

Plate XLV. fig. 1.

Order: Hemiptera. Suborder: Heteroptera. Section: Geocorisa. Family: ReduviidÆ, Leach.

Genus. Ectrichodia, Laporte. Ectrichotes, Burmeister. Loricerus, Hahn.

Ectrichodia Barbicornis. Nigra; thorace, abdominis lateribus pedibusque rufis, scutello nigro nitido. (Long. Corp. 1 unc. 1½ lin.)

Syn. Reduvius barbicornis, Fabr. Ent. Syst. 4. 194. 4. Syst. Rh. 267. 4. Drury, App. vol. 3. (Cimex b.)

Habitat: Sierra Leone.

Head small and dark brown. AntennÆ filiform, black. Thorax dark orange. Scutellum small, black, rough, and shining. Hemelytra black, velvety; but edged next the body with orange. Abdomen black, edged with orange. Rostrum short, not reaching to the fore-legs, and brown. Legs slender and orange-coloured.


Plate XLV. fig. 2.

Order: Hemiptera. Suborder: Heteroptera. Section: Geocorisa. Family: CoreidÆ, Leach.

Genus. Cerbus, Hahn. Anisoscelis, Latr. LygÆus, Fabr.

Cerbus Falx. Fuscus, thoracis lateribus compresso-lunatis serratis, femoribus posticis dilatatis haud dentatis, tibiisque posticis membranaceo-dilatatis. (Long. Corp. 9½ lin.)

Syn. Cimex falx, Drury, App. vol. 3.

Habitat: Coast of Africa.

Head small, dirty brown, which is the general colour of the insect. AntennÆ slender, about two-thirds the length of the insect. Thorax brown, the sides terminating in two broad and thin protuberances, bending forward towards the head, the edges being serrated. Scutellum triangular. Wing-cases, wings and legs muddy-coloured, the hinder legs having the tibiÆ very broad, and thin.

This insect is very nearly allied to LygÆus Tragus Wolff, fig. 188, which is, however, an inhabitant of China.


Plate XLV. fig. 3.

Order: Hemiptera. Suborder: Heteroptera. Section: Geocorisa. Family: CoreidÆ, Leach.

Genus. Diactor, Burmeister. Acanthocephalus, Laporte. Cimex, Drury. LygÆus, Fabr.

Diactor Latipes. Fuscus sive brunneus, unicolor; pronoto cano granoso, elytrorum venis rufis, tarsis posticis pallidis. (Long. Corp. 1 unc. 1½ lin.)

Syn. Cimex latipes, Drury, App. vol. 3.

LygÆus compressipes, Fabr. Syst. Rh. 209. 24. Stoll Cim. t. 2. f. 14. Burmeister Handb. 2. 334. (Diactor c.)

Habitat: Jamaica (Drury). South America.

Head black and very small. AntennÆ slender, and almost as long as the insect. Thorax dark muddy green, almost black, which is the general colour of the insect. Next the head there is a white mark, somewhat resembling a crown, the sides terminating in two angles. Scutellum triangular. Hemelytra and wings of the same dark colour with the other parts. Rostrum slender, extending to the middle legs. Fore and middle legs slender, the thighs being dentated. Hinder legs very long, the thighs very thick and strong, and much dentated; the tibiÆ being very broad and thin, and the inner edges serrated. Tarsi dark orange.


Plate XLV. fig. 4.

Order: Hemiptera. Suborder: Heteroptera. Section: Geocorisa. Family: ReduviidÆ, Leach.

Genus. Hammatocerus, Burm. Hammacerus, Laporte. Cimex, Drury.

Hammatocerus Purcis. Niger, undique granosus, elytris basi albis, femorum posticorum basi sanguineÂ. (Long. Corp. 1 unc.)

Syn. Cimex Purcis, Drury, App. vol. 3. Brown Ill. tab. 70. f. 2.

Reduvius Nychthemerus, Illig. Burm. vol. 2. 236. 1. (Hammatocerus n.)

Hammacerus conspicillaris var. Laporte Hem. 79.

Habitat: Virginia (Drury). Georgia (Burmeister).

