

Plate XXXVII. fig. 1, 2.

Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Diurna, Latr. Family: PapilionidÆ, Leach.

Genus. Pieris, Schrank. Latr. God. Papilio (Dan. Cand.) Linn. &c. (Subgenus: Leptalis, Boisduval.)

Pieris (Leptalis) Crisia. Alis oblongis, anticis falcato-acuminatis fuscis, fasci ante apicem flavescente, posticis integerrimis flavescentibus, limbo fusco. (Expans. Alar. 2 unc. 9 lin.)

Syn. Papilio (Dan. Cand.) Crisia, Drury, App. vol. 3. Fabr. Ent. Syst. III. 1. p. 166. No. 515. Enc. MÉth. ix. p. 197. (Pieris Cr.) Boisduval Hist. Nat. Lep. 1. p. 422. (Leptalis Cr.)

Habitat: Brazil. "Rio Janeiro, Mr. Bonifas, 1775" (Drury's MSS.).

Upper Side. AntennÆ spotted white beneath. Thorax and abdomen grey-brown. Anterior wings dark brown, almost like chocolate, the tips forming an obtuse angle; a white streak crossing them obliquely towards the lower corners, having a very small black spot thereon near the upper part. The posterior edges are white, extending from the body almost to the lower corners. Three small faint white spots are situated near the tips. Posterior wings white, deeply edged with brown from the upper to the abdominal corners.

Under Side. Palpi, breast, and abdomen grey. Anterior wings not so dark as on the upper side; but having the same marks, with the addition of a white streak at the tips. Posterior wings white, with a few patches of a very light brown, the lower edges being dappled with that colour. Near the shoulders are two small yellow spots. Margins of the wings entire.


Plate XXXVII. fig. 3, 4.

Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Diurna. Family: HeliconiidÆ, Swains.

Genus. AcrÆa, Fabr. Latr. God. Papilio (Heliconii), Fabr. olim.

AcrÆa Ethosea. Alis oblongis, suprÀ fuscis disco albo, anticis integerrimis, posticis subdenticulatis, his infrÀ basi punctis nigris, margine exteriori maculis albis trigonis serie digestis. (Expans. Alar. 2 unc. 3 lin.)

Syn. Papilio (Nymph. Phal.) Ethosea, Drury, App. vol. 3. Enc. MÉth. ix. p. 235. No. 17.

Habitat: Sierra Leone.

Upper Side. AntennÆ black. Thorax, abdomen, and wings deep brown, almost black; the disk of the anterior being white, and extending to the shoulders, all the middle part of the posterior being white likewise.

Under Side. Palpi grey. Breast and abdomen brown. Anterior wings next the body yellowish brown, but towards the tips inclining to grey; nerves black; the disk white, with a round black spot near the body, and another of a smaller size below it. The middle of the posterior wings is white, surrounded with brown, that part along the lower edges being darkest; next the body are five distinct black round spots, and an irregular shaped one at the middle of the upper edge; along the lower edges are a number of small triangular white spots. Margins of the posterior wings slightly dentated.

Although Sierra Leone is given by Drury in his published account of this insect as the locality for this species, I find it mentioned in his manuscript Catalogue as being received from "New Zealand, Mr. Banks, 1775." The authors of the EncyclopÉdie MÉthodique evidently knew the species only from Drury's figures and descriptions, and therefore have given the former locality. It is difficult to account for this contradictory statement, or to assert which of these localities is the correct one.


Plate XXXVII. fig. 5, 6.

Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Diurna. Family: HeliconiidÆ, Swains.

Genus. AcrÆa, Fabr. Latr. God. Papilio (Heliconii), Fabr. Olim.

AcrÆa Cynthia. Alis oblongis integerrimis fuscis, fasci communi anticarumque macula apicali, albidis; posticis supr punctorum fulvorum serie posticÂ. (Expans. Alar. 2 unc. 3 lin.)

Syn. Papilio (Hel.) Cynthius, Drury, App. vol. 3. Herbst. Pap. tab. 80. f. 1. 2.

AcrÆa Cynthia, Enc. MÉth. ix. p. 234.

Habitat: Sierra Leone.

Upper Side. AntennÆ brown. Eyes, thorax, and abdomen black. Anterior wings dark brown; a dark cream-coloured band rises at the middle of these wings, and crossing the posterior meets at the abdominal edges a little above the anus; a dark cream-coloured patch is also situated near the tips, and a narrow reddish line runs from the body to the disk. Posterior wings dark brown, having a row of five oblong lightish spots placed along the lower edges.

Under Side. Palpi grey. Breast and abdomen streaked and spotted with dark cream and black. Wings paler than on the upper side; the band and patch not so conspicuous as on the anterior ones; a row of marks, like acute angles, are placed along the edges of all the wings, the posterior ones having a cluster of ten small black spots placed near the body. Margins of the wings entire.

In Drury's manuscripts, which have come into my hands, it is stated that this insect was brought from Sierra Leone by Mr. Smeathman, and that "the original insect from which this figure was taken is destroyed, and was of a much livelier colour than those which I judge to be varieties of Cynthius."


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