

Plate XXII. fig. 1.

Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Nocturna. Family: NoctuidÆ, Steph.

Genus. Noctua, Auct. (Subgenus: ——?)

Noctua Guttata. alis griseis punctis nonnullis discoidalibus strigisque apicalibus obscurioribus. (Expans. Alar. 1 unc. 7½ lin.)

Syn. PhalÆna (Noctua) Guttata, Drury, App. vol. 3.

Habitat: "Brazil" (Drury, in text). "Cape of Good Hope, Mr. Foster, 1775" (Drury's MSS.).

Upper Side. AntennÆ setaceous. Thorax and abdomen grey. Anterior wings light-coloured, almost grey, the middle having some dark spots on them, and a few dark streaks near the tips. Posterior wings darker coloured, without spots.

Under Side. Palpi, breast, and abdomen grey. Anterior wings coloured as on the upper, immaculate. Posterior wings lighter-coloured than on the upper side. Margins of the wings entire.


Plate XXII. fig. 2.

Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Nocturna. Family: NoctuidÆ, Steph.

Genus. Noctua? Auct. (Subgenus: ——?)

Noctua? Hesione. Alis anticis brunneis strig longitudinali subcostali luteÂ, fasciÂque transversali dilutÂ, strigis undulatis nigris marginatis, angulis posticis productis; posticis fulvis margine latÈ nigro. (Expans. Alar. 2 unc.)

Syn. PhalÆna (Noctua) Hesione, Drury, App. vol. 3.

Habitat: Brazil, "Rio Janeiro, Mr. Bonifas, 1775" (Drury's MSS.).

Upper Side. AntennÆ brown and setaceous. Thorax clay-coloured. Abdomen reddish. Anterior wings reddish-brown, with two darker bands crossing them; the anterior edges pale clay-coloured; a small narrow clay-coloured line rises near the posterior edges close to the shoulders, and extends in a circular manner to the anterior edges: the lower corners of these wings are remarkably prominent. Posterior wings deep yellow, deeply bordered from the upper to the abdominal corners, with black.

Under Side. Palpi orange, remarkably long. Tongue spiral. Legs, breast and abdomen clay-coloured. Anterior wings dark-brown as on the upper side, the anterior edges yellow. Posterior wings paler yellow than on the upper side, and the black border not so distinct. Margins of the wings entire.

This insect is evidently the type of a distinct genus from any hitherto described, especially distinguished by the lively colours of the wings, the produced posterior angle of the anterior pair, and the form of the palpi.


Plate XXII. fig. 3.

Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Nocturna. Family: BombycidÆ.

Genus. Endromis, Ochs. Germar. Dimorpha, HÜbn. PhalÆna (Bombyx), (Drury.)

Endromis Rhodope. Alis albis pellucidis; strigis duabus undulatis parallelis submarginalibus, maculisque nonnullis discoidalibus anticarum virescentibus. (Expans. Alar. 2 unc. 6 lin.)

Syn. PhalÆna (Bombyx) Rhodope, Drury, App. vol. 3.

Habitat: Brazil, "Rio Janeiro, Mr. Bonifas, 1776" (Drury's MSS.).

Upper Side. AntennÆ pectinated. Thorax and abdomen dark-brown, with some faint whiteish marks. Wings transparent white, having two rows of greenish crescents running along the external edges, the anterior wings having some faint marks of the same kind in the middle also. The anterior edges are of a yellow hue.

Under Side. Palpi white. Tongue not observed. Legs, breast, and abdomen white. Anus dark-brown. Wings coloured as on the upper side; the posterior ones having two brown spots on each near the abdominal corners. Margins of the wings entire.


Plate XXII. fig. 4.

Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Nocturna. Family: ArctiidÆ, Steph.

Genus. Callimorpha? Latr. PhalÆna (Noctua), Drury.

Callimorpha? Diaphana. Alis diaphanis, marginibus anticis et externis strigÂque transvers e margine antico ad angulum posticum ductÂ, nigris. (Expans. Alar. 1 unc. 9 lin.)

Syn. PhalÆna (Noctua) Diaphana, Drury, App. vol. 3.

Habitat: Brazil, "Rio Janeiro, Mr. Bonifas, 1774" (Drury's MSS.).

Upper Side. AntennÆ pectinated. Thorax brown. Abdomen black, brown above. Wings diaphanous, the edges being bordered with black, a black band also crosses the anterior, from the anterior edges to the lower corners.

Under Side. Tongue spiral. Breast and legs black. Abdomen grey. Anus yellowish. Wings coloured on this side as on the upper. Margins of the wings entire.


Plate XXII. fig. 5.

Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Nocturna. Family: ArctiidÆ, Steph.

Genus. Callimorpha? Latr. PhalÆna (Noctua), Drury.

Callimorpha? Phileta. Alis anticis oblongis fuscis, fasci transvers pone medium albÂ, posticis fulvis margine externo nigro, thorace sanguineo. (Expans. Alar. 2 unc. 3 lin.)

Syn. PhalÆna (Noctua) Phileta, Drury, App. vol. 3.

Habitat: "Sierra Leone, Mr. Smeathman, 1776" (Drury's MSS.).

Upper Side. AntennÆ black and setaceous. Thorax red, spotted, and striped with black. Abdomen yellow, with black streaks crossing it. Anterior wings sooty black, with a white band crossing each from the anterior edges to the lower corners. Posterior wings yellow, with a black border running along the external edges.

Under Side. Head and neck red. Legs streaked black and white. Breast and abdomen yellow, the latter spotted with black on each side. Wings coloured as on the upper side. Margins of the wings entire.


Plate XXII. fig. 6.

Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Nocturna. Family: ArctiidÆ, Steph.

Genus. Callimorpha? Latr. PhalÆna (Noctua), Drury.

Callimorpha? Eucharis. Alis sulphureis, margine postico lato punctoque medio anticarum fuscis. (Expans. Alar. 1 unc. 6 lin.)

Syn. PhalÆna (Noctua) Eucharis, Drury, App. vol. 3.

Habitat: Brazil.

Upper Side. AntennÆ setaceous. Thorax and abdomen brown. Anterior wings greyish yellow, with a single spot placed near the middle, almost close to the anterior edge. Posterior wings of the same colour as the anterior, and like them surrounded with a deep black border.

Under Side. Tongue spiral. Legs, breast, and abdomen grey. Wings coloured as on the upper side, the borders being fainter. Margins of the wings entire.


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