PAPILIO ASCANIUS.Plate IX. fig. 1. Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Diurna. Family: PapilionidÆ, Leach. Genus. Papilio, Auct. Papilio (Equit. Troj.), Linn. Papilio Ascanius. Alis nigris, fasci communi albÂ, posticarum rubro inquinatÂ; his caudatis, maculis marginalibus chermesinis. (Expans. Alar. 4 unc.) Syn. Papilio Ascanius, Cramer, pl. 14. fig. A. Fabricius Spec. Ins. tom. 2. p. 2. No. 6. Ent. Syst. III. 1. p. 3. No. 8. Enc. MÉth. ix. p. 73. Boisduval Hist. Nat. Lepid. 1. 306. 141. Habitat: Brazil. "Rio Janeiro, Mr. Bonifas, 1775" (Drury's MSS.). Upper Side. AntennÆ black. Head, thorax, and abdomen black, the latter tinged with orange. Anterior wings sootty black, having a broad white bar rising near the middle of the anterior edges, which crossing them and the anterior ones, meets just below the abdomen. These wings are furnished with two tails, and scolloped, the scollops being white. All the lower part of these wings is of a fine deep black, whereon are placed five red streaks between the tendons, running along the external edges. This black margin is separated from the white bar before mentioned by a carmine red one, and the space between the white bar and the shoulders is of a soot black. Under Side. Palpi reddish. Tongue and legs black. Breast black, with red spots on the sides. Abdomen black, with the sides and anus red. Wings on this side coloured as on the upper side, but rather more brilliant. ERYCINA AMPYX.Plate IX. fig. 2, 3. Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Diurna. Family: LycÆnidÆ? Steph. Genus. Erycina, Fabr. Latr. God. Papilio (Dan. Fest.), Drury. Erycina Ampyx. Alis subintegris supra fuscis, anticarum maculis duabus flavis; subtus omnibus flavis, maculis ferrugineis auro-pupillatis. (Expans. Alar. 1 unc. 9 lin.) Syn. Papilio (Pl. urb.) Ampyx, Drury, App. vol. 3. Erycina Ampyx, Latr. & God. Enc. MÉth. ix. p. 586. No. 105. Habitat: Brazil. "Rio Janeiro, Mr. Bonifas, 1776" (Drury's MSS.). Upper Side. AntennÆ white, brown at their extremities. Thorax, abdomen, and wings brown; the anterior wings having two oval straw-coloured spots placed near the middle, and the anterior edges of the posterior ones streaked with the same colour. Under Side. Palpi, breast, legs, and abdomen straw-coloured. Wings straw-coloured, being spotted and streaked with red brown, each of these markings appearing to have a gold spot or streak in its centre, forming a very beautiful and singular appearance. Margins of the anterior wings entire, but of the posterior ones a little dentated. PAPILIO AGAVUS.Plate IX. fig. 4. Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Diurna. Family: PapilionidÆ, Leach. Genus. Papilio, Auct. Papilio (Equit. Troj.), Linn. Papilio Agavus. Alis atris concoloribus; anticis fasciÂ, posticis disco, albidis; his caudatis lunulis marginalibus anguloque anali chermesinis. (Expans. Alar. 3 unc. 6 lin.) Syn. Papilio (Eq. Achiv.) Agavus, Drury, App. vol. 3. Stoll. Suppl. Cram. pl. 32. 1. 1. A. Latr. & God. Enc. MÉth. ix. p. 73. Boisd. Hist. Nat. Lep. 1. p. 306. 142. Papilio Lysander? Fabr. Ent. Syst. III. 1. p. 9. Habitat: Brazil. Upper Side. AntennÆ black. Neck red. Thorax, abdomen, and wings black. A narrow straw-coloured bar runs from the anterior edges of the superior ones near the tips, and, crossing the posterior edges, terminates in a large spot of the same colour on the posterior wings, situated near the shoulders. Posterior wings furnished with two short and two longer tails, and having two large carmine-coloured spots placed near the abdominal corners, and three others, that are smaller, along the external edges. Under Side. Palpi and tongue black. Breast the same, the sides having streaks of red on them. Abdomen black, and the sides streaked with red. Wings nearly the same colour as on the upper side; the red spots on the posterior ones being more numerous, and those at the abdominal corners not so large. |