

Plate XLVI. fig. 1.

Order: Hemiptera. Suborder: Heteroptera. Section: Geocorisa. Family: PentatomidÆ.

Genus. Pentatoma, Latreille. Cimex, Fabr. Drury.

Pentatoma Catena. Albida, pronoti dorso macul magn nigrÂ, line tenui alb in medio divisÂ, scutello macul basali, alter subapicali, membranÂque elytrorum nigris. (Long. Corp. lin. 7½.)

Syn. Cimex catena, Drury, App. vol. 3.

Habitat: Brazil.

Head cream-coloured and black. AntennÆ about half the length of the insect. Thorax flesh-coloured; a large black spot occupying the middle, which is divided by a cream-coloured line. Scutellum shaped like a bell, black, surrounded with cream colour, and divided transversely by a line of the same colour. Hemelytra flesh-coloured, the extremities black. Beneath cream-coloured, with a great many black spots. Rostrum black, extending below the fore legs. Legs cream, streaked with black.


Plate XLVI. fig. 2.

Order: Hemiptera. Suborder: Heteroptera. Section: Geocorisa. Family: Scutati, Burm.

Genus. Edessa, Fabr. Centroproctus, Hahn. Cimex, Drury.

Edessa Virens. Obscure virescens, elytris fuscis margine externo pallido, pronoto lateribus utrinque in spinam longam rectam et acutam productis. (Long. Corp. 10½ lin.)

Syn. Cimex virens, Drury, App. vol. 3.

Edessa cervus? Fabr. Syst. Rh. 146. 2.

Habitat: Brazil.

AntennÆ small, about two-thirds the length of the insect. Head, thorax, and scutellum dirty green; the latter large and triangular. The thorax on each side ends in very acute angles. Hemelytra brown, but were probably green when the insect was living. Beneath dirty green. Rostrum extending beyond the hinder legs.


Plate XLVI. fig. 3.

Order: Hemiptera. Section: Geocorisa. Family: LygÆidÆ, Leach.

Genus. Largus, Hahn. Euryopthalmus, Laporte. Cimex, Drury.

Largus Lineola. Ferrugineo-niger, profunde punctatus, pronoto postice luteo, membran albido-cinere fusco venos limbo fusco. (Long. Corp. 6 lin.)

Syn. Cimex Lineola, Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 721. No. 52.

Cimex punctatus, De Geer Mem. pl. 34. fig. 17. 18.

Cimex humilis, Drury, App. vol. 3. Hahn. Wanzen. Art. Ins. t. 2. f. 6. (Largus h.) Stoll, tab. 27. fig. 265.

Euryopth. puncticollis, Laporte Hemipt. 38. 4.

LygÆus Mutilis. Perty Del. Art. Braz. pl. 34. f. 9.

Habitat: Brazil.

Head black. AntennÆ small and black, and about half the length of the insect. Thorax black in front, orange behind; with many minute black spots, the under part being edged with cream. Scutellum triangular, small and black. Hemelytra black at the base: white at the extremities. Abdomen black, edged with cream both above and beneath. Rostrum black, extending to the hinder legs, all of which are black likewise.


Plate XLVI. fig. 4.

Order: Hemiptera. Suborder: Heteroptera. Section: Geocorisa. Family: PentatomidÆ.

Genus. Pentatoma, Latreille. Cimex, Fabr. Drury.

Pentatoma Spectabilis. Capite rufescenti postice nigro, pronoto albido, antice maculisque duabus posticis nigris, scutello et corio albidis fasci lat communi membranÂque apicali nigris. (Long. Corp. 7½ lin.)

Syn. Cimex spectabilis, Drury, App. vol. 3.

Habitat: Brazil.

Head red. Eyes, neck, and antennÆ black. Thorax cream-coloured, edged in front with black, having two small black spots on the shoulders, and two larger on the hinder part, which are continued on the front of the scutellum, which is large and triangular; the tip being cream colour, the middle having a broad black band crossing it and the hemelytra, which are cream-coloured at the base, the hinder part being black. Beneath red, with small black spots along the sides. Rostrum long and black, extending below the hinder legs. Thighs red, the tibiÆ and tarsi black.


Plate XLVI. fig. 5.

Order: Hemiptera. Suborder: Heteroptera. Section: Geocorisa. Family: PentatomidÆ.

Genus. Pentatoma, Latreille. Cimex, Fabr. Drury.

Pentatoma Rutilans. Cyanea aut viridi Ænea, pronoti fasci transvers anticÂ, scutelli apice elytrorumque basi internÈ sanguineis, abdomine sanguineo maculis marginalibus pedibusque nigris. (Long. Corp. 1 unc. 3 lin.)

Syn. Edessa rutilans, Fabr. Syst. Rh. 151. 25.

Cimex anchorago, Drury, App. vol. 3. (nec Fabr. Ent. Syst. 4. 86. 25.)

Habitat: Sierra Leone.

Head dark blue. AntennÆ black. Thorax deep shining mazarine blue, the fore part with a scarlet transverse streak. Scutellum triangular, appearing swelled in the fore part, which is of a dark greenish blue, the hinder part being scarlet, and continued along the edges up to the shoulders. Hemelytra dark blueish green. Abdomen scarlet, edged with dark blue spots. Rostrum black, extending to the hinder legs. Beneath deep yellowish flesh-colour, spotted on the sides with blue. Legs black.