Head, eyes, and thorax black; the latter rough. AntennÆ setaceous, consisting of innumerable articulations. Scutellum triangular and black. Corium white, terminal membrane black. Wings white and transparent. Abdomen black, the edges marked with scarlet and black spots. Rostrum black and short, not reaching to the fore legs. Legs black, the hinder thighs next the body scarlet.


Plate XLV. fig. 5.

Order: Hemiptera. Suborder: Heteroptera. Section: Geocorisa. Family: CoreidÆ, Leach.

Genus. Cerbus, Hahn. Anisoscelis, Latr. LygÆus, Fabr.

Cerbus Sanctus. Fuscus, thorace maculÂque cruciat elytrorum fulvis, thorace inermi, pedibus nigris femoribus posticis maximis, tibiis mediocribus. (Long. Corp. fere 1 unc.)

Syn. Cimex Sanctus, Drury, App. vol. 3.

Habitat: Sierra Leone.

Head dark brown. AntennÆ almost as long as the insect. Thorax orange brown, having a black streak on it next the head. Scutellum triangular and black. Corium orange brown, apical membrane black. Rostrum small and slender, not reaching to the fore legs. Legs black. Hinder thighs strong and thick, having a strong spine on the under part, and another longer, near the tip of the tibiÆ.

Fabricius has applied the specific name of Sanctus to one of the species of thick-legged CoreidÆ, from Brazil, which is placed by Burmeister in the Genus Crinocerus. Drury quoted the Fabrician description as belonging to his species, but the diversity in their locality would alone be sufficient to prove them to be distinct.


Plate XLV. fig. 6.

For the description of this species, and a representation of an individual with expanded wings, see Vol. II. plate XXXVIII. fig. 4. The following are the only material variations noticed in the descriptions of this specimen as compared with that referred to above, and which can only be regarded as indicating slight variety.

Head very small and black. AntennÆ black, about half the length of the insect. Thorax shining, punctated, and of a deep blue, almost black, being surrounded with a circular line of a cream colour, and which is divided in the middle, the sides terminating in two black angular spines. Scutellum large, glossy, triangular, and black, the tip being cream-coloured and punctated. Hemelytra brownish, tinged with blue, the extremities being blueish black. Abdomen red above, edged with orange and black; deep yellow beneath, with black spots on the edge. Legs deep yellow, tibiÆ black. Tarsi black above, yellow beneath.


Plate XLV. fig. 7.

Order: Hemiptera. Suborder: Heteroptera. Section: Geocorisa. Family: CoreidÆ, Leach.

Genus. Cerbus, Hahn. Anisoscelis, Latr. LygÆus, Fabr.

Cerbus Umbrosus. ObscurÈ fulvescens, pronoti disco striis tribus nigris, antennarum articulo ultimo fulvo, elytris striis obliquis nigris notatis, membran apicali Æne nitidÂ, femoribus tibiisque posticis serratis. (Long. Corp. 1 unc. 3 lin.)

Syn. Cimex umbrosus, Drury, App. vol. 3.

Habitat: Brazil.

Head and thorax dark orange, the latter with three longitudinal streaks of a darker colour. AntennÆ dark orange and black, the last articulation orange. Scutellum triangular, and dark brown. Hemelytra striated with dark orange and brown, the extremities being of a bronze-colour and glossy. Abdomen darker than the other parts. Rostrum extending to the middle legs. Legs orange-brown, the hinder ones having the thighs and tibiÆ serrated.


Plate XLV. fig. 8.

Order: Hemiptera. Suborder: Heteroptera. Section: Geocorisa. Family: ReduviidÆ, Leach.

Genus. Hammatocerus, Burm. Hammacerus, Laporte. Cimex, Drury.

Hammatocerus Conspicillaris. Niger, elytris basi albis, macul irregulari nigrÂ, abdominis marginibus rubro-maculatis. (Long. Corp. 1 unc. 1½ lin.)

Syn. Cimex conspicillaris, Drury, App. vol. 3. Laporte Hemipt. p. 79. Burmeister Hem. p. 236. 2.

Habitat: Brazil.

Head small and black. AntennÆ setaceous, black, and about half the length of the insect. Thorax black. Scutellum triangular and black, but tipped with white. Hemelytra black, the base white, whereon is an oblong black spot. Abdomen dark red, edged with dark red and black. Rostrum short and curled, not reaching to the fore legs. Legs black.


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