

Plate XLIV. fig. 1.

Order: Coleoptera. Section: Lamellicornes. Family: CetoniidÆ.

Genus. Cetonia, Fabricius, &c. ScarabÆus, Linn. &c.

Cetonia Torquata. Obscure viridis, thoracis margine antico luteo, pygidii maculis duabus albis; elytrorum apice suturali spinoso. (Long. Corp. 2 unc. 6 lin.)

Syn. Scar. torquatus, Drury, App. vol. 3. Herbst. Col. III. p. 198. t. 28. f. 1. Schon. Syn. Ins. 3. 117.

Habitat: Sierra Leone.

Head rather square, depressed above; dusky in front, grey behind. Eyes round and prominent. AntennÆ black. The thorax dusky green, margined. Scutellum large, triangular, and green. Elytra dusky green, the sides and suture margined, having two swellings near the extremities, and two short thick spines at the end of the suture. The abdomen covered above with a fine brown pile like velvet. Hind part of the abdomen green, with two silvery white spots of a squarish form. All the under side of the insect green, and of a more lively or shining colour than the upper. Legs strong and thick, the tibiÆ furnished with thick spines, both in the middle and at the tips, the hinder ones being hairy.

This splendid and exceedingly rare insect flew on board a ship at Sierra Leone, and was taken on the awning on the following morning. It seems to be unknown to the French Entomologists, and is omitted in the "Monographie des CÉtoines" of Messrs. Gory and PerchÉron.


Plate XLIV. fig. 2.

Order: Coleoptera. Section: Lamellicornes. Family: RutelidÆ, MacLeay.

Genus. Pelidnota, MacLeay. ScarabÆus p., Drury.

Pelidnota Unicolor. Tota lutea; elytris tenuiter striatis. (Long Corp. 1 unc. 1½ lin.)

Syn. ScarabÆus unicolor, Drury, App. vol. 3.

Melolontha Druryana, Herbst. Col. II. p. 163. 121. t. 27. f. 3.

Melolontha lutea, Olivier Ent. 1. 5. p. 23. t. 19. 1. f. 2.

Pelidnota testacea, Deg. Cat.

Habitat: Brazil.

Brown. Thorax margined. Scutellum small and semi-circular. Elytra margined, and faintly striated. Anterior tibiÆ dentated. TibiÆ with two spurs, except the fore ones, which have only one.


Plate XLIV. fig. 3.

Order: Coleoptera. Section: Lamellicornes. Family: RutelidÆ.

Genus. Rutela, Latreille. ScarabÆus p. Drury. Cetonia p. Fabr.

Rutela Lineola. Nigra, line a capite ad scutellum ductÂ, lateribusque flavis, elytrorum plag magn flavidÂ. (Long. Corp. 7½ lin.)

Syn. ScarabÆus Lineola var. Linn. Syst. Nat. 1. II. p. 552. 53. Fabr. Syst. El. II. p. 145. 53. (Cetonia L.) Syst. Ent. p. 46. 17. Oliv. Ent. 1. 6. p. 78. 98. t. 11. f. 106. var. .

Cetonia Ephippium, Fabr. Mantiss. 1. p. 29. 31.

ScarabÆus Hespera, Drury, App. vol. 2.

Habitat: Brazil.

AntennÆ brown. Head black, with a deep yellow stripe down the middle, which is continued across the thorax; that part being black, the sides yellow, whereon is a black spot in the middle. Scutellum yellow and triangular. Elytra black, with a large yellow patch in the middle of each. Podex yellow, the middle being black. Abdomen ringed with black and yellow above; black beneath, with two yellow spots on it. Sternum yellow, extending to the posterior coxÆ, which are brown. Posterior femora broad, yellow and brown; the other legs brown.

The specimen here figured appears to differ from the ordinary character of the species in having the thorax more strongly marked with dark yellow.


Plate XLIV. fig. 4.

Order: Coleoptera. Section: Lamellicornes. Family: RutelidÆ.

Genus. Macraspis, MacLeay. Cetonia p., Fabricius. ScarabÆus p., Drury.

Macraspis Fucata. Atra nitida, thoracis margine omni elytrorumque vittis duabus flavis. (Long. Corp. 10½ lin.)

Syn. Cetonia fucata, Fabr. Syst. El. II. p. 151. 82. Ent. Syst. 1. II. p. 145. 69. Sch. Syn. Ins. vol. 3. p. 158.

Cetonia quadri-vittata, Oliv. Ent. 1. 6. p. 73. 92. t. 7. f. 65.

ScarabÆus Cinctus, Drury, App. vol. 2. Herbst. Col. III. p. 249. 38. t. 31. f. 5. (Cetonia c.)

Habitat: Rio Janeiro.

Head black and circular. Thorax black, margined with yellow. Scutellum very large, black, and triangular. Elytra black, the sides brown, between which colours is a narrow yellow line, which, running round the extremities, returns back pretty broad up to the anterior edge. Podex and abdomen brown. Sternum long and black. Legs black. TibiÆ with two long spurs at the tips, the fore-legs having only one. Ungues having a long slender spine fixed to the joint, of equal length with the hook itself.


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