NYMPHALIS (CHARAXES) BERENICE.Plate XI. fig. 1, 2. Order: Lepidoptera, Linn. Section: Diurna, Latr. Family: NymphalidÆ, Swainson. Genus. Nymphalis, Latr. Papilio (Eq. achiv.) Linn. Drury. Papilio Nymphalis, Fabr. (Subgenus: Charaxes, Boisduval.) Nymphalis (Charaxes) Berenice. Alis supra nigris, fasci communi rufÂ, disco nigro maculato; posticis subtus albo, flavo ferrugineoque maculatis. (Expans. Alar. 3 unc. 3 lin.) Syn. Papilio (Nymph. Phal.) Berenice, Drury, App. vol. 3. (1783.) Fabr. Mant. Ins. 2. p. 48. No. 471. (1787.) Papilio Zingha, Cramer, pl. 315. fig. B. C. Herbst. t. 151. fig. 3. 4. Donovan Nat. Repos. 3. 107. Habitat: "Sierra Leone, Mr. Smeathman, 1776" (Drury's MSS.). Upper Side. AntennÆ black, with four white spots at the base and four on the sides of the neck. Thorax and abdomen yellow brown. Wings black, like velvet; anterior having the middle occupied by a large triangular space of a deep orange, crossing the posterior ones, and meeting at the body: on the anterior edges of this orange division are two distinct black spots, and a third very faint, situate in the middle of these wings. Posterior wings having two projections at the abdominal corners, like the rudiments of tails, with four yellow spots, and two very small white ones above them. A range of red spots, some of them very small, runs along the external edges of these wings, reaching from the upper to the abdominal corners. Under Side. Palpi yellow. Breast black, with yellow and white streaks and spots on its side and front. Fore legs very short and black, the tips being white. Anterior wings along the anterior edges of a dark yellowish grey, the tendons being black; posterior parts of these wings reddish, verged with black, and having a number of different shaped black spots on them. Posterior wings black, but along the anterior edges cream-coloured, with five distinct round black spots on each; the remaining parts of these wings being beautifully adorned with a variety of different colours running among each other. Wings dentated. BIBLIS ARIADNE?Plate XI. fig. 3, 4. Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Diurna. Family: NymphalidÆ, Swains. Genus. Biblis, Fabr. Latr. God. Biblis Ariadne? Alis denticulatis, anticarum apice truncato, griseis, strigis nigris undulatis; subtus rufescenti-fuscis nigro variis, anticis apice puncto costali albo. (Expans. Alar. 2 unc. 5 lin.) Syn. Papilio (Nymph.) Ariadne, Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. 778? Fabr. Ent. Syst. III. 1. p. 383.? Papilio Coryta, Cramer, pl. 86. E. F. Papilio Merione, Cramer, pl. 144. G. H.? Biblis Ariadne, Enc. MÉth. ix. 327. Habitat: Coromandel, Java (Enc. MÉth.). "Sierra Leone, Mr. Smeathman, 1776" (Drury's MSS.). Upper Side. AntennÆ black. Thorax and abdomen grey brown. Wings grey, and appearing mealy, shaded with blackish brown, particularly the anterior ones along the external edges, and next the body along the anterior margin. Posterior ones also strongly shaded along the external edges. Under Side. Palpi rather long, and dark brown, almost black. Breast, legs, and abdomen dark brown. Wings dark reddish brown, faintly shaded with streaks and marks of a darker brown, having two small white spots at the anterior edges of the anterior wings near the tips. Wings dentated. Drury refers this insect to the LinnÆan Ariadne, which is from Java. It is therefore with doubt that I give it the preceding synonyms, especially as Lepidopterists have neglected to cite Drury's figures. |