

Plate VII. fig. 1, 2.

Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Diurna. Family: NymphalidÆ, Swains.

Genus. Nymphalis, Latr. Papilio (Nymph. Gemmat.), Drury.

Nymphalis Isis. Alis fusco-nigris, anticis integris utrinque macul disci chermesinÂ; posticis dentatis, suprÀ strig marginali albidÂ. (Expans. Alar. 2 unc. 6 lin.)

Syn. Papilio (Dan. Fest.) Isis, Drury, App. vol. 3. (1783.)

Papilio N. Isis, Fabr. Ent. Syst. III. 1. p. 124. No. 377. (1793.) Donovan Ins. India, pl. 7. fig. 1. 2.

Habitat: Rio Janeiro.

Under Side. AntennÆ black. Thorax and abdomen brownish black. Wings very dark brown; the anterior having a large triangular patch of carmine red situated near the posterior and external edges. The posterior have also a narrow white streak at the abdominal corners.

Upper Side. Palpi black above, white beneath. Breast, abdomen, and legs ash-coloured. Wings lighter brown than on the upper side; a pale flesh-coloured bar crossing the wings from the anterior to the external edges, being about half an inch broad, between which and the body are several small bloody spots and streaks. Anterior wings entire, the posterior dentated.

It is by mistake that Donovan has introduced this Brazilian species into his work upon the Insects of India.


Plate VII. fig. 3, 4.

Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Diurna. Family: NymphalidÆ, Swains.

Genus. Nymphalis, Latr. Papilio (Nymph. Gemmat.), Drury.

Nymphalis Antiochus. Alis supra holosericeo-nigris, fasci communi nitidÈ aurantiÂ; anticarum abbreviatÂ. (Expans. Alar. 2 unc. 9 lin.)

Syn. Papilio (Dan. Fest.) Antiochus, Linn. Mant. 1. 537. Drury, App. vol. 3. Fabricius Ent. Syst. III. 1. p. 44. No. 134. Don. Ins. China, pl.

Papilio Eupalemon, Cramer, tab. 143. fig. B. C. Le VelontÉ Daubenton pl. Eulum. 68. f. 3. 4.

Habitat: Brazil.

Upper Side. AntennÆ, head, thorax, and abdomen black. Wings fine velvety black. An orange-coloured bar, about one-fourth of an inch broad, rises in the middle of the superior wings, running circularly and crossing the inferior ones, meeting about the middle of the abdominal edges.

Under Side. Palpi white. Tongue brown. Breast and legs white. Abdomen yellow-brown. Wings shining brown, exhibiting various shades of changeable colours; the tips terminating in an ash colour. Wings scarcely dentated.

Donovan has, in like manner, introduced this species into his work on the insects of China.


Plate VII. fig. 5, 6.

Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Diurna. Family: NymphalidÆ, Swains.

Genus. Hipparchia, Fabr. Satyrus, Latr. Papilio (Nymph. Phal.), Drury.

Hipparchia Cluena. Alis teneris, cinerascenti-violaceis, posticis dentatis utrinque ocellis quinque atris, subtÙs lineis tribus fasciÂque brunneis a cost anticarum deductis. (Expans. Alar. 2 unc. 3 lin.)

Syn. Papilio (Nymph. Phal.) Cluena, Drury, App. vol. 3.

Papilio (Satyrus) Clueria, Fabr. Ent. Syst. III. 1. p. 229. No. 716. Enc. MÉth. ix. p. 492.

Habitat: Brazil. "Rio Janeiro, Mr. Bonifas, 1775" (Drury's MSS.).

Upper Side. AntennÆ brown. Thorax and abdomen grey-brown. Wings blueish grey-brown, with two narrow dark lines crossing the anterior ones from the anterior to the posterior edges; one in the middle of the wings, the other near the thorax; the posterior ones having five oval eyes placed near the external edges, the pupil being white, the iris dark, almost black.

Under Side. Palpi, legs, breast, and abdomen grey. Wings blueish flesh-colour, with a line crossing them, rising at a small distance from the tips, ending a little above the abdominal corners, the external part of it being brown. A small eye is placed near the tips of the superior ones, having a black and yellow iris and white pupil. Five eyes of the same kind are also placed on the inferior ones along the external edges. Margins of the wings slightly dentated.


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