

Plate XXXIII. fig. 1. natural size—2. magnified.

Order: Coleoptera. Section: Rhyncophora. Family: CurculionidÆ. Subfamily: Cholides.

Genus. Baridius? Schonherr. Baris, Germar, Dejean. Curculio p. Drury.

Baridius? Ovalis. Fuscus, thoracis marginibus, elytrorumque basi et maculis quatuor lateralibus transversis albidis. (Long. Corp. lin. 5.)

Syn. Curculio ovalis, Drury, App. vol. 2. (Exclus. Syn. Linn.)

Habitat: Jamaica (Drury).

Head small, round, and black, being furnished with a beak as long as the thorax. AntennÆ inserted near the end of the beak, consisting apparently of nine articulations, that next the beak being longest. Thorax dark brown, the sides cream-coloured. Elytra dark brown, with three large cream spots on each, placed lengthways. Legs black, with cream spots and hairs on them. Each of the femora is furnished with a single spine.

Drury has incorrectly given this West Indian insect as identical with the northern European species, Curculio ovalis of LinnÆus. Not having seen the insect I place it in the genus Baridius with doubt; it seems also somewhat allied to Ameris Pavo.


Plate XXXIII. fig. 3.

Order: Coleoptera. Section: Rhyncophora. Family: CurculionidÆ. Subfamily: Calandrides.

Genus. Calandra, Fabr. Rhyncophorus, Herbst. Curculio p. Linn.

Calandra Serrirostris ?? Obscura rufa; thorace lineis duabus magnis dorsalibus, elytris substriatis. (Long. Corp. rostro incl. 2 unc. 6 lin.)

Syn. Calandra serrirostris ?? Fabr. Syst. Eleuth. 2. 429. Oliv. Ins. 83. tab. 17. f. 211.

Curculio longipes, Drury, Append. vol. 2. (nec. Fabr. Syst. Ent. 2. 395.)

Habitat: Island of Johanna, near Madagascar.

General colour dark red brown. Head as long as the thorax, terminating in a slender beak, three-fourths of an inch long. AntennÆ apparently 8-jointed, that next the head being nearly as long as all the rest. Thorax marked longitudinally, with four black stripes or bars. Scutellum very narrow and triangular. Elytra marked longitudinally with several black narrow striÆ, and are shorter than the abdomen. Legs very long, especially the anterior pair. TibiÆ with sharp hook-like spurs, those of the fore-legs being longer than the rest.

The insect described by Fabricius under the name adopted above is distinguished from that here figured, by having the "Rostrum porrectum, rectum, dorso apice serratum, dente elevato compresso." Its habitat is also distinct, being from Java. It may possibly be a male, and that figured by Drury a female.


Plate XXXIII. fig. 4.

Order: Coleoptera. Section: Rhyncophora. Family: CurculionidÆ, Subfamily: Brachyderides.

Genus. Prepodes, Sch.? Chlorima, Dej. Curculio p. Drury.

Prepodes? Cameleon, var. Obscure aureo-cupreus, elytris striatis. (Long. Corp. 1 unc. 1½ lin.)

Syn. Prepodes? Cameleon, Sch. Syn. Ins. Curc. 2. 18. 4. var. . Fabr. Syst. El. 2. 532. 147. (Curcul. c.) Herbst. Col. vi. p. 115. No. 77. t. 67. f. 8.

Curculio rufescens, Drury, App. vol. 2. Herbst. Col. t. 67. f. 9.

Habitat: Jamaica.

General colour dull golden copper. Head as long as the thorax, resembling a beak. Scutellum very small. Elytra slightly striated, terminating at their extremities like the end of a boat. TibiÆ slightly hairy.


Plate XXXIII. fig. 5.

Order: Coleoptera. Section: Rhyncophora. Family: CurculionidÆ. Subfamily: Brachyderides.

Genus. Prepodes, Sch.? Chlorima, Dej. Curculio p. Drury.

Prepodes? Cameleon Var. Capite thoraceque nigris, hoc subtus aureo-viridi, elytris nigris sutur punctisque aureo-viridibus. (Long. Corp. 1 unc. 1 lin.)

Syn. Prepodes? Cameleon, Schon. loc. cit. supr. var. ? Fabr. Syst. El. 2. 532. 147. (Curcul. c.) Herbst. Col. vi. p. 115. No. 77. t. 67. f. 8.

Curculio similis, Drury, App. vol. 2. Herbst. Col. t. 67. f. 10.

Habitat: Jamaica.

Head black, and long, resembling a beak. Thorax black at top, but underneath of a fine golden green. Scutellum very small. Elytra black, speckled with golden green. Suture golden green. Abdomen black, the sides golden green. Legs black. Thighs plain and smooth.


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