

Plate XLVII. fig. 1.

Order: Coleoptera. Section: Serricornes. Family: ElateridÆ.

Genus. Elater, Linn, &c. (Subgenus: Tetralobus, Encycl. MÉth.)

Elater (Tetralobus) Flabellicornis. Fuscus, antennis 8-laminatis, elytris nitidis lÆvibus. (Long. Corp. 2 unc. 6 lin.)

Syn. Elater flabellicornis, Linn. Syst. Nat. 1. 11. p. 651. 1.? Fabr. Syst. Ent. 1. App. p. 824. 1.? Syst. Eleuth. II. p. 221. 2.? De Jean Catal. Col. 2nd Edit. 85. Oliv. Ent. II. 31. p. 8. t. 3. fig. 28.? Herbst. Col. ix. p. 320. t. 127. f. 1.?

Elater Gigas, Fabr. Syst. Eleuth. II. p. 221. 1.?

Habitat: Sierra Leone (Drury, Afzelius, Schonh.). Guinea (De Jean). India (Linn. Fabr. Oliv.).

Head rather small, square, surrounded with a small black margin; palpi very short. AntennÆ black; those of the male laminated, having eight distinct plates or laminÆ laying close to each other, which, when closed together, appear to be of equal thickness. General colour dark or dirty brown. Thorax with a black margin, terminating on the sides in two sharp spines. Scutellum small. Elytra smooth and glossy, without any margin, and rounded at the extremities, without spines. Sternum black and small. Beneath of the same colour as the upper side.

This figure has been usually cited as the Elater flabellicornis Linn., the habitat of which is said to be India, whereas the real habitat of Drury's insect, as confirmed by Afzelius and De Jean, is Sierra Leone and Guinea. This insect was sometimes found by Mr. Smeathman in the evenings, having flown into the houses, to which it was attracted by the lights.


Plate XLVII. fig. 2.

Order: Coleoptera. Section: Serricornes. Family: ElateridÆ.

Genus. Elater, Linn. &c. (Subgenus: Agrypnus, Eschscholtz.)

Elater (Agrypnus) Quadri-maculatus. Cinereus, thoracis punctis quatuor, elytris fasciis duabus undulatis nigris. (Long. Corp. 9 lin.)

Syn. Elater quadri-maculatus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. 1. II. p. 219. 14. Syst. Eleuth. II. p. 224. 13. Oliv. Ent. II. 31. p. 20. t. 8. f. 79. Herbst. Col. x. p. 105. t. 168. f. 3. Klug Ermann's Voy. App. p. 31. pl. 15. f. 3.

Elater fasciatus, Drury, App. vol. 3.

Habitat: Coast of Africa (Drury). "In Africa Æquinoctiali" (Fabr.).

Head grey. AntennÆ serrated and black; much shorter than the thorax, which is grey, with two small round black spots on the middle, and two square ones next the scutellum, which is black, surrounded by a patch of the same colour. Elytra grey, with two waved irregular bands crossing them, one near the middle, the other near the tips. Beneath black, and, when viewed through a microscope, appearing to be powdered as it were with grey. Legs black.


Plate XLVII. fig. 3.

Order: Coleoptera. Section: Serricornes. Family: ElateridÆ.

Genus. Elater, Linn. &c. (Subgenus: Cardiophorus, Eschsch.?)

Elater (Cardiophorus?) Pictus. Fulvus, antennis nigris serratis, thorace elytrisque nigro-lineatis et undulatis, his etiam macul utrinque triangulari nigrÂ. (Long. Corp. 9 lin.)

Syn. Elater pictus, Drury, App. vol. 3. Schonh. Syn. Ins. 3. 277.

Habitat: Coast of Africa.

Head yellow-brown. AntennÆ deeply serrated and black, being shorter than the thorax. Thorax yellow-brown, with several black longitudinal streaks. Scutellum very small and yellow brown. Elytra of the same colour, with several faint black marks thereon, particularly two situated near the middle of a triangular shape, and reaching to the sides; they are a little striated, and terminate in four blunt spines, two to each. Beneath of a greyer colour than on the upper side. Sternum remarkably large.


