

Plate XXXIV. fig. 1.

Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Nocturna. Family: BombycidÆ, Steph.

Genus. Saturnia, Schrank. Attacus, Germ. PhalÆna (Attacus), Drury.

Saturnia Lucina. Alis albido-griseis fusco multi-rivulosis, strigis undulatis submarginalibus, anticis maculis nonnullis mediis ocelloque parvo apicali nigris. (Expans. Alar. 6 unc. 9 lin.)

Syn. PhalÆna (Attacus) Lucina, Drury, App. vol. 3. Oliv. Enc. MÉth. 5. 31. 27.

Habitat: "Sierra Leone, Mr. Smeathman, 1775" (Drury's MSS.).

Upper Side. AntennÆ yellow and pectinated. Thorax and abdomen brown. Wings russet-brown and cream-colour, disposed in a great variety of different shaped marks. Anterior wings next the body with a number of angulated lines following each other in a regular succession; the middle being composed of another succession of undulated lines crossing the wings from the anterior to the posterior edges: a black oval spot is placed at the tips, and a row of different sized oval marks runs along the external edges. Posterior wings next the body dark brown, the middle and bottom having a series of undulated lines crossing them in regular succession from the anterior to the abdominal edges, while a row of light and dark oval marks is placed along the external edges.

Under Side. Palpi brown. Legs cream-coloured. Breast, sides, and abdomen brown. Tongue not observed. Wings differing but slightly from the upper side; the general manner of marking being still preserved here. On the upper part of the posterior wings, next the body, is a triangular cream spot, the inner space being brown. Margins of the wings entire.


Plate XXXIV. fig. 2, 3.

Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Diurna. Family: LycÆnidÆ, Steph.

Genus. Thecla, Fabr. (Syst. Gloss.) Polyommatus, Latr. God. Hesperia p. Fabr. (olim.) Papilio (Pleb. rur.), Drury.

Thecla Orcas. Alis suprÀ virescenti-coeruleis, limbo maculisque nonnullis subcostalibus anticarum nigris; subtÙs ferrugineo-fuscis maculis numerosis argenteis. (Expans. Alar. 1 unc. 6 lin.)

Syn. Papilio (Pleb. Rur.) Orcas, Drury, App. vol. 3. Enc. MÉth. ix. 645. 102. (Polyomm. O.)

Habitat: Sierra Leone.

Upper Side. AntennÆ brown and thickest at their extremities, where they are white. Head black, but between the eyes white. Thorax and abdomen dark blue, almost black. Wings golden blue, bordered and fringed with black; the anterior having along the anterior edges three small black marks, besides the border. Posterior wings furnished with four tails, and having two singular red spots placed at the abdominal corners.

Under Side. Palpi and legs white. Sides, breast, and abdomen red and white. Wings fine red-brown, almost as deep as chocolate, adorned with a variety of different shaped silver spots; the anterior having eight, placed all over the wings, and the posterior eleven; the latter having an orange mark at the abdominal corners. Margins of the anterior wings entire, but of the posterior slightly dentated.


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