

Plate XLII. fig. 1.

Order: Hymenoptera. Section: Fossores. Family: PompilidÆ, Leach.

Genus. Pepsis, Fabr. Latr. Sphex, Linn. Drury.

Pepsis Atrox. Nigra, alis fusco-diaphanis, pedibus fulvis. (Long. Corp. 2 unc. 3 lin. Expans. Alar. 3 unc. 6 lin.)

Syn. Sphex atrox, Drury, App. vol. 3.

Habitat: Sierra Leone.

Head dark brown. Jaws strong: two of the palpi are long, the other two short. Tongue dilated, and tufted at the tips. Eyes oblong, shining and prominent. Thorax and abdomen brown-black. Abdominal peduncle short. In the specimen figured the sting was exserted, curved, and furnished with two short clavate instruments at its base. Wings thin, and diaphanous. Legs yellow-brown, and furnished with a great number of short spines from the claws to the base of the tibiÆ. TibiÆ with two spurs, except those of the fore-legs, which have but one.

Fabricius has described an insect from South America, under the name of Pepsis Heros, which nearly agrees with this species, with the following reference—"Sphex Securus, Drury Ins. . tab. . fig. ." It will be sufficient to observe that Drury has described no such insect, although it is probable that Fabricius, who was on terms of intimacy with our author, might have seen the unpublished figure of such insect in his possession. Mr. Smeathman informed our author that he was once stung in the finger by one of these insects, but the pain was not so severe as might have been expected from a wound made by so large a creature belonging to this genus. His method, when stung by any insects in Africa, was to open the puncture with a lancet, and squeeze out the blood and venom together, which, when effectually done, soon caused the pain to abate.


Plate XLII. fig. 2.

Order: Hymenoptera. Section: Fossores. Family: SphegidÆ, Leach.

Genus. Chlorion, Latr. Sphex, Drury.

Chlorion Ferox. Viridi-cyaneum, nitidissimum, antennis pedibusque nigris, alis fuscescentibus. (Expans. Alar. fere 2 unc.)

Syn. Sphex ferus, Drury, App. vol. 3.

Sphex lobata? Fabr. Ent. Syst. 2. 206. 30. Syst. Piez. 217.

Habitat: China.

Head fine green. Jaws strong. Tongue not observed. Eyes oblong. AntennÆ black. Wings thin and diaphanous. Thorax and abdomen beautiful shining emerald green. Legs black.

The description given by Drury of this insect entirely agrees with a very common Chinese insect, the Chlorion lobatum, Latr. This figure is however hardly to be recognized.


Plate XLII. fig. 3.

Order: Hymenoptera. Section: Heterogyna. Family: FormicidÆ, Leach.

Genus. Atta, Fabr. Latreille. Formica, Linn. Drury.

Atta Fervens. Fusca, sericea, alis fuscis, capitis angulis posticis rotundatis. (Expans. Alar. 2 unc. 6 lin.)

Syn. Formica fervens, Drury, App. vol. 2. Say in Journ. of Nat. Hist. Soc. of Boston, p. 290.

Habitat: Musquito Shore, on the Bay of Mexico.

AntennÆ small, setaceous, and shorter than the thorax. Head dark brown, small and flat, armed with strong jaws. Eyes small, round and black. Thorax and abdomen dark brown, and velvety. Wings brown and diaphanous. Legs coloured like the body, without any spines at any of the joints; neither is there any abdominal peduncle.

This insect (which appears to be a queen or female ant) is nearly allied to a very celebrated South American species, which, from visiting the houses of the inhabitants in great swarms, is termed the visiting ant. (Atta Cephalotes, Fabr.) The late Mr. Say, however, pointed out the differences between the two species in his manuscripts, which have been published in the Journal of the Natural History Society of Boston for 1836.


Plate XLII. fig. 4.

Order: Hymenoptera. Section: Fossores. Family: PompilidÆ, Leach.

Genus. Pepsis, Latr. Fabr. Sphex, Linn. Drury.

Pepsis Severa. Atra, alis fulvo-diaphanis apice fuscis, pedibus fulvis femoribus nigris. (Expans. Alar. 3 unc. 3 lin.)

Syn. Sphex Severus, Drury, App. vol. 3.

Habitat: Coast of Africa.

Head black. Tongue not observed. Palpi four. Eyes oblong, prominent and shining. Wings yellow-brown, diaphanous, the tips black. Thorax, abdomen, and thighs black. TibiÆ and tarsi yellow-brown.


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