SPOKEN BY MR BETTERTON. Sure there's a dearth of wit in this dull town, When silly plays so savourily go down; As, when clipped money passes, 'tis a sign A nation is not over-stocked with coin. Happy is he, who, in his own defence, Can write just level to your humble sense; Who higher than your pitch can never go; And, doubtless, he must creep, who writes below. So have I seen, in hall of knight, or lord, A weak arm throw on a long shovel-board; He barely lays his piece, bar rubs and knocks, Secured by weakness not to reach the box } {A feeble poet will his business do, {Who, straining all he can, comes up to you: {For, if you like yourselves, you like him too. An ape his own dear image will embrace; An ugly beau adores a hatchet face: So, some of you, on pure instinct of nature, Are led, by kind, to admire your fellow creature. In fear of which, our house has sent this day, To insure our new-built vessel, called a play; No sooner named, than one cries out,—These stagers Come in good time, to make more work for wagers. } {The town divides, if it will take or no; {The courtiers bet, the cits, the merchants too; {A sign they have but little else to do. Bets, at the first, were fool-traps; where the wise, Like spiders, lay in ambush for the flies: } {But now they're grown a common trade for all, {And actions by the new-book rise and fall; {Wits, cheats, and fops, are free of wager-hall. One policy as far as Lyons carries; Another, nearer home, sets up for Paris. Our bets, at last, would even to Rome extend, But that the pope has proved our trusty friend. Indeed, it were a bargain worth our money, Could we insure another Ottoboni Among the rest there are a sharping set, That pray for us, and yet against us bet. Sure heaven itself is at a loss to know If these would have their prayers be heard, or no: For, in great stakes, we piously suppose, Men pray but very faintly they may lose. Leave off these wagers; for, in conscience speaking, The city needs not your new tricks for breaking: And if you gallants lose, to all appearing, You'll want an equipage for volunteering; While thus, no spark of honour left within ye, When you should draw the sword, you draw the guinea. |