

Plate L. fig. 1.

Order: Neuroptera. Section: Subulicornes. Family: LibellulidÆ.

Genus. Lestes, Leach. Libellula p., Drury, Donovan.

Lestes Coeruleata. Coerulea, thorace pallidÈ vittato, alis hyalinis fasci lat subapicali coerulescenti, stigmate nigro. (Expans. Alar. 5 unc. 6 lin. Long. Corp. fere 4 unc.)

Syn. Libellula coeruleata, Drury, App. vol. 3.

Libellula coerulea, Donovan Nat. Repos. 4. 110.

Habitat: Bay of Honduras (Drury). "Muskito Shore, Mr. Shakespear, 1779" (Drury's MSS.).

Eyes large, projecting from the head. Thorax dark blue. Wings reticulated and transparent, having a broad patch of a deep mazarine blue crossing them near the extremities, the tips being transparent. Abdomen three inches and an eighth in length, dark blue. Under side of the head, thorax, &c. grey.


Plate L. fig. 2.

Order: Coleoptera. Section: Serricornes. Family: LampyridÆ.

Genus. Lampyris, Linn. &c.

Lampyris Gigantea. Ovata depressa, thorace semi-circulari fulvo, disco irregulari, elytris fuscis vitt laterali albidÂ. (Long. Corp. 1 unc. 3 lin.)

Syn. Lampyris gigantea, Schonh. Syn. Ins. 3. 66. No. 46.

Lampyris splendida, Drury, App. vol. 3.

Lampyris Savignii? Kirby Trans. Linn. &c. v. 12. GuÉrin. Icon. R. An. Ins. pl. 14. fig. 7.

Habitat: Rio Janeiro.

AntennÆ setaceous, with a small spine, like a short hair, at each of the joints. Head withdrawn, and entirely hid by the shield-like thorax. Thorax yellow, margined and semicircular, with a rugged projection in the middle. Scutellum small, yellow, and triangular. Elytra dark red-brown, with a cream-coloured line running longitudinally from the thorax towards the apex, and having a small cream-coloured margin. Breast orange colour. Legs partly orange and black. Abdomen, which is rather thick, black, with a cream-coloured streak crossing it near the anus.


Plate L. fig. 3.

Order: Orthoptera. Section: Cursoria. Family: BlattidÆ.

Genus. Blatta, Linn. &c. (Subgenus: Phoraspis, Serville.)

Blatta (Phoraspis) Picta. Atra; elytris vitt sanguine thoracisque margine antico flavescenti. (Long. Corp. 9 lin.)

Syn. Blatta picta, Drury, App. vol. 3. Fabr. Ent. Syst. 2. p. 10. Serville Revis. Orthop. p. 17. (Phoraspis p.)

Lampyris rufo-vittata, Schonh. Syn. Ins. 3. p. 66. No. 47.

Habitat: Rio Janeiro, Brazil.

AntennÆ filiform, orbicular. Head dark brown, and retracted under the shield-like thorax, which is black, the anterior margin being yellowish. Elytra black and margined, semi-coriaceous, and crossing over one another, having a red streak from the shoulders to the apex. Abdomen black, having two spines at the extremity near the anus. Legs black and cursorial, the tibiÆ being furnished with many spines.


Plate L. fig. 4.

Order: Hemiptera. Suborder: Homoptera. Family: FulgoridÆ.

Genus. Fulgora, Linn.

Fulgora Diadema. Fusca, vertice, pronoti medio, elytrorum fasci luteis; alis purpureis, apice nigris, capitis cornu in medio dentato apice dentibus tribus majoribus. (Long. Corp. cum capitis cornu, 1 unc. 9 lin. Expans. Alar. 3 unc. 6 lin.)

Syn. Fulgora diadema, Linn. Syst. N. 1. 2. 703. 2. Fabr. Syst. Rh. 2. 3. Stoll, fig. 22. Donovan Nat. Repos. vol. 5. fol. 145.

Fulgora armata, Drury, App. vol. 3.

Habitat: Cayenne (Drury).

Head extending almost half an inch above the eyes, having many tubercles, like stubbed horns, on the sides, trifurcate at the tip. It is likewise furnished with two short pointed and black horns that are placed directly over the eyes, and two smaller ones a little below them. It appears as if it had four eyes; two fixed, and of a grey colour like horn; just below which the other two (seeming eyes) are placed. They are black and moveable, but are the antennÆ, and are perfectly round. Hemelytra dirty green at the base, with some dusky red patches irregularly placed; but near the extremity having a large patch of a dark orange colour. The wings are black, but next the body red, with some red spots in the centre of them. Rostrum horny, lying between the legs, even with and close to the breast. Tongue seeming to proceed from the mouth, and much smaller than the other instrument (labium), being as small and fine as a hair. Feet formed for walking.

There is a confusion in the works of the earlier authors relative to the native country of this species; LinnÆus and Fabricius stating it to be India, whilst Stoll records Surinam, Drury, Cayenne, during that it and others figured by him were collected by Mons. Mallouet, who sent them to Europe, but in their passage they were taken by the Shaftesbury privateer, and afterwards sold by public auction, where he purchased them. Donovan states that two specimens he possessed were taken in Brazil; and Dr. Burmeister still more satisfactorily says, "Gleichfalls aus Sud-Amerika findet sich besonders haufig auf den Cautschuck-Baumen (Siphonia elastica)."


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