do you particularly want to dance this?" asks Dorian, with an effort. "No; not much." "Will you come out into the gardens instead? I want—I must speak to you." "You may speak to me here, or in the garden, or any She lets him lead her down the stone steps that lead to the shrubberies outside, and from thence to the gardens. The night is still. The waning moonlight clear as day. All things seem calm and full of rest,—that deepest rest that comes before the awakening. "Who is your new friend?" asks he, abruptly, when silence any longer has become impossible. "Mr. Kennedy. He is not exactly a friend. I met him one night before in all my life, and he was very kind to me——" "One night!" repeats Dorian, ignoring the fact that she yet has something more to say. "One night! What an impression"—unkindly—"he must have made on that memorable occasion, to account for the very warm reception accorded to him this evening!" She turns her head away from him, but makes no reply. "Why did you promise me that dance if you didn't mean giving it?" he goes on, with something in his voice that resembles passion, mixed with pain. "I certainly believed you in earnest when you promised it to me." "You believed right: I did mean it. Am I not giving it?" says Georgie, bewildered, her eyes gleaming, large and troubled, in the white light that illumines the sleeping world. "It is your fault that we are not dancing now. I, for my part, would much rather be inside, with the music, than out here with you, when you talk so unkindly." "I have no doubt you would rather be anywhere than with me," says Dorian, hastily; "and of course this new friend is intensely interesting." "At least he is not rude," says Miss Broughton, calmly, plucking a pale green branch from a laurestinus near her. "I am perfectly convinced he is one of the few faultless people upon earth," says Branscombe, now in a white heat of fury. "I shouldn't dream of aspiring to his level. But yet I think you needn't have given him the dance you promised me." "I didn't," says Miss Broughton, indignantly, in all good faith. "You mean to tell me you hadn't given me the tenth dance half an hour before?" "The tenth! You might as well speak about the hundred and tenth! If it wasn't on my card how could I remember it?" "But it was on your card: I wrote it down myself." "I am sure you are making a mistake," says Miss Broughton, mildly; though in her present frame of mind, I think she would have dearly liked to tell him he is lying. "Then show me your card. If I have blundered in this matter I shall go on my knees to beg your pardon." "I don't want you on your knees,"—pettishly. "I detest a man on his knees, he always looks so silly. As for my card,"—grandly,—"here it is." Dorian, taking it, opens it, and, running his eyes down the small columns, stops short at number ten. There, sure enough, is "D. B." in very large capitals indeed. "You see," he says, feeling himself, as he says it, slightly ungenerous. "I am very sorry," says Miss Broughton, standing far away from him, and with a little quiver in her tone. "I have behaved badly, I now see. But I did not mean it." She has grown very pale; her eyes are dilating; her rounded arms, soft and fair and lovable as a little child's, are gleaming snow-white against the background of shining laurel leaves that are glittering behind her in the moonlight. Her voice is quiet, but her eyes are full of angry tears, and her small gloved hands clasp and unclasp each other nervously. "You have proved me in the wrong," she goes on, with a very poor attempt at coolness, "and, of course, justice is on your side. And you are quite right to say anything that is unkind to me; and—and I hate people who are always in the right." With this she turns, and, regardless of him, walks hurriedly, and plainly full of childish rage, back to the house. Dorian, stricken with remorse, follows her. "Georgie, forgive me! I didn't mean it; I swear I didn't!" he says, calling her by her Christian name for the first time, and quite unconsciously. "Don't leave me like this; or, at least let me call to-morrow and explain." "I don't want to see you to-morrow or any other day," declares Miss Broughton, with cruel emphasis, not even turning her head to him as she speaks. "But you shall see me to-morrow," exclaims he, seizing her hand, as she reaches the conservatory door, to detain her. "You will be here; I shall come to see you. I entreat, I implore you not to deny yourself to me." Raising her hand, he presses it with passionate fervor to his lips. Georgie, detaching her hand from his grasp, moves away from him. "'Must is for the queen, and shall is for the king,'" quotes she, with a small pout, "and to-morrow—catch me if you can!" She frowns slightly, and, with a sudden movement, getting behind a large flowering shrub, disappears from his gaze for the night. |