Plate XLVII. fig. 4.

Order: Coleoptera. Section: Serricornes. Family: ElateridÆ.

Genus. Elater, Linn. &c. (Subgenus: Semiotus, Eschscholtz.) Pericalus, Enc. MÉth.

Elater (Semiotus) Ligneus. Ferrugineus, elytris mucronatis vittis duabus lateralibus suturÂque obscurioribus, thorace line medi nigrÂ. (Long. Corp. 1 unc. 3 lin.)

Syn. Elater ligneus, Linn. Amoen. Acad. vi. p. 395. 24. Syst. Nat. 1. II. p. 652. Fabr. Syst. Eleuth. II. p. 224. No. 20. Oliv. Ent. II. 31. p. 17. t. 2. f. 15. Herbst. Col. ix. p. 339. 14. t. 158. f. 8.

Elater serraticornis, Drury, App. vol. 3.

Elater conicus, Voet Col. Ed. Panz. II. p. 110. 9. t. 42. f. 9.

Habitat: Rio Janeiro.

Head red brown. AntennÆ black, shorter than the thorax, which is red-brown, with a dark longitudinal streak running along the middle from the head to the scutellum, the sides terminating in two angular points. Scutellum small and brown. Elytra red-brown, marginated and ending in two spines; they are a little striated, with three longitudinal streaks of a dark brown colour; one in the middle along the suture, the others on each side. Breast and base of the abdomen red-brown colour; hinder part of the latter is darker, having two oval spots of a lightish colour near the anus.


Plate XLVII. fig. 5.

Order: Coleoptera. Section: Serricornes. Family: ElateridÆ.

Genus. Elater, Linn. &c. (Subgenus: Semiotus.)

Elater (Semiotus) Suturalis. Thorace utrinque unidentato ferrugineo, line dorsali punctisque duobus; coleoptris testaceis vittis tribus atris. (Long. Corp. 1 unc. 5 lin.)

Syn. Elater Suturalis, Fabr. Ent. Syst. 1. II. p. 224. 35. Syst. Eleuth. II. p. 231. 52. Oliv. Ent. II. 31. p. 18. t. 1. f. 3. a. b. c. Herbst. Col. ix. t. 158. f. 5. 6.

Elater angulatus, Drury Ins. App. vol. 3.

Habitat: Brazil.

Head black, with two thick and short spines. AntennÆ black, strongly serrated. Thorax orange, with a broad black streak down the middle; two black lozenge-shaped spots are placed near the middle of the thorax, and united to the black streak; close to these are two protuberances, on the sides of the thorax. Scutellum black. Elytra pale orange, the sides and middle having three black stripes running along them, the extremities ending in two sharp spines. Breast orange, with two long black spots on the sides. Abdomen dark cream-coloured, with two black stripes running along the sides from the breast, and joining at the anus. Legs orange.


Plate XLVII. fig. 6.

Order: Coleoptera. Section: Serricornes. Family: ElateridÆ.

Genus. Elater, Linn. &c. (Subgenus: Chalcolepidius, Eschscholtz.)

Elater (Chalcolepidius) Porcatus. Viridi-Æneus, elytris sulcatis; sulcis villoso-albis, thoracis marginibus luteis. (Long. Corp. 1 unc. 9 lin.)

Syn. Elater porcatus, Fabr. Syst. Ent. p. 211. 8. Syst. Eleuth. II. p. 225. 26. Oliv. Ent. II. 31. p. 14. 10. t. 7. f. 74. Herbst. Col. ix. p. 323. t. 157. f. 3. Drury, App. vol. 3.

Habitat: Bay of Honduras.

Head dark green. AntennÆ black. Thorax yellow at the sides; having a broad bar of a green colour running longitudinally from the head to the hinder part, being margined with black. Elytra deeply furrowed with green and yellow lines, the sides having a broad yellow stripe along them, and margined with black, the extremities being round, and not ending in a spine. Breast, abdomen, and legs dark green. Sternum black and large.


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