EREBUS ZENOBIA.Plate XXXIX. Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Nocturna. Family: NoctuidÆ, Stephens. Genus. Erebus, Latr. Thysania, Dalm. Noctua p., Fabr. Erebus Zenobia. Alis cinereis strigis dentatis et undulatis fuscis et brunneis variegatis, subtÙs ferrugineis nigro-undatis. (Expans. Alar. 5 unc. 6 lin.) Syn. PhalÆna (Bombyx) Zenobia, Drury, App. vol. 3. Cramer? tab. 115. A. B. Noctua Zenobia, Fabr. Ent. Syst. III. 2. p. 8. No. 1. Gmel. Linn. S. N. 2529. 969. Oliv. Enc. MÉth. 8. p. 251. 1. Habitat: "Jamaica, Mr. Kenchan, 1775" (Drury's MSS.). Upper Side. AntennÆ setaceous and dark brown. Head the same. Thorax and abdomen grey: having a tuft of black hairs standing between them. General colour grey, faintly tinged with red. Anterior wings with a remarkable irregular black bar running from the tips to the shoulders, crossing the thorax horizontally, and parallel with the anterior edges; on the middle of this edge is a triangular dark brown spot edged with black, and nearer the body is a smaller one of the same shape and colour: a second narrower black line is situate about half an inch below, and parallel with the first, rising on the posterior edges, and extending across the wings almost to the external ones. Posterior wings with a black irregular bar arising near the external corners, and crossing them in a straight direction, meeting at the extremity of the abdomen; just above this, and almost close to it, is a very small and narrow waved black line running parallel with it, but towards the end suddenly turns off, and reaches the anterior edges. Besides the above markings there are a number of lighter and darker shades interspersed on the different parts of the wings. Under Side. Palpi reddish, the extremities brown. Tongue spiral. Legs dark brown, mottled with red. Breast, abdomen, and sides red. Wings greyish red, with black indented lines and bars running parallel with the edges of the wings, and regularly placed one above another. Anterior wings |