

Plate XXXI. fig. 1.

Order: Coleoptera. Section: Longicornes. Family: LamiidÆ.

Genus. Lamia, Fabr. Cerambyx P. Linn. (Subgenus: Sternotomis, Perch.)

Lamia (Sternotomis) Mirabilis. Nigra, thorace spinoso, antice fasciis, elytris punctis viridibus, his basi mucronatis. (Long. Corp. 10½ lin.)

Syn. Cerambyx Mirabilis, Drury, App. vol. 2.

Lamia pulchra, Fabr. Syst. Eleuth. 2. 285. 25. Syst. Ent. 171. 6. (nec C. pulchra, Drury, vol. 1. t. 32. f. 6.) Oliv. Ent. 488. 115. t. 22. f. 167.

Habitat: Sierra Leone.

Varied with beautiful green and black colours, the former exceedingly bright. Head green, with two others running downwards from the eyes. Jaws with the upper part green, the extremities black, with four green palpi. AntennÆ black, ten-jointed, the basal joint being thickest. Thorax green, with black streaks running round it, the sides terminating in an obtuse point. Scutellum very small, black, and triangular. Elytra black and margined, beautifully streaked and spotted with green: the former running across the anterior part, the latter placed near the extremities. Abdomen green, with black rings. Legs green, streaked with black. Tarsi green at top, brown beneath.


Plate XXXI. fig. 2.

Order: Coleoptera. Section: Longicornes. Family: LamiidÆ.

Genus. Lamia, Fabr. Cerambyx P. Linn. (Subgenus: Agaphantia, Serv.)

Lamia (Agaphantia) Bipunctata. Grisea; thorace spinoso, frontis cornu porrecto apice emarginato incurvo, elytris puncto nigro posticÉ flavo. (Long. Corp. fere 1 unc. 3 lin.)

Syn. Cerambyx bipunctatus. Drury, App. vol. 2.

Lamia fronticornis, Fabr. Sp. Ins. 1. 216. 2. Syst. Eleuth. 2. 281. 3. Oliv. Ent. 4. 67. 79. 163. t. 8. f. 54.

Cerambyx notatus, Voet. Col. Ed. Panz. 3. 32. 46. t. 11. f. 46.

Habitat: Sierra Leone.

General colour brownish grey. Head deep and grey; one of the sexes having a remarkable thick and strong tubercle issuing from the middle of the face, terminating in two black acute angles, like horns. Mouth armed with two strong black jaws, and four grey palpi. AntennÆ grey, and longer than the insect. Thorax grey, the sides terminating in a thick spine; having a broad, white streak crossing it on each side, and extending along the abdomen, beyond the middle legs, narrowing to its extremity. Scutellum small and triangular. Elytra grey and margined, having two round black spots on each, the largest placed about the middle near the suture; the other (a small one) is on this side joined to the margin. A cream-coloured spot is situated just below the former, which extends from thence to the lateral margin. Legs grey, without any spines or marks.


Plate XXXI. fig. 3.

Order: Coleoptera. Section: Longicornes. Family: LamiidÆ.

Genus. Lamia, Fabr. Cerambyx P. Linn. (Subgenus: Acanthocinus, Meg.)

Lamia (Acanthocinus) Spinosa. Fusca, griseo-variegata; thorace spinis quatuor, elytrisque seriebus quatuor longitudinalibus spinarum. (Long. Corp. 1 unc. 1½ lin.)

Syn. Cerambyx spinosus, Drury, App. vol. 2. Sch. Syn. Ins. 3. 381. (Lamia s.)

Habitat: (——? Drury). South America?

Head and antennÆ brown, the latter about the length of the insect. Thorax lighter brown and rough, terminating on the sides in two very long and sharp spines, bending upwards; on the middle are two others that are more obtuse and thick, with a small bump or rising behind them. Scutellum black. Elytra brown on the middle and sides, but at their extremities grey, terminating in two long spines. A row of small but sharp spines runs on each side the suture, from the middle almost to the scutellum; and along the sides runs another row from the anterior corners almost to the extremities. Six others are placed on each side the scutellum, running towards the middle in regular order; and on the remaining parts of the wing cases are placed a great number of small pustules, that are to be discerned only by the help of a microscope. Legs brown. TibiÆ marked with grey.


Plate XXXI. fig. 4.

Order: Coleoptera. Section: Longicornes. Family: LamiidÆ.

Genus. Lamia, Fabr. Cerambyx P. Linn.

Lamia Punctator. Atra; elytris albo punctatis, antennis longis, thorace spinoso. (Long. Corp. 1 unc. 3 lin.)

Syn. Lamia punctator, Fabr. Sp. Ins. 1. 221. 30. Syst. Eleuth. 2. 298. 95. Oliv. Ent. 4. 69. 88. t. 8. 50. a. b.

Cerambyx chinensis, Forster Cent. Ins. 39.

Cerambyx farinosus, Drury, App. vol. 2. (nec Linn. S. Nat. 1. 2. 626.)

Habitat: China.

General colour black. Head and antennÆ black, the latter longer than the insect; the seven last articulations being black and white. Thorax rough and uneven at the top; the sides terminating in a thick, strong spine. Scutellum small and grey. Elytra shining black; the anterior part being rough with small pustules, having a number of small white spots sprinkled all over them. Abdomen greyish. Legs black. Tarsi grey, the under-part being brown.


Plate XXXI. fig. 5.

Order: Coleoptera. Section: Longicornes. Family: CerambycidÆ, Leach.

Genus. Cerambyx, Linn. Drury. (Subgenus: Rosalia, Serville.)

Cerambyx (Rosalia) Alpina. Subcoerulescens, elytris fasci medi maculisque quatuor atris. (Long. Corp. 1 unc. 3 lin.)

Syn. Cerambyx alpinus, Linn. Fn. Su. 654. Syst. N. 1. 2. p. 628. 35. Fabr. Syst. Eleuth. 2. 272. 30. Panzer F. I. G. 2. 22. Serville Ann. Soc. Ent. de France, 2. 561. (Rosalia a.)

Habitat: Hungary (Drury). The mountainous districts of Continental Europe.

General colour beautiful blueish grey, partaking much of a lead colour. Head grey. Eyes black. AntennÆ longer than the insect, grey; the ends of the first four joints having tufts of black hair surrounding them. Thorax grey and cylindrical, with a small black spot at the top; the sides having a short spine, and a little swelling beneath it. Scutellum small and triangular. Elytra grey and margined, with three beautiful black spots, like velvet, on each; the middle one being largest, and crossing the wing cases entirely, the smaller one being placed near the anus. Legs blueish grey, but at the tips of the femora and tibiÆ black. Tarsi ash grey at top, underneath brown.


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