Plate XLVI. fig. 6.

Order: Hemiptera. Suborder: Heteroptera. Section: Geocorisa. Family: PentatomidÆ.

Genus. Pentatoma, Latreille. Cimex, Fabr. Drury.

Pentatoma Regia. Lutea; capite, pronoti maculis duabus oblongis, scutelli basi, elytrorum macul centrali membranÂque apicali nigris. (Long. Corp. lin 7½.)

Syn. Cimex regius, Drury, App. vol. 3.

Pentatoma catena var. vel sexus alter? Drury, in text.

Habitat: Brazil.

The principal difference between this insect and Pent. catena, is two black spots on the flesh-coloured part of the hemelytra; the scutellum not having the black part divided by the cream-coloured line, and the under part of the insect being rather more spotted than that.


Plate XLVI. fig. 7.

Order: Hemiptera. Suborder: Heteroptera. Section: Geocorisa. Family: PentatomidÆ.

Genus. Aspongopus, Lap. Burm. Edessa, Fabr. Cimex, Drury.

Aspongopus Janus. Niger, supra ruber; capite, pronoti macul anticÂ, scutelli basi, membranÂque nigris. (Long. Corp. 10 lin.)

Syn. Cimex Janus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. 4. 107. 105. Syst. Rhyng. 151. 23. (Edessa J.) Stoll Cim. 2. t. 6. f. 41. Wolff. Cim. 1. 13. t. 2. f. 13. Burmeister Hemipt. p. 352. 3. (Aspongopus J.)

Cimex Afer, Drury, App. vol. 3.

Habitat: Coast of Coromandel (Drury). "In AmericÆ insulis" (Fabr. haud recte).

Head and antennÆ black. Thorax red and margined, having a black triangular spot situated near the head. Base of the scutellum black, the hinder part and sides being red. Hemelytra red, the extremities black. Abdomen red. Rostrum short, extending only to the fore legs. Beneath black, edged with red. Legs black.

The specific name, Afer, given to this insect, although having the priority in point of date over that of Fabricius, is so completely inappropriate that I have not hesitated in adopting the latter.


Plate XLVI. fig. 8.

Order: Hemiptera. Suborder: Heteroptera. Section: Geocorisa. Family: PentatomidÆ.

Genus. Pentatoma, Latreille. Cimex, Fabr. Drury.

Pentatoma Pulchella. Sanguinea, supra coeruleo nigra, fasciis duabus sanguineis, antic arcuatÂ, antennis pedibusque nigris. (Long. Corp. 10 lin.)

Syn. Cimex pulchellus, Drury, App. vol. 3. Stoll, pl. 5. fig. 30. & pl. 21. fig. 142.

Cimex concentricus, Klug, Burmeister Hemipt. 365. 5.

Habitat: Bay of Honduras (Drury). Para (Burmeister). Guiana (J. O. W.).

Head flesh-coloured. AntennÆ black. Thorax dark blue, the angulated corners red. Scutellum scarlet, with a dark blue band crossing it near the middle, and two small blue spots adjoining to the thorax. Hemelytra, next the thorax red, below which is a broad dark blue band crossing them, and a narrow scarlet one beneath it; the remainder being dark blue. Rostrum black, extending below the hinder legs. Abdomen scarlet at the base, with two rows of white streaks; the extremity next the anus dark blue. Legs black.


Plate XLVI. fig. 9.

Order: Hemiptera. Suborder: Heteroptera. Section: Geocorisa. Family: PentatomidÆ.

Genus. SphÆrocoris, Burmeister. Tetyra, Fabr. Cimex, Drury.

SphÆrocoris Argus. Lutea, guttis 15 pallidis sive rubris nigro-cinctis. (Long. Corp. lin. 4.)

Syn. Cimex annulus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. 4. 82. 10. Syst. Rh. 132. 20. (Tetyra A.)

Cimex Argus, Drury, App. vol. 3. (nec Fabr. Syst. Rh. 533.) Stoll Cim. pl. 7. fig. 50.

SphÆrocoris Argus, Burmeister Hemipt. 391. No. 2?

Scutellera gibbosa, Pal. Beauv. Ins. d'Afr. et d'Amer. Hemipt. pl. 5. b. f. 3.

Habitat: Sierra Leone.

Head dark cream colour, with two black lines from the front to the hinder part. Thorax dark cream, with two waved bands crossing it from side to side, of a darker colour. Scutellum very large, and entirely covering the abdomen. This part is high and rounded, of the same colour with the rest of the insect, having a number of oval, circular, and other shaped marks thereon. Beneath dark-cream; breast and fore-part lightest. Rostrum extending below the hinder legs, all of which are of the same dark cream colour with the other parts.

There is some confusion as to the specific names of the insects composing the present genus. The Tetyra Argus of Fabricius, with which the species here figured (from Sierra Leone) was considered identical by Drury, is an inhabitant of South America. Dr. Burmeister has also confused it with a species from the Cape of Good Hope.


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