
ENTIMUS IMPERIALIS (The Diamond Beetle).

Plate XXXIV. fig. 1.

Order: Coleoptera. Section: Rhyncophora. Family: CurculionidÆ. Subfamily: Entimides.

Genus. Entimus, Germar. Curculio, Linn. Latr. &c.

Entimus Imperialis. Oblongo ovatus; niger, thorace line dorsali viridi-argente impresso; elytris regulariter sat rude punctato-striatis, punctis squamulis viridi-aureis repletis, interstitiis angustis, subcostatis denudatis. (Long. Corp. 1 unc. 3 lin.)

Syn. Curculio imperialis, Forster, Cent. Ins. p. 34. Drury, App. vol. 2. Fabr. Syst. El. 2 p. 508. 3. Oliv. Ent. 5. 83. p. 293. t. 1. f. a. b. c. Schon. Syn. Ins. Curcul. 1. 455. 2.

Habitat: Brazil.

Head black, and covered with minute scales, of a beautiful golden green colour, forming two longitudinal black streaks, and three green ones. From this part proceeds a thick short beak, streaked with black and green. AntennÆ black. Thorax golden green, with two broad longitudinal black lines on the top, and a narrow green one between them; the green colour being thickly beset with small black spots. Scutellum very small and green. Elytra next the thorax, almost quadrangular, narrowing to their extremities, the ground colour being black and shining, and ornamented with a great number of small round hollow punctures, or dents, of a golden green, which are smaller on the sides and extremities than the top, being regularly placed in grooves, so as to compose not less than eleven striÆ (including the suture) on each elytron. Abdomen green, with silvery rings. Legs black, and covered with green hairs; the thighs being plain. Tarsi brown underneath.


Plate XXXIV. fig. 2.

Order: Coleoptera. Section: Rhyncophora. Family: CurculionidÆ. Subfamily: Rhyncophorides, Sch.

Genus. Rhina, Latreille. Curculio, Drury.

Rhina Barbirostris. Nigricans; thorace rotundato tuberculato, elytris striatis et punctatis; tibiis anticis subtus 4-dentatis. (Long. Corp. 1 unc. 3 lin.)

Syn. Curculio barbirostris, Fabr. Ent. Syst. 2. 418. 105. Latreille Gen. Crust. &c. 2. 269. (Rhina barb.) ?.

Curculio niger, Drury, App. vol. 2. ?.

Rhina verrirostris, Illiger, ?

Habitat: The Island of Johanna, near Madagascar.

General colour black. Head short and round, terminating in a small narrow beak, almost the length of the thorax; in the middle of which are placed the antennÆ. Eyes entirely surrounding the head, meeting at top and underneath. Thorax round and rough, being full of small tubercles; having a posterior margin. Scutellum small and triangular. Elytra striated, full of small punctures or holes, and covering the anus. Femora smooth. Anterior tibiÆ furnished with four teeth, the hinder ones with three. Tarsi brown beneath.

The male has the rostrum more elongated and furnished with long hairs, somewhat like a bottle brush. It is figured by Olivier, Entomol. Vol. 5. Charans, pl. 4. f. 37. a. b.


Plate XXXIV. fig. 3.

Order: Coleoptera. Section: Rhyncophora. Family: CurculionidÆ. Subfamily: Brachycerides.

Genus. Brachycerus, Fabr. Curculio, Linn. &c.

Brachycerus Ornatus. Ovatus, niger thoracis dorso valde inÆquali sculpturato, spin laterali obtus tuberculatÂ, elytris seriatim tuberculatis, interjectis maculis subimpressis rotundatis ferrugineo squamosis, femoribus puncto rufo-squamoso. (Long. Corp. 1 unc. 9 lin.)

Syn. Curculio ornatus, Drury, App. vol. 2.

Brachycerus apterus, Herbst. Col. 7. p. 75. No. 1. t. 101. f. 1.

Brachycerus granosus, Schonherr Syn. Ins. Curcul. 1. p. 387. No. 2.?

Habitat: (——? Drury). Cape of Good Hope (Schonherr).

Head very short and entirely occupied by the eyes, which are black and meet underneath. From this part issues a strong thick beak, black and rough, with the antennÆ placed in the middle; the upper part being full of small holes or punctures. Thorax dark red, with a number of black excrescences on the middle and sides; the latter ending in two thick pointed tubercles. Scutellum obsolete. Elytra dark red, and full of black round tubercles, some very small, others larger, placed longitudinally in striÆ, extending so low along the sides, as nearly to meet underneath. Legs black and full of punctures. Thighs streaked with red. Tarsi brown underneath.


Plate XXXIV. fig. 4.

Order: Coleoptera. Section: Rhyncophora. Family: CurculionidÆ, Subfamily: Entimides?

Genus. Hipporhinus, Schonherr. Curculio p. Drury.

Hipporhinus? Muricatus. Fuscus; thorace cylindrico nigro-pustulato; elytris marginatis, striatis, interstitiis tuberculis elevatis rotundatis seriatim dispositis; femoribus ad apicem dente magno obtuso armatis. (Long. Corp. 9 lin.)

Syn. Curculio muricatus, Drury, App. vol. 2.

Habitat: Bay of Honduras, America (Drury).

Head small. Eyes entirely surrounding the head, meeting underneath and at top. Beak long, black, and slender, the antennÆ being placed near the extremity. Thorax brown, cylindrical, and covered with a great number of small black pustules. Scutellum triangular. Elytra brown, margined, and striated or furrowed; being thick beset with a great number of high, round pustules, regularly placed in rows from the thorax to the anus; some being large, others very small. Femora furnished near the tips with a thick obtuse spine. TibiÆ with a single smaller spur.


Plate XXXIV. fig. 5.

Order: Coleoptera. Section: Eupoda. Family: CrioceridÆ, Leach.

Genus. Sagra, Fabricius. Tenebrio p. Drury.

Sagra Femorata. Viridi-Ænea, femoribus tibiisque posticis dentatis. (Long. Corp. 1 unc.)

Syn. Tenebrio femoratus, Drury, App. vol. 2. Fabr. Mant. 1. p. 66. (Alurnus f.) Syst. Eleuth. 2. 26. 1. (Sagra f.) Herbst. Col. 7. 266. t. 112. f. 6. Weber Obs. Ent. p. 60. 1.

Tenebrio viridis, Sulzer Gesch. der Ins. t. 7. f. 8.

Habitat: (——? Drury). India (Fabricius).

General colour golden, blueish, green. Head small, flat, and square, with four palpi. AntennÆ black, the two terminal joints being larger and longer than the rest. Thorax about twice the breadth of the head, and a third part longer, not cylindrical, but flattish and smooth. Scutellum small and triangular. Elytra twice the breadth of the thorax, smooth and margined. Thighs thick and strong, the hinder ones having a short thick obtuse spine placed near the tips. Posterior tibiÆ long, thin, and grooved underneath, thickest next the tips, where are placed three short and strong spines, one in the middle, the others on the sides. Tarsi very flat and brown underneath.


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