PRONUS (TITANUS) GIGANTEUS.Plate XLIX. fig. 1. Order: Coleoptera. Section: Longicornes. Family: PrionidÆ. Genus. Prionus, Geoffroy. Cerambyx P., Linn. (Subgenus: Titanus, Serv. Ann. Soc. Ent. France, 1. p. 133.) Prionus (Titanus) Giganteus. Thorace utrinque bidentato, corpore nigro, elytris ferrugineis, antennis brevibus. (Long. Corp. 6 unc. 9 lin.) Syn. Cerambyx Giganteus, Linn. Mant. 1. 531. Shaw Nat. Misc. t. 280. Fabr. Syst. El. 2. 261. 17. (Prionus g.) Oliv. Ent. 4. 66. p. 12. t. 6. f. 21. Habitat: Cayenne. Head and thorax black; all the rest of the insect dark brown. Jaws broad and thin, the extremities bending inwards towards each other. AntennÆ thickest at their base, and about half the length of the insect, gradually diminishing in size to the extremities. Thorax smooth and rounded at top, the middle appearing as if polished; the sides rough, like shagreen, and armed with two short and pointed spines, like horns; it is also margined. Scutellum small and bell-shaped. Elytra deeply margined on their sides and suture; faintly ribbed, each having five placed longitudinally, the surface very rough. Sides of the abdomen covered beneath with a dark brown velvety pile. Legs with short strong tibial spurs. HEILIPUS? SCALARIS.Plate XLIX. fig. 2. Order: Coleoptera. Section: Rhyncophora. Family: CurculionidÆ. Genus. Heilipus? Germar. Heilipus? Scalaris. Niger; thoracis lateribus et elytrorum disco irregulariter flavescentibus. (Long. Corp. 1 unc. 1½ lin.) Syn. Curculio scalaris, Drury, App. vol. 3. Habitat: Bay of Honduras. Head, eyes, and rostrum black, slender, and nearly half the length of the insect; antennÆ arising near the end of it. Thorax black, with a yellow streak running along each side from the eyes to the corners of the elytra. Scutellum small, black, triangular. Elytra black, with a yellow zigzag streak running along the sides, all the black part being full of small punctures. Beneath entirely black. CERAMBYX (COSMISOMA) PLUMICORNIS.Plate XLIX. fig. 3. Order: Coleoptera. Section: Longicornes. Family: CerambycidÆ. Genus. Cerambyx, Linn. &c. (Subgenus: Cosmisoma, Serv.) Cerambyx (Cosmisoma) Plumicornis. Fulvus, elytris cruce nigrÂ, pedibus antennisque nigris, his scopiferis. (Long. Corp. 7½ lin.) Syn. Leptura plumicornis, Drury, App. vol. 2. Sch. Syn. Ins. 3. 429. (Saperda p.) Habitat: Musquito Shore, Bay of Honduras. Head dark brown. AntennÆ longer than the insect, and slender; basal joint thickest; furnished with remarkable tufts of hair, four on each antenna; the smallest is on the first articulation from the head; the next articulation has a pretty large one surrounding entirely the joint of the antenna, and is black. On the next joint is a very small one, standing on the joint in the form of an acute angle, and is also black. At a little distance from this, the largest tuft is situated, which, like the second, entirely surrounds the antenna, part of it next the head being black, the remainder orange colour. Thorax round, without lateral spines, orange-coloured. Elytra orange, with a broad black patch crossing them in the middle, where are two lines in the form of a cross. Legs black, the hind ones very long. Femora thick at the tips. CYPHUS 16-PUNCTATUS.Plate XLIX. fig. 4. Order: Coleoptera. Section: Rhyncophora. Family: CurculionidÆ. Subfamily: Brachyderides. Genus. Cyphus, Schonherr. Chlorima, Dej. Curculio p., Linn. Cyphus Sedecim-Punctatus. Coerulescens, thorace punctis nigris quatuor, coleopteris duodecim. (Long. Corp. 1 unc.) Syn. Curculio sedecim-punctatus, Linn. Syst. Nat. 1. 2. 618. 92. Fabr. Syst. Eleuth. 3. 509. 10. Oliv. Ent. v. 83. t. 2. f. 17. a. b. Schonh. Syn. Ins. Curcul. 1. 625. 8. Habitat: Cayenne. Entirely fine blue-coloured. AntennÆ somewhat longer than represented in the plate, and black. Thorax with five black spots on it; one in the centre, and two on each side. Elytra having twelve spots of the same colour, the apices terminating in two sharp points. SOLENOPUS CACICUS.Plate XLIX. fig. 5. Order: Coleoptera. Section: Rhyncophora. Family: CurculionidÆ. Subfamily: Cholides. Genus. Solenopus, Schonherr. Odontoderes, Sahlberg. Curculio p., Drury. Solenopus Cacicus. Ater sulphureo-squamosus, thorace bivittato, lateribus granulatis, elytris punctis magnis oblongo-quadratis et striatis. (Long. Corp. rostr. inclus. 1 unc. 3 lin.) Syn. Curculio morbillosus, Drury, App. vol. 3. Solenopus cacicus, Schonh. Syn. Ins. Curcul. 3. 597. 1. Dionychus granicollis, Germ. Ins. Spec. 315. 454. Habitat: Cayenne. Head, eyes, and rostrum black, the latter being about the length of the thorax. AntennÆ arising near the end of the beak. Thorax dirty brown, having a number of very small pustules on it. Scutellum small and triangular. Elytra the same colour with the thorax, with patches of lighter brown on them. They are also margined and furrowed, having a great number of black pustules. Legs black, tibiÆ with two spurs, the outer ones being the thickest. |