SPHINX ACHEMON.Plate XXIX. fig. 1. Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Crepuscularia. Family: SphingidÆ. Genus. Sphinx, Auct. Sphinx Achemon. Alis anticis griseo-fuscis maculis tribus marginalibus et apicalibus brunneis, posticis roseis externe fuscis, maculis nigris submarginalibus. (Expans. Alar. 4 unc. 3 lin.) Syn. Sphinx Achemon, Drury, Append. vol. 2. Sphinx Crantor? Cramer, tab. 104. fig. A. Fabr. Ent. Syst. 375. 58. Habitat: Jamaica. Upper Side. AntennÆ reddish ash-coloured. Head and thorax greyish brown, with a large patch of a deep chocolate on each shoulder. Abdomen grey brown, but lighter on the sides. Anterior wings, next the shoulders, grey brown; but of a dark olive brown towards the tips and external edges. Near the middle of the posterior edges is placed a large square spot, of a deep chocolate colour: at the lower corners is a small triangular one; and a third somewhat larger than the last at the tips. Posterior wings rose-coloured next the shoulders and anterior edges, but grey-brown along the external edges; having a short row of black spots lying parallel thereto, and rising from the abdominal corners. Under Side. Breast and abdomen grey brown, but lighter than on the upper side. Wings rusty red, immaculate, except a dark border running along the external edges; and also a faint narrow line crossing them, from the anterior to the abdominal edges. MACROGLOSSA PASSALUS.Plate XXIX. fig. 2. Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Crepuscularia. Family: SphingidÆ, Leach. Genus. Macroglossa, Ochs. Sesia P. Fabr. Sphinx P. Drury. Macroglossa Passalus. Alis anticis badio fuscis, in medio fasci lat pallidiori, posticis luteis margine lato fusco. (Expans. Alar. 2 unc.) Syn. Sphinx Passalus, Drury, App. vol. 2. Sphinx Pandora, Fab. Ent. Syst. III. 1. 380. No. 6. Habitat: China (Drury). India orientalis (Fabricius). Upper Side. AntennÆ brown, and thickest near their extremities. Head and thorax greyish-brown, with a dark line running down the middle. Abdomen red brown, with two yellow spots on each side. Tail broad and hairy. Anterior wings, next the body, dark chocolate, occupying a third part; next to this they are of a light red brown, growing darker as it approaches the tips. Inferior wings yellow next the shoulders; the apical half being of a fine dark chocolate. Under Side. Head white. Tongue curled up. Breast and thighs yellow clay-coloured. Legs, sides, and abdomen dark clay-coloured. Wings, next the body, yellow clay-coloured; the remaining parts being red brown, with a faint darker border along the external edges. GLAUCOPIS? PULCHRA.Plate XXIX. fig. 3. Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Crepuscularia? Family: ZygÆnidÆ. Genus. Glaucopis, Fabr. Latr. Sphinx, Drury. Glaucopis Pulchra. Alis anticis nigris, strigis sex fulvis; posticis nigris basi fulvis; abdomine fulvo annulato. (Expans. Alar. 1 unc.) Syn. Sphinx Pulchra, Drury, App. vol. 2. Habitat: China. Upper Side. AntennÆ black, and smallest at their extremities. Head yellow. Thorax the same, streaked longitudinally with black. Abdomen black, having one ring near the middle; the extremity of the tail being yellow. Anterior wings black, with six yellow spots and streaks on each; one streak being the longest, running parallel and near to the posterior edge; another is placed on the edge itself. The space between these streaks and the anterior edge is occupied by the remaining four spots; the foremost being much narrower than the others. Posterior wings yellow next the shoulders, with a broad black margin running along the external edges. Under Side. Tongue curled up. Breast and sides yellow. Legs black. Thighs yellow. Abdomen yellow; the extremity black, with two yellow rings. Wings as on the upper side, but the colours less brilliant. SPHINX BRONTES.Plate XXIX. fig. 4. Order: Lepidoptera. Section: Crepuscularia. Family: SphingidÆ. Genus. Sphinx, Auct. Sphinx Brontes. Alis griseis puncto discoidali albido, strigisque transversis undatis fuscis, posticis nigricantibus margine interno et ad angulum ani pallidioribus. (Expans. Alar. 4 unc.) Syn. Sphinx Brontes, Drury, App. vol. 2. Habitat: New York. Upper Side. AntennÆ white within, brown outside. Head and neck dark brown. Thorax and abdomen grey; on the hinder part of the former are two black spots, and on each ring of the latter are two small black streaks, placed on its sides, down to the tail. Anterior wings grey, with a white spot in the middle of each near the anterior edges, and a small white cloud next the tips; having several curved and indented black lines crossing them from the anterior to the posterior edges, some being faint, others very distinct; cilia brown, spotted with white. Posterior wings very dark brown; but along the abdominal edges and corners grey; cilia white and brown. Under Side. Breast white. Legs mottled. Abdomen white, with four reddish spots placed along the middle. Anterior wings dark grey brown, without any marks on them, except at the tips, where is placed a narrow white streak joining to the anterior edges. Posterior wings dark grey brown; but next the abdominal edges white, without any marks on them, except two faint lines crossing them from the anterior edges to the abdominal corners. |