HELICONIA IRENE.Plate XXXVIII. fig. 1. Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Diurna. Family: HeliconiidÆ, Swains. Genus. Heliconia, Latr. God. Papilio (Helicon.), Fabr. Heliconia Irene. Alis oblongis, anticis nigris basi ferrugineo radiatis, À medio ad extimum flavo-maculatis, posticis fulvis limbo exteriori maculisque ante apicem nigris, singulis infr punctis marginalibus albis. (Expans. Alar. 3 unc. 3 lin.) Syn. Papilio (Nymph. Phal.) Irene, Drury, App. vol. 3. Fabr. Ent. Syst. III. 1. p. 165. No. 510. Enc. MÉth. ix. p. 223. No. 60. Habitat: "Jamaica, Mr. Shakespear, 1779" (Drury's MSS.). Upper Side. AntennÆ black at the base, but yellow at the tips. Thorax black. Abdomen dark brown. Anterior wings black, with twelve different shaped spots, occupying half the wings next the tips; these spots are principally yellow, (one next the body being orange), and differ very much in form and size; next the body are two narrow faint reddish longitudinal streaks. Posterior wings dusky orange, the edges being bordered with black from the middle of the anterior edges to the abdominal corners; a square black spot is placed near the upper corners, and two very small ones by the side of it. Under Side. Palpi black. Breast streaked with white. Abdomen yellow. Wings less brilliant; NYMPHALIS IOLE.Plate XXXVIII. fig. 2. Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Diurna. Family: NymphalidÆ, Swains. Genus. Nymphalis, Latr. Papilio (Nymph. Gemmat.), Drury. Nymphalis Iole. Alis suprÀ basi fulvis, tunc nigris coeruleo-micantibus, subtus nitenti-ferrugineis, strigis duabus nigris undulatis, posticis caudatis. (Expans. Alar. 2 unc. 6 lin.) Syn. Papilio (Nymph. Phal.) Iole, Drury, App. vol. 3. Stoll Suppl. Cram. pl. 29. fig. 4. 4. D. Papilio (N) Furcula, Fabr. Ent. Syst. III. 1. p. 79. No. 246. Enc. MÉth. ix. p. 360. 36. (Nymphalis F.) Donovan Nat. Repos. 5. 151. Habitat: "Jamaica" (Drury, in text). "Madras, Mr. Skeene, 1772" (Drury's MSS.). Upper Side. AntennÆ black. Eyes, thorax, and abdomen brown. Wings brown-black, a considerable part of them encircling the body being dark orange. Posterior wings furnished with two tails, rather lighter than the other part. Under Side. Palpi, legs, breast, and abdomen cream-coloured. Wings brown, having a blueish as well as a reddish hue, several waved lines crossing them from the anterior to the abdominal edges; five small white spots are placed next the tips, and several small black ones are situated along the external edges of both wings. HIPPARCHIA ANDROMEDA.Plate XXXVIII. fig. 3. Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Diurna. Family: NymphalidÆ, Swains. Genus. Hipparchia, Fabr. Satyrus, Latr. God. Papilio (Helic. Parn.), Drury. Hipparchia Andromeda. Alis hyalinis, anticis strigis duabus fuscantibus, posticis apice chermesinis ocello utrinque unico. (Expans. Alar. 2 unc. 3 lin.) Syn. Papilio (P.) Andromeda, Fabr. Syst. Ent. 467. No. 107. Ent. Syst. III. 1. p. 184. No. 569. Papilio (Hel. Parn.) Menander, Drury, App. vol. 3. Herbst. Pap. t. 84. fig. 6. Papilio Philis, Cramer, 387. fig. E. Papilio Pireta, Cramer, pl. 315. fig. A. Habitat: Jamaica (Drury). Surinam (Enc. MÉth.). Upper Side. AntennÆ black. Two small white spots on the neck. Eyes, thorax, and abdomen black. Wings perfectly transparent, the lower part of the posterior beautiful carmine-red; close to the upper corner of these wings is a round black spot encircled with yellow, and a small white one on its edge; another white one, very minute, is also situated just below it, which is barely discernible. Under Side. Palpi white. Breast and abdomen grey. Wings are exactly the same as on the upper side. Margins of the wings entire. HELICONIA SAPPHO.Plate XXXVIII. fig. 4. Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Diurna. Family: HeliconiidÆ, Swainson. Genus. Heliconia, Latr. God. Papilio (Helicon.), Fabr. Heliconia Sappho. Alis oblongis, supra atro coeruleis infrÀ nigris; anticis utrinque fasci transvers bifidÂ; posticis margine exteriori albis, his subtÙs basi sanguineo radiatis. (Expans. Alar. 3 unc. 3 lin.) Syn. Papilio (Hel. Parn.) Sapho, Drury, App. vol. 3. Fabr. Ent. Syst. III. 1. p. 165. No. 511. Stoll Suppl. Cramer, pl. 30. 2. & 2. B. Herbst. Pap. tab. 75. f. 7. Habitat: "Jamaica, Mr. Shakespear, 1779" (Drury's MSS.). Upper Side. AntennÆ black. Eyes brown. Thorax and abdomen black. Wings mazarine blue; the anterior ones having a white band crossing them from the middle of the anterior edges to the lower corners; the posterior edged with a white border, intersected by the blue tendons of the wings. Under Side. Palpi grey. Breast and abdomen black, streaked with white. Wings black where they are blue on the upper side, with the same white markings; but next the body are adorned with beautiful red streaks, ending in points resembling rays issuing from it. Margins of the wings entire. |