

Plate XXX. fig. 1, natural size—fig. 2, magnified.

Order: Coleoptera. Section: Lamellicornes. Family: CetoniidÆ, MacLeay.

Genus. Trichius, Fabr. ScarabÆus P. Drury. Subgenus: Archimedius, Kirby in Zool. Journ. No. 10.

Trichius (Archimedius) Delta. Thorace nigro, triangulo albo, elytris testaceis puncto fusco. (Long. Corp. 5 lin.)

Syn. ScarabÆus Delta, Drury, App. vol. 2. Fabr. Syst. Ent. p. 41. 7. Syst. El. II. p. 133. 14. (Trichius D.) Oliv. Ent. 1. 6. p. 64. t. 11. fig. 107.

Habitat: Virginia, North America.

Head rather large and quadrangular; black and cream-coloured on the upper part, red brown near the mouth. Eyes large, black, and prominent. AntennÆ red brown. Thorax margined with cream colour, the extreme edge being black; having a black circular patch thereon, and a cream-coloured triangular mark within it. Scutellum cream, surrounded or edged with black; having a black streak down its middle, and just below it the suture is cream colour. Elytra dull orange, with a black spot near the middle of each. Body and abdomen ash-coloured. Thighs and tibiÆ tawny orange. Tarsi 5-jointed; the hinder ones being remarkably long.


Plate XXX. fig. 3.

Order: Coleoptera. Section: Lamellicornes. Family: RutelidÆ, MacLeay.

Genus. Chasmodia? MacLeay. Cetonia P. Fabr. ScarabÆus P. Drury.

Chasmodia? Virens. Ferrugineo-flavescens, elytris virescentibus, sterno cornuto. (Long. Corp. 1 unc. 3 lin.)

Syn. ScarabÆus virens, Drury, App. vol. 2. Herbst. Col. III. p. 162. t. 27. f. 2. (Melolontha v.)

Cetonia smaragdula, Fabr. Syst. Eleuth. II. p. 143. 44. Syst. Ent. p. 45. No. 11. Schon. Syn. Ins. 3. 157. (Hoplia sm.)

Habitat: South America, Schonherr. "America, Mus. Dr. Hunter" (Fabr.).

Head and thorax brown olive, the former margined. Elytra olive, not covering the abdomen. Anus yellowish brown. Abdomen dark brown, the sides and middle being lighter. Legs dirty olive. Sternum long, extending beyond the fore legs. Tarsi short.


Plate XXX. fig. 4.

Order: Coleoptera. Section: Lamellicornes. Family: CetoniidÆ.

Genus. Cetonia, Fabricius. ScarabÆus P. Drury. Subgenus: Gnathocera, Kirby, Gory & Percheron, (mon. Ceton.).

Cetonia (Gnathocera) Africana. Ænea nitens, capitis spin incumbente, sterno porrecto, elytris punctis nigris, striatis. (Long. Corp. 9 lin.)

Syn. ScarabÆus Africanus, Drury, App. vol. 2. Fabr. Syst. Ent. p. 48. 25. Syst. El. 2. p. 149. 73. (Cetonia Afr.) Oliv. Ent. 1. 6. p. 31. t. 8. f. 70.

Cetonia Smaragdina, Herbst. Col. III. p. 258. 47. t. 32. f. 5.

Habitat: Sierra Leone.

Entirely of a fine green colour, except the tarsi, which are black. The colour, which is very brilliant, appears not to be reflected from the surface, but seems as if covered with a fine transparent varnish. Head quadrangular, margined and furrowed. Thorax smooth and finely polished. Scutellum large and triangular. Elytra slightly striated, with punctures, and margined. Sternum long and slender. TibiÆ with two spurs.

This species, according to Mr. Smeathman, frequents flowers; thus resembling in its habits the British species of the family to which it belongs.


Plate XXX. fig. 5.

Order: Coleoptera. Section: Lamellicornes. Family: DynastidÆ, MacLeay.

Genus. Dynastes, MacLeay. Geotrupes, Fabr. ScarabÆus P. Linn. ScarabÆus, Latreille.

Dynastes Ægeon. Rufus, thoracis cornu brevi incurvo subtus barbato, capitis recurvo subulato. (Long. Corp. 1 unc. 6 lin.)

Syn. ScarabÆus Ægeon, Drury, App. vol. 2. Fabr. Ent. Syst. p. 4. No. 4. Syst. Eleuth. 1. p. 5. No. 8. (Geotrupes Æg.) Oliv. Ent. 1. 3. p. 26. No. 26. t. 1. f. 4. Jabl. Nat. Syst. 1. p. 228. No. 6. t. 1. f. 4. Sch. Syn. Ins. 1. p. 4. No. 13.

Habitat: "In Indiis" (Fabricius). Peruvia (Dejean.).

Head small and black, from whence springs a horn that bends towards the body. Eyes red brown. Thorax red brown, with a black margin; having a short thick horn issuing from it, that inclines towards the head: it has also a faint black spot on each side. Scutellum black and triangular. Elytra red brown; the margins and suture being black. Abdomen black, covered with olive brown hairs. Legs black. Hinder and fore tibiÆ with three short spines, placed on the external part of each; and with two spurs, those of the middle ones being shortest. Ungues having a single hair issuing from between the hooks, forked at the end.


Plate XXX. fig. 6.

Order: Coleoptera. Section: Lamellicornes. Family: DynastidÆ.

Genus. Dynastes, MacLeay. Geotrupes, Fabr. ScarabÆus P. Linn.

Dynastes Geryon. Thorace excavato tricorni; lateralibus compressis unidentatis; capitis recurvo sumplici. (Long. Corp. 1 unc. 7½ lin.)

Syn. ScarabÆus Geryon, Drury, App. vol. 2. Fabr. Syst. Ent. 1. p. 9. No. 21. Syst. Eleuth. 1. p. 11. No. 31. (Geotrupes G.) Schonh. Syn. Ins. 1. p. 10. 41. Oliv. Ent. 1. 3. p. 30. t. 24. No. 208.

Habitat: "In Indiis" (Fabr.).

Head small, and margined in front; being furnished with a single horn that bends towards the thorax. Thorax margined, and dark brown (the general colour of the insect); being armed with three remarkable horns, whereof two are placed in front, one on each side; being very strong and broad one way, but thin the other, and branched at their extremities. The other horn is placed on the hinder part of the thorax, being short and thick at bottom, but sharp and pointed at top; springing from a protuberance that almost covers the escutcheon, which is small and triangular. All these horns are immoveable, and their situations occasion a most remarkable hollowness or cavity in the thorax, which is smooth and shining; but the protuberance, next the scutellum, is full of punctures, and the edge notched. Elytra shining, punctured, and slightly striated. Abdomen and legs red brown, and hairy; the hinder ones being remarkably thick and strong, with two broad tibial spurs. The middle and fore tibiÆ are strongly dentated, each being furnished with a thick spur. Anterior tibiÆ with the first joint long and slender, but in the middle and hinder tibiÆ, exceeding thick and strong.